Strategic Energy Management Plan

[Insert company name and logo]

[Insert date]

Strategic Energy Management Plan

Table of Contents

1.Our Organization

1.1Organizational Profile

1.2Facility Profile

1.3Key Performance Indicators

1.4List of Stakeholders

1.5List of Energy Volunteers

2.our Commitment

2.1Energy Policy

2.2Sustainability Policy

2.3Why Energy Management is Important to Us?

3.understaning our situation

3.1Energy Consumption and Costs

3.2Energy Breakdown

3.3Baseline Energy Use

3.4Savings Opportunity Assessment - Energy Consumption & Cost Intensity

3.5Asset Registry

4.oUR ActionS

4.1Quarterly Goals and Objectives-

4.2Annual Goals and Objectives

4.3Annual Energy Intensity by Key Performance Indicators

4.3.1Are you becoming more Energy Efficient?

4.3.2How much money you are saving by becoming more efficient:

4.4Planned Actions (Project List)


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Strategic Energy Management Plan

1.Our Organization

1.1Organizational Profile

Organization Profile
E / Sector / 

 / Government
Commercial (______)
Other (______)
Number of Employees[SV1] / Total (Should equal that in Section 1.2 / Number of Sites / Total (Section 1.2 shows the detailed list.)
Number of stakeholders / Looking for how many? Add the list of names in Section 1.4 / Energy Manager / Who is it?
Executive Support / Who are they? List them here / Energy Committee / Who are they? List them by name here
Energy Volunteers / How many? Add the list of names in Section 1.5
S / Energy Management Issues / Obstacles
Core Business Metrics[SV2] /
  • E.g. Schools:
  1. Number of students
  2. Classroom hours

Business Year / START END
Budget Cycle / START END
Maintenance Cycle / START END
Maintenance Budget[SV3] / Previous Year / $ / Current Year / $ / Year 1 / $ / Year 2 / $
Energy Efficiency Projects Budget[SV4] / Previous Year / $ / Current Year / $ / Year 1 / $ / Year 2 / $
Operations Budget[SV5] / Previous Year / $ / Current Year / $ / Year 1 / $ / Year 2 / $
Utilities budget[SV6] / Previous Year / $ / Current Year / $ / Year 1 / $ / Year 2
Other Incentives / Current Year / $ / Year 1 / $ / Year 2
Capital Budget[SV7] / Previous Year / $ / Current Year / $ / Year 1 / $ / Year 2 / $

1.2Facility Profile

Facility Profile(insert start and end dates[CH8])
Site (location or name) or Building / Number of Employees / Size / Annual
Energy Consumption / Annual
Energy Cost / Energy Intensity / Energy Intensity per Employee
# of Employees / m2 / kWh / $ / kWh/ m2 / kWh/ m2 /# of Employees
# of Employees / m2 / kWh / $ / kWh/ m2 / kWh/ m2 /# of Employees
# of Employees / m2 / kWh / $ / kWh/ m2 / kWh/ m2 /# of Employees
# of Employees / m2 / kWh / $ / kWh/ m2 / kWh/ m2 /# of Employees
# of Employees / m2 / kWh / $ / kWh/ m2 / kWh/ m2 /# of Employees
TOTAL / # of Employees / m2 / kWh / $ / kWh/ m2 / kWh/ m2 /# of Employees

1.3Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicator(insert start and end dates)
Variable[SV9] / Totals
Current / Last year / 2 years Ago / 3 years Ago
Eg. Students / 655 / 565 / 450 / 700

1.4List of Stakeholders

Name / Title / Organisation / Contact Info

1.5List of Energy Volunteers

Name / Title / Organisation / Contact Info

2.our Commitment

2.1Energy Policy [SV10]

Insert energy policy and describe how it is communicated.

2.2Sustainability Policy

Insert sustainability policy (environmental policy) and describe how it is communicated.

2.3Why Energy Management is Important to Us?

List reasons why energy conservation is important to your organization – what drives your organization

3.understaning our situation

3.1Energy Consumption and Costs

Summarize energy cost and, consumption for your organization in the following table. This can also be supported at the facility level.

(start to end date) / Consumption / Costs
Unit / $ / %
Etc (eg “Propane (non-fleet)” & “Diesel (non-fleet)

ABC Utility Costs 2008 – 2009

3.2Energy Breakdown

Our overall electrical energy use is broken down as follows. (Can also do for other Utilities as well)

Rank / End Use / End Use Percent / Electricity Use (kWh/yr) / Cost
Total / Total Cost ($/yr) should equal section 3.1 Electricity Cost $

3.3Baseline Energy Use

List all sites and their 12 month electricity charges [SV11]

Calendar year:

Month / Energy Charge
$ / Demand Charge
$ / Power Factor Charge
$ / Taxes
$ / Total Charges
Percentage of Total Charges

3.4Savings Opportunity Assessment - Energy Consumption & Cost Intensity[SV12]

Chart all sites based as an appropriate metric ($/m2, kWh/ m2, eKWh/ m2, GJ/ m2,kWh/ m2 /# of Employees) – possibly compare last year to current year. Include benchmark of national average (Natural Resources Canada).Example listed below.

Note: Group Buildings based on functionality. This might mean multiple BEPI graphs.

3.5Asset Registry[SV13]

Describe the type of major energy intensity equipment for your sites.

Asset Registry
Rank / System / Make / Model / Boiler Plate Information / Energy Intensity / Elec. Cost ($/yr)
Minor Assets Report / Where would one go to find this information

4.oUR ActionS

Our organization has a long term goal to obtain energy intensity reduction of XX% by the year XXXX (X years) by implementing cost-effective energy management initiatives at all of our facilities.

4.1QuarterlyGoals and Objectives-

(Can also be completed for other utilities)

Previous Years Quarterly Consumption
kWh / Current Year Quarter / Reduction Target / Actual Savings
kWh / % / kWh / %

Energy Manager Program Results

4.2AnnualGoals and Objectives

  • Annual Consumption

Annual Consumption
kWh / Year / Reduction Target / Actual Savings
kWh / % / kWh / %
3 years prior EM Program
2 years prior EM Program
Previous Year with EM
Current Year w EM

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Strategic Energy Management Plan

4.3AnnualEnergy Intensity by Key Performance Indicators

4.3.1Are you becoming more Energy Efficient?

Year / Annual Consumption[SV14]
(kWh) / Number of KPI
#[SV15] / Energy Intensity
(kWh/ KPI) / Percent
Decrease per year
3 years prior EM Program (or Baseline Year)
2 years prior EM Program
Previous Year w EM
Current Year w EM

4.3.2How much money you are saving by becoming more efficient:

Year / Annual Electricity Cost[SV16]
$ / Number of KPI
#[SV17] / Dollars per KPI
($/KPI) / Cost Avoidance
3 years prior EM Program (or Baseline Year)
2 years prior EM Program
Previous Year w EM
Current Year w EM

4.4Planned Actions (Project List)

Note: Make sure you have Totals for each categories


Project Name – An identifier of the project, possibly a project name, number or location

Date – The date the project was identified or listed on the table

Energy Conservation Measures – The type of technology, whether it be lighting, HVAC, motors, etc

Type of Activity – Describe the type of project, whether it be retrofit, Recommissioning, operational, etc

Projects in Progress

Project Start Up Date – The date of the study or audit

Estimated Project Cost – Total capital or operational cost of the project

BC Hydro Incentive – If applicable, total incentives received by BC Hydro

Other Applicable Incentives – If applicable, total incentives received from others (provincial government, NRCan, etc)

Total Net Project Costs – Total capital or operational costs after incentives


Eg. EMA cover letter + EMA Gantt chart (Action Timeline) + EMA journal notes

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[SV1]The bottom line for most energy management programs is getting the people who control the energy-using equipment to understand how they are involved in the overall conservation of energy.

[SV2]Knowing the Core business metrics will help you communicate the Energy Savings message in a way the executives will understand

[SV3]The maintenance budget should cover day-to-day maintenance as well as preventative maintenance needed to keep the facility running efficiently.

[SV4]If Energy Efficiency projects are expensed in the Maintenance budget, break it out and place in this row.

Note: If your organisation does not break out the maintenance budget this way, see if you can break out what was spent in previous years.

[SV5]The goal of energy management is to keep operating costs down by reducing energy waste while providing a safe, comfortable environment for employees and customers.

-The general fund pays for the day-to-day operations, which includes salaries, supplies,.

[SV6]What is allocated in the Operations budget


The process of determining which potential long-term projects are worth undertaking, by comparing their expected discounted cash flows with their internal rates of return.

is the planning process used to determine whether a firm's long term investments such as new machinery, replacement machinery, new plants, new products, and research development projects are worth pursuing.

[CH8]Current Calendar or Financial Year (added 2009-02-03)

[SV9]List the variable from the front page in the Core Business Metric cell

[SV10]Obtain commitment from the top. Without a commitment from the senior management, energy management either won’t get off the ground or may be abandoned at the first sign that someone in the company is unhappy with the program. The road to a successful energy management program begins with a strong signal from the board that energy efficiency is a district priority.

Formalize this commitment in a written policy statement that should cover a number of important points. A good policy:

  • Acknowledges the rising utility costs of the company and the necessity for energy cost controls.
  • Sets realistic and attainable goals and timelines for accomplishing these goals.
  • Applies to the entire company, not just one part, and requires a commitment from all employees.
  • Authorizes or designates an energy manager or advocate who answers directly to the CEO and board.
  • Requires the preparation of an energy management plan for board approval that will keep the program visible, relevant and responsive.
  • Allots an energy management budget that is directly linked to expected savings.

The length and level of detail of the policy statement can vary, depending on the size and organizational complexity of the company and the disposition of the board.

[SV11]Can also do this for other utilities as well

[SV12]Important Note:

Look at normalizing this data by: Weatherand your core business metrics cell on front page

[SV13]Reason for the Asset Registry: The point of the Asset Registry is to help you understand why certain building are less efficient.

LIST the major systems in the chart and minor assets mention where one would go to find the list

[SV14]From Section 4.2

[SV15]From Section 1.3

[SV16]From Section 3.2

[SV17]From Section 1.3

[SV18]CA= Annual Electricity Cost * percent change from previous year