MINUTES of the MEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday13 April15 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chairman:Cllr R Leech
Councillors:B Barkworth, R Brocklehurst,S Fletcher, Mrs M Liddell and R Stier.
In attendance: 2 residents and the Clerk.
A resident advised that a gully on Cone Lane by the farmers field gate has been missed by Barnsley MBC, the Clerk will advise Highways.
A hedge rose runner is growing into the road from a farmer’s field on Cone Lane, the Clerk will contact the farmer to advise.
A resident asked about the status of the insurance funds for the Silkstone Common Rec. The Chairman advised that Barnsley MBC used the fund to improve the play areas on the recreation ground a few years ago with improvements to the access road, a footpath to the basketball court, a fence around the court and a new cricket wicket. The remainder of the fund has been transferred to the Parish Council to pay towards the new community centre next to the Silkstone recreation ground.
A councillor asked if there was any information from Barnsley MBC regarding the future of the Mission room site. The site did receive planning permission for a privately owned village hall but no construction work has commenced and the mission rooms continue to deteriorate. The Clerk will seek advice from Barnsley MBC ward members.
Councillors advised that a few residents on Moorend Lane had advised that they have not received the current newsletter. This will be passed onto the deliverer.
Councillors raised concerns about the traffic around Silkstone Common School at school times. There are currently a number of domestic building sites on Moorend Lane and traffic is a problem. One of the Councillors agreed to take photos of traffic for submission to Barnsley MBC planning department to provide evidence for the Parish Councils concerns relating to traffic on this road.
RESOLVEDto accept apologies fromCllr D Liddell and P Smith.
- Silkstone Parish Council
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of themeeting of Silkstone Parish Councilon Monday 2 March15 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. - Media working party
RESOLVED to note the meeting notes of the meeting of the Media Working partyon Thursday 5 March 15 as a true and accurate record. - Silkstone Playing Fields Committee
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the meeting of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committeeon Monday 9 March 15.
RESOLVED to return ‘No comment’ on the following planning applications, the Clerk will advise the planning officers of Barnsley MBC.
Application No. / Description / Location2015/0263 / Upgrade telecommunications base station comprising replacement 17.3m / Telecommunications Station
monopole supporting 6 No antennas, 3No RRU's, 4 transmission dishes and / Vodafone 4538
ancillary equipment thereto (Prior Notification) / Pot House Mill Farm
Off Barnsley Road
No comment / Silkstone
S75 4JU
2015/0049 / Erection of a side porch to dwelling / 26 Fall View
No comment / S75 4LG
2015/0264 / Erection of single storey front extension to dwelling / 17 The Meadows
Silkstone Common
No comment / S75 4SG
2015/0328 / Erection of two storey side extension and single storey front extension to / 22 Manor Park
dwelling following demolition of detached garage and side extension / Silkstone
S75 4NE
No comment
2015/0346 / Erection of first floor extension and single storey front and rear extensions / 7 Whinmoor Way
to dwelling / Silkstone
No comment / S75 4JE
2015/0255 / Erection of single storey front extension to dwelling / 2 Chapter Way
No comment / S75 4LG
2015/0385 / Erection of a detached garage following demolition of existing garage / 28 Guest Lane
No comment / S75 4LF
RESOLVED to note that the Parish Councils solicitor is liaising with Barnsley MBC to agree a lease document. Once the legal paperwork is finalised a meeting will be arranged between CARE and Parish Council representatives to discuss a way forward with the management of the wood. - SILKSTONE WAGGON WAY – No update to report
RESOLVED to note that the foundation for the community centre is completed and brickwork has commenced. The first stage payment was made to Nicholson Roberts between meetings. A schedule of all payments relating to the Community Centre will be prepared by the Clerk to monitor payments. - SILKSTONE PAVILION & RECREATION GROUND
RESOLVED to note that the plastering is completed to the ground floor. Painting is ongoing. The Clerk will be meeting with Servicemaster later this week to agree when the flooring work can commence.
RESOLVED to note that the cricket club have been successful in obtaining a grant for wicket covers and a practice net. The Parish Council’s grant application to Sport England for cricket field drainage is currently being considered.
RESOLVED that unfortunately the Parish Council cannot provide a hard standing area beyond the containers (as requested by the cricket club) to accommodate the new covers as the ground is rock and a gas main runs under the area. Alternative storage ideas will be discussed at the playing fields meeting on 27 April 15.
RESOLVED to approve the following grants for 15/16
Silkstone Luncheon Club / towards Dial a Ride / £350
Silkstone in Bloom / geraniums for both villages / £350 (with £200 to be paid in advance)
Silkstone Common Good Companions / coach costs to Whitby / £420
Silkstone Common WI / catering costs for centenary celebration / £250
RESOLVED that link Councillors will ask their groups to provide articles for the newsletter and the Clerk will amend the application form for next year to include a section about providing an article for the newsletter.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will obtain the grant application form from the ward alliance and will forward it to all local groups.
RESOLVEDto approve the payments schedule dated 13 April 15 summarised below.
Co-op charge card / 53.80 / 0.00 / 53.80 / Charge card
Co-op charge card / 11.00 / 0.00 / 11.00 / Charge card
Silkstone Common Good Companions / 170.00 / 0.00 / 170.00 / 300861
Silkstone CARE Group / 233.46 / 0.00 / 233.46 / 300862
Old Silkstone Band / 320.00 / 0.00 / 320.00 / 300863
Parish Clerk / 900.00
233.38 / 0.00
0.00 / 900.00
233.38 / SO
HM Revenue & Customs / 204.22 / 0.00 / 204.22 / 300865
South Yorkshire Pensions / 218.60 / 0.00 / 218.60 / 300866
Yorkshire Water / 19.12 / 0.00 / 19.12 / 300867
Bothams Prestige / 813.75 / 162.75 / 976.50 / 300868
Handyman / 653.90 / 0.00 / 653.90 / 300869
Vision ICT / 100.00 / 20.00 / 120.00 / 300870
SPIN Print Solutions / 526.00 / 0.00 / 526.00 / 300871
Yorkshire LCA / 655.00 / 0.00 / 655.00 / 300872
Public Works Loan Board / 6,744.18 / 0.00 / 6,744.18 / 300873
Nicholson Roberts / 51,696.15 / 0.00 / 51,696.15 / 300875
Expert Water Services / 40.00 / 8.00 / 48.00 / 300901
Spring & Co / 1,243.00 / 248.60 / 1,491.60 / 300902
Handyman / 810.00 / 0.00 / 810.00 / 300903
Profell Tree Services / 550.00 / 0.00 / 550.00 / 300904
Co-op charge card / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2.00 / Charge card
66,197.56 / 439.35 / 66,636.91
RESOLVED to note Councillor Meeting’s attendance as follows:
Cllr Leech / Ward Alliance meeting and meeting with Clerk and Internal Auditor14-172CORRESPONDENCE FOR NOTE
RESOLVED to note the following correspondence:
Neighbourhood Watch / Borough wide crimes list passed to Clerk.Penistone East & West 15 for ******* (including 9 shoplifting and 2 dwelling burglaries).
Local Council update
Rural Action Yorkshire / County Air magazine
The Clerk magazine
Clerk & Councils Direct magazine
CARE / Update report from CARE relating to The Chestnuts
Martin Croft resident / Regarding The Chestnuts boundary –dealt with by handyman
BDO Stoy Hayward / Audit papers for 14/15 return
Barnsley MBC / Notification of uncontested election
Came & Co / Council matters newsletter
Bank / Reinvestment letter for deposit account
Barnsley MBC / Hanging baskets – same price as last year so agreed.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Richard Brocklehurst for his service to the Parish Council over the last 7 years as this is his last meeting (he will not be re-standing in May).
RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday 11 May 15 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chairman’s Signature / DateThe Chairman closed the meeting at8.35pm
Silkstone Parish Council13 April 15