Howell 1
First Name Last Name
Instructor Name
English 4, Pd ___
5 January 2011
Title Goes Here (Not Bold or Underlined or Italicized)
Begin typing your paper here. Notice the left, right, top, and bottom margins are set at 1” and the header is set at .5”. The header is already formatted for you if you use this template. Remember to update the date (notice it’s in MLA format) and to include your name and class period above. When you cite one of your sources, the parenthetical should look like this at the end if it’s a paraphrase from a book (Gladwell 43). If you are quoting from an article, “it should look like this” (Jacobs). Also notice how the quote has been introduced. If you are citing a source without an author, the parenthetical will look like this (“How to Make Vegetarian Chili”).
Howell 7
Works Cited
Dubner, Stephen J. & Steven D. Levitt. Freakonomics. New York: Harper Perennial, 2009. Print.
Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers. New York: Little, Brown & Co., 2008. Print.
"How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2010.
Jacobs, Raymond E. “Sparks on Suribachi.” Marine Corps Gazette. May 2006. 90:87. ProQuest.
Web. 12 Dec. 10.
English 4 Name:______
Introduction and Works Cited
Due Date: January 5, 2011
Typed, double spaced _____/5
proper MLA heading _____/5
One to two developed paragraphs _____/10
Minimum of one in-text citation, properly cited _____/5
Clear, developed thesis statement at end of introduction _____/5
Works Cited: Minimum of three sources (one will be your book)
(see sample)
Format ______/10
- alphabetical order
- proper heading
- double spaced
- TNR size 12
- indentation
- margins are 1”
Correct MLA Citation ______/10
(Use EasyBib, OWL site, or MLA style guide that I gave you)
Total ______/20