Professor ______
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The second half of the American History survey course begins with the conclusion of the Civil War (1865) and focuses upon the nation's principle, economic, social and cultural developments. The course supports the University by providing knowledge within one of those disciplines recognized as essential to an educated person. This course seeks to expand the students awareness of the American heritage while reinforcing basic skills by encouraging students to express their thoughts within written assignments.
TEXT: Making America: A History of the United States, Vol. II, by Carol Berkin, Christopher Miller, Robert Cheney, and
James Gormly. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1995
READING ASSIGNMENTS: Text and a minimum of one book-length assignment for collateral reading.
WRITING ASSIGNMENTS: Students will be required to write essays when classroom tests and examinations are given. Students will also be expected to prepare short papers outside of class based on their investigation of collateral reading assignments.
A. Subject Matter - Students should be able to:
1. Understand the principle political, economic, social and cultural accomplishments and shortcoming typifying American history.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of American values and aspirations as expressed in documents (The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, etc), political actions and movements, and the actions and statements of the growing American population.
3. Examine the American nation's evolving relationship to the world of nations.
4. Recognize that historical understanding may provide solutions to complex and multi-caused human problems.
5. Recognize how the interaction among peoples of different national origins, ethnic groups, races, and cultures have shaped American history.
6. Identify major historical turning points.
7. Recognize historical causes and effects.
B. ACADEMIC COMPETENCIES - Students should be able to:
1. Present ideas (orally and in writing) in accordance with the principles of grammar.
2. Gather information from primary and secondary courses; write using this research, quote, paraphrase, andsummarize accurately, and cite sources properly.
3. Engage critically and constructively in the exchange of ideas, especially during class discussions.
4. Identify and comprehend the main and subordinates ideas from readings, lectures, discussions, audio-visualpresentations, and other academic experiences and to synthesize knowledge and apply it to new situations.
5. Draw reasonable conclusions from information found in various sources, whether written, spoken, or displayed in tables, graphs and maps, and to defend one’s conclusions rationally.
6. Comprehend, develop and use concepts and generalization.
This is basically a lecture course which will treat major topics listed on this sheet. This topical chronology corresponds to the chapter titles in the text. Students should prepare for class by reading the assigned chapters. The instructor may put an outline onthe chalkboard for each topic or otherwise indicate the material being covered. Students should take notes on the lectures and participate in class discussions. Students are urged to ask questions and contribute positively to the overall development of the course. The acquisition of knowledge by any student is contingent upon the student’s desire to learn and his or her applicationof appropriate study techniques to any course or program.
WEEK I Introduction
Chapter 15: Reconstruction
WEEK II Chapter 16: Survival of the Fittest: Entrepreneurs and Workers in Industrial America
WEEK III Chapter 17: Conflicts and Change in the West
WEEK IV Chapter 18: The New Social Patterns of Urban and Industrial America
WEEK V Chapter 19: Political Stalemate and Political Upheaval
WEEK VI Chapter 20: Becoming a World Power
WEEK VII Chapter 21: The Progressive era
WEEK IX Chapter 22: America and the World, 1913-1920
WEEK X Chapter 23: The 1920's, 1920-1928
WEEK XI Chapter 24: From Good Times to Hard Times
WEEK XII Chapter 25: The New Deal, 1932-1940
WEEK XIII Chapter 26: America’s Rise to World Leadership, 1933-1945
Chapter 27: Truman and Cold War America 1945-1952
WEEK XIV Chapter 28: The Quest for Consensus, 1952-1960
Chapter 29: Great Promises Bitter Disappointments
Chapter 30: American under Stress 1960-1975
GRADE DETERMINATION: Grades will be determined by the instructor’s evaluation of quizzes, exams, and/or participationbased on assignments provided during the semester. Specific grades will be based upon the quality of student responses to specific tests and examinations. Students must complete all required work in order to gain credit for the course.
90 or Above =A ; 80-89 = B; 70 - 79 = C; 60-69 = D; Below 60 =F
PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is not allowed. The student handbook states: Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed through the regular institutional procedures as a result of academic misconduct, the instructor has the authority to assign an F or a zero for the exerciseor examination, or to assign an F in the course.
If the student believes that he or she has been erroneously accused of academic misconduct, and if his or her final grade has been lowered as a result, the student may appeal the case through the appropriate institutional procedures. See Student Handbook, p 14 for Disciplinary procedures.
All students are expected to attend class regularly. (See Undergraduate Catalog, T.S.U., 1997-1998). Students are held responsible for acquiring instructional information which has been presented in class during their absence. When tests are assigned, students are expected to be present. If an emergency should require that a student be absent for an assigned test, the student should receive official verification for such an absence through the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. After receiving this verification statement, the student should present this officially recognized excuse to the instructor.