SpanishI-Course Expectations 2017-2018

Teacher: Mrs. Marce FosterRoom #: 6

Overview: This course is the firstin a series of high school Spanish classes.It is important for students to study foreign languages not only because they will be able to communicate with people who speak languages other than English, but also because it is a highly marketable skill in the workforce today.

Objectives/Goals: This course is centered on standards-based language education, reflecting the themes in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century known as ”The 5 C’s”.

  • COMMUNICATION-Communicate in languages other than English
  • CULTURES-Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures
  • CONNECTIONS-Connect with other disciplines and acquire information
  • COMPARISONS-Develop insight into the nature of language and culture
  • COMMUNITIES-participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world

Textbook:¡Qué chévere! 1

Required Materials:

1 ½” binder Wide ruled notebook paper

3 subject notebookBlack or blue pens

PencilsPack of 3”X5” ruled index cards (100)

Dry erase markerBox of tissues/bottle of hand sanitizer

Grading Policy:Grades will consist of the following:

Quizzes 35% Tests/Projects 40% Participation 15% Homework 10%

Tests and Quizzes: will be announced ahead of time and may be given any day of the week. They will consist of material that has been covered in class or on homework. It is important for students to keep and review all notes and assignments in order to adequately prepare for tests and quizzes.Retakes are allowed on QUIZZES only and only upon completion of permission to retake form. You have one week to retake a quiz.

Projects: will be assigned with significant time for completion. Students may or may not be given class time to work on a project, depending on its nature.

Participation:Students are expected to participate in all class activities. Class participation includesa student’s willingness to speak in SPANISH, preparation for class and attitude. It is essential that all students have their interactive notebooks, worksheets, notes and homework with them every day in order to be successful in class. Talking in class at inappropriate times, causing disruptions, and speaking in ENGLISH are some behaviors that will negatively impact the participation grade.


Homework is essential to learning a language. You will have homework EVERYnight. If you are not working on an assignment from your Choice Board,STUDY 30 MINUTES every night. This will help you to function better in class and alsostrengthens the skills you learned. You cannot afford to sit in class day after day and become frustrated. If you need academichelp do not hesitate to ask for it. I will be glad to assist any student that has shown a desire to learn through effort in the classroom!

Interactive Notebooks: We will be using an interactive note taking system. The interactive notebook is more than a notebook in which you take notes, it is a way for you to collect and process information. You will receive a grade at the end of each six weeks for your notebook. It would not be in your best interest to lose your notebook!


If you are not present in class, I cannot teach you! Regular attendance is a must due to the nature of the course. Oral practice and listening comprehension cannot be made up. If attendance is a problem, I will contact parents. You should be in your seat ready to begin class when the tardy bell stops ringing. IFyou are tardy, simply enter the classroom, sign the attendance book, put your pass in the plastic sleeve that corresponds to your block and sit down. DO NOT DISRUPT CLASS by asking questions or giving excuses with regards to your tardiness. It is your responsibility to ask about missed assignments and schedule make-up work(this should be done before or after class). You must sign the attendance log and get agenda signed anytime you leave the classroom. All quizzes and tests must be made upbefore or after school or during lunch and not during class time. Any grades not made up within one week of the absence will become zeros.

Class Rules:

Cell phones are not to be used in class except for EDUCATIONAL purposes and at the direction of the teacher.

•Be on time: in your seat ready to begin when bell stops ringing. Usebathroom BETWEEN classes, BEFORE class! The end of class occurs whenthe teacher dismisses the class not when the bell rings.

Be prepared: bring materials to class EVERYDAY. (Sharpen pencils beforeclass begins. Keep an extra pencil in case it becomes necessary).

•Be ambitious: do your best on all assignments.

•Be courteous: treat others the way you want to be treated.

•Be positive: believe in can and will be successful.

Have a good attitude: be cooperative, friendly, polite, self-confident, neatand honest.

Use your Spanish:you are expected to use Spanish in class as much as possible.

NO WAY, NO HOW, NOT IN THIS CLASS: cheating (copying, use of translator, help from another person, etc) making fun of others, gettingout of your seat without permission, sleeping, primping, eating ordrinking, and chewing gum are not allowed in this class.!!!!

I will be available for tutoringand make-up work on Tuesdays until 4:30IF you let me know a day in advance so that I can plan my schedule.

Please let me know if I can do anything to help you to have a successful year!

You can e-mail me at: or call me at (276) 340-7489BEFORE 10 PM

PLEASE access Parent Portal/Student Portal so that you can monitor grades. Also, PLEASE be sure that YOU and YOUR PARENT/GUARDIAN sign up for Remind (text code to 81010) based on the block you are in. I use this to send text messages regarding assignments and you can also text me questions if you have them.

Foster-Sp. I- Block 1 @hk29ac

Foster-Sp. I- Block 2 @9ke42c

Foster-Sp. I- Block 4 @99aage

Helpful Websites:


WE have read and fully understand these course expectations.

STUDENT'S NAME:______Block:______

STUDENT'S SIGNATURE ______Date: ______

PARENT'S SIGNATURE: ______Date: ______

PARENT'S e-mail:______

Phone Number for Contacting Parent:______


Cell Number for Contacting Student: ______

Additional information I need to know about your child.