Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Minutes of Board Meeting
20th December 2012 at
Ebrington Ballroom
Present: Matt McNulty (Interim Chair, MMcN)
Mel Higgins (Interim CEO, MH)
Margaret Lee (ML)
Colm McKenna (CMK)
Frank Hewitt (FH)
Geraldine Keegan (GK)
Sharon O’Connor (SOC)
Michael Heaney (MH)
In Attendance: Gerard McCleave (GMC)
Caoimhin Corrigan (CC)
Laurence McCullagh (LMC)
Minute Taker: Andrea Mullin/Gail Downey
Item No. / Topic / Action1. / Apologies – Deirdre Heenan (DH)
MMcN welcomed Michael Heaney back to the Board and also welcomed Margaret Lee and noted that he and the Board were pleased that she could attend. He also thanked SOC for the great effort she made despite her accident to attend whilst wheel chair bound. He wished her a swift return to full health as a busy year loomed.
2. / Conflict of Interest:
FH declared his interest as Chair of the Northern Ireland Science Park on the basis previously agreed by the Board, and also his place on the Board of the Strategic Investment Board (SIB). He added that any views expressed were his own personal views and not those of NISP or SIB.
3. / Minutes of Meeting on 25th October 2012 and 15th November 2012
FH noted that the minutes were significantly better and advised that he was happy with content and format. CMK referred to the last point in item 6 of the November minutes and asked that this now be removed as it is no / AM
Item No. / Topic / Action
3. / longer necessary.
The amendment was accepted and both sets of minutes were approved. – proposed by CMK, seconded by ML and agreed.
Review of Action List
The action to advance partnership between DCC and Donegal is still in hand as proposed meetings were postponed.
It was noted that Golden Bridges was very successful for the North West as a whole. MH noted that we need to plan more beforehand and ensure ongoing engagement throughout the year.
MMcN noted that Donegal and Derry should work jointly in an integrated way, communicate and co-operate on planning and have a deeper basis for cooperation and partnership going forward.
Interim CEO gave an update on the action list, most of which has been completed or is in hand.
Interim Chair Report (Verbal)
CMK asked about the CEO recruitment. Interim CEO confirmed that it was discussed at the Accountability Meeting. Chair will participate in the JESP panel to determine the grade of the Ilex CEO position immediately following the Board Meeting.
CMK noted that it is his view that the role must be advertised by the second Friday in January. This was agreed as the target to be conveyed to all.
Interim CEO advised on the proposed salary scales for the role and noted that, even if the grade is agreed by the JESP panel, it requires Ministerial approval. He noted that the Business Case and advertisement are ready to go.
CC noted the importance of the right market salary to attract the right candidate. Interim CEO advised that once the panel agree on the grade this determines the salary grade for the role.
CMK noted that, realistically, it is likely to be June before someone is appointed following advertisement, interview and appointment process.
Chair noted that he will today report to the board by e-mail following the JESP panel.
GK enquired about the possibility of encouraging people to apply for the post. SOC noted that a headhunter should be considered. It was noted that this could be considered once it is publically advertised. Interim CEO advised that SIB will assist with the recruitment including head hunting.
Chair advised that he had taken on board the points made by Board members and will note them at the JESP panel.
PEDU Report:
We are still awaiting report as further queries are being raised by sponsor Departments. Chair noted his concern and added that he had hoped that Ilex could check it for accuracy.
CMK noted, that while it might have been made available at the Accountability Meeting, the Chair had asked that it be made available to all Board members and not just CMK, Interim CEO and Chair.
GK noted that we need to see before it goes live. CMK noted his concern that if the report does not reflect accuracy when it goes to the minister that it may be too late to change it at that point.
Accountability Meeting:
MMcN, CMK and Interim CEO attended the meeting. It was noted that there is greater acceptance from the Department of the current Audit findings and good governance. There are still small areas of concern but meetings have become more relaxed.
CMK noted that he felt that there was an accepting nature at the meeting. He added that we have the staff in place and we are well positioned and on track. He noted that he sensed at the meeting that the Departments would like to keep joint meetings going for the first half of the year.
Chair noted that the relationship is a lot better and that trust has been re-built. It was noted that decision- making is slow and that the approval process may take longer with OFMDFM.
DSD Minister and officials have signed off on the accounts, however OFMDFM approval is pending.
CMK added that through his role as Chair of the Audit Committee he has given assurances to DSD and advised on the compliance responsibility the Board Directors have in this matter to be noted.
Interim CEO advised on procedure for filing Accounts.
Chair to raise filing accounts with OFMDFM.
Interim Chair advised the Board of the British Irish Intergovernmental Secretariat reception at the City Hotel at 2.30 pm. SOC noted that she was attending and Chair advised that he had sent an apology. / Chair to update Board
SIB to assist with CEO Competition
Item No. / Topic / Action
4.10 / Interim Chief Executive’s Report (written)
The comprehensive written CEO report was discussed by the Board in detail and agreed as follows:-:
Update on One Plan:
Review of the One Plan took place on Friday 14th December 2012. Four of the Board members attended. GMC tabled a preliminary report and spoke to the issues.
The Board agreed that it was a good meeting and that the outcome was positive. There were gaps and elements where action was needed but overall an impressive array of work was in hand by the catalyst leads and groups
GMC updated the Board as follows:-
· The Catalyst leads were asked to outline challenges over the last 18 months and the priorities and actions going forward whilst clearly demonstrating how they assist the action plan. Two types of challenges were identified -structural and operational -as well as project specific programme challenges.
· A common theme was a disconnect between the Strategy Board and organisations.
· Other challenges include the impact of new and emerging data i.e. census. Analysis will be carried out on this and the impact it has on the One Plan.
The issue of educational attainment was raised by GK and discussed. The large number of residents with no or minimal qualifications (up to 50% of the population) is worrying. It means that this 50% are unable to be considered for jobs in the new economy which require level 4 and above.
Participants were able to agree and identify priorities and actions over the next 18 months. The City of Culture 2013 legacy, the Science Park and the apprenticeships were seen as important.
Ilex, DCC and DRD officials to take forward transport plan.
An outcome agreement between Strategy Board and catalyst programmes will now be put in place setting out the priorities of both and how they interconnect.
The Plan focus is still on jobs and this is of critical importance. UU expansion is also vital and discussion with UU is to take place going forward.
Budgets are tight so there is a need to look at new and innovative ways to find funding for regeneration.
GMC also noted that the meeting reaffirmed the mission of the One Plan.
GK noted that joined up thinking in the city is required, in particular on early intervention. There is still a lot of work to be done on this.
MH also congratulated GMC and the team on work done for the review day. He noted that it was a useful day and there was acknowledgement of a lot of positive things happening. He added that FE and HE need to work together.
SOC noted it was a very productive day and that she was surprised with at the percentage of people in Derry aged 16+ have no educational qualifications. She added that there are repeated interventions and no radical changes happening and the evidence suggests a need for basic numeracy and literacy skills. SOC also added that FE and HE are not working together, a more holistic approach is needed from education and Derry could be a good test case for this. SOC added that an education strategy is required for the city.
SOC also noted that Health needs to get involved, however DCC cannot lead on this. She added that there were a lot of positives from the day but there is more to be done.
GK noted that we need to look at industry needs in line with economic strategy for NI and tailor courses in the colleges here to respond to economic needs – she would like to see a plan of action for this.
The Chair summarised the main points of the discussion as follows:
There are hundreds of issues to be dealt with but two main drivers – capacity building and attracting investment. Both are linked and both must constitute our priority going forward.
Better integration is needed and we will return this at the next meeting.
Approval of Business Case to support city of London connections
Board approved contribution of £50K PA for two years.
City of Derry Airport Master Plan:
Interim CEO noted that we have been asked to provide views on the airport master plan. SOC noted that the Airport has had a troubled history and a private sector company is now running it and doing well. They have also won a customer service award. She noted that the Council’s view is that this is an important piece of community and economic infrastructure and they are committed to it. She added that this is a long-term strategy and all round positive story and DCC is keen to hear from Ilex and other organisations.
FH and GMC agreed with SOC and added the airport is a great destination, particularly in light of the Science Park and the economic drive for new investment.
Board members were asked to provide comments to GMcC and the Ilex draft response will be presented at the January Board meeting.
The Venue:
The Venue is progressing and a number of snags are to be completed to allow handover. CC alerted the Board to the outcome of the tenders - that almost all services would be supplied by local companies and all were seeking to recruit locally.
The majority of employment is from within the city in relation to the operation of the building. People will also be employed via the Kick Start Programme.
ML asked if we can market this information. CC advised that this can be done in the New Year in line with CPD guidance. CC noted that advertising was carried out locally. CC action point work in relation with DSD.
SOC noted that we all have a challenge to make sure between DCC and Ilex that we are using as many channels as possible such as Twitter and Facebook to advertise opportunities.
Events – Help Santa Save Christmas:
Interim CEO advised that the feedback has been very positive and Ilex is working with DCC on the display for New Year’s Eve to launch City of Culture programme.
Non-binding expressions of interest:
CC noted that a framework has been developed with SIB and they hope to operate it as soon as possible in 2013. It will allow for better information to support the Development Framework and will open the door for expressions of interest and work with market to get more activity on-site.
The Board approved the document as presented.
Fort George:
A copy of the MoU on future operations between Ilex and DSD was received and this will be shared with the Board in January when there will be a refined version. CMK noted the need for as much clarity as possible in the MoU in view of the confusing words around Ilex involvement.
Chair noted that Ilex should have a meaningful role with DSD on an ongoing basis but not in any way that will further increase bureaucracy such as funding through grants.
CMK added that he would be satisfied if day to day activities are not changed and would not impinge on Ilex being able to deliver on its role.
Interim CEO advised that the Executive team will consider, reply to DSD and come back to Board on 31st January. It will not be signed until Board has approved.
Development Framework:
LMC noted that the main remediation work will start in April. Temporary car parking will be put in place to support City of Culture.
New MoU between Ilex and NWRSP will be developed to facilitate occupancy of the building. FH noted that the difficult part will be getting companies to move in. He added that, once construction starts, there will be a need for interested parties to get together and if it is a success everyone will benefit. It was noted that DCC and Invest NI need to get involved to make it a success.
FH also noted the positive number of applicants for Science Park Board positions that had been advertised.
SOC referred to the business case for marketing activity and referred to the commission development of plan and will need the input of the Science Park to take forward.