“Christ Centred Community”

Sunday 15thFebruary 2015

This Week’s Events


10.30 a.m. Morning Service- Rev Peter Stevenson

3.30 p.m. Service at Thomas House

6.00 p.m. EveningService - Rev David Clark


2.30 p.m. Bible Study at June Frost’s house


7.30 p.m. House Group at Lyn Long’s House


10.00 a.m. Happy Days Toddler Group


2.00 pm. Community Arts and Crafts Group

Next Sunday

10.30 a.m. Morning Service - Rev James Morgan

6.00 p.m. Evening Service – Rev James Morgan

Door Rota

This Week: a.m.Mrs J Jenkins and Mrs L Long

p.m. Mrs G Stevens

Tea/Coffee Rota

This Week – Greta Gallivan and Jan Bonello

Family News

The funeral of Janet Broomfield will take place on Friday 20th February here at LBC at 2.45 p.m.

Many congratulations to the cast of Revelations who have put on a fantastic show of Aladdin in the last couple of days.

We were sorry to hear that Ararat has tragically lost one of its young people Ollie Davies in a car accident. We pray for the congregation at Ararat and Ollie’s family and friends

Dates for diary

14th March – BMS Coffee morning

6th March – 2.00 p.m. Woman’s day of prayer service here at LBC, offers of help to serve teas and coffees and or make a cake, please see Beryl Bisset.

21st March – children’s cinema afternoon 2.30-5.00 p.m. £3.00, refreshments included.

28th March – The Glory of Easter- St David’s Praise – 7.30p.m. tickets £13 and £11 available from the box office 02920 878444

BMS Coffee Morning

Our annual BMS coffee morning will take place on Saturday 14th March 10.00 -12.00 pm. Nicky will be on the stall selling bric-a-brac and jewellery, please can you have a look and see if you have any items that you can donate and pass them to Nicky. Also there will be a prize every time stall, if you have any unwanted Christmas gifts etc.; please can you pass these to Ann or Karen. Finally, if anyone is able to help on the morning, please can you let Ann or Karen know. Many thanks.


Please can you send all annual reports to Nicky in the office by Sunday 22nd February. Please can you pass all annual accounts directly to Lyn by Sunday 22nd February. Thanks.

The process for appointment of a Deacon is as follows –

  • Notice of the election of Deacon shall be given 4 Sundays prior to the Church meeting at which the election(s) are to be held.
  • There may be up to 12 Deacons
  • Each Deacon shall be appointed for a period of up to 3 years.
  • If having been in service for 6 consecutive years. A Deacon will be encouraged to take a sabbatical until a further period of 1 year has elapsed.
  • A Deacon must be nominated and seconded by any 2 church members.
  • The nominations notice will be posted in the church foyer from Sunday 15th February until Sunday 1st March (2 weeks) this notice will remain posted in the foyer after the 1st March but no further nominations may be made. This will be removed on Sunday 15th March just prior to the AGM 17th March, at which time the elections will take place.