"Public Service Announcement"
A PowerPoint Animated Music Video Project
Objective: Students will create a PowerPoint slide show related to a topic of their choice that may be used as a Public Service Announcement.
Examples: Some topics students have done in the past are: Child Abuse, Drug Abuse, Date Rape, Animal Abuse, Alcoholism, Single Parent Family and the effects on the family, Death, Bullying, etc. Please make sure to get your topic approved BEFORE you begin.
- Select a topic for your Public Service PowerPoint.
- Select music that you can incorporate into the presentation. The music must be appropriate to the topic and be pre-approved by the teacher. Lyrics must be printed. Inappropriate language in the music will NOT be approved. Also, it is your responsibility to get the music you need to your H drive (or Google Drive). (iTunes, CD, Etc.)
- Once you have your topic and music approved, please follow the project requirement sheet for assignment details and grading.
1. Locate an appropriate song using an MP3 file format from your iPod playlist, Youtube, or another source. If you use Youtube, you will need to extract the music from the video. To do this, copy the URL of the YouTube video. Go to Paste the URL and download the sound to your H: drive as an .mp3 file format.
2. Next, locate the lyrics to your song. Copy and paste them in to a Word document. Don't forget to save this! Include this with your essay and staple it to the back when handing in.
3. Prepare a 2-3 paragraph document explaining why you choose the topic and song for your public service announcement. Make sure you have a proper heading (names, date, and title) at the top of your page. You may include personal experiences and your opinions on the matter.
3. Create a PowerPoint music video, which you will synchronize to your music lyrics and beat. Each slide will displayInformational text about your topic, images, animations, and/or drawn objects, etc. Your presentation should have a "theme". For example a song whose lyrics may be used for a cyber-bullying presentation. Your pictures would then represent those associated with cyber-bullying. We will preview some samples in class.
4. You will embed the sound file (.mp3) in to your PowerPoint and have it loop continuously to the music. To embed the sound file, click on the Insert ribbon tab, and then click on the Sound button (towards the right). Locate and select the .mp3 file on your drive. Click the "Automatically Run when Presentation Starts" option. Then click the “Hide during Show” and "Loop until Stopped" checkboxes on the menu. Also, adjust the “Play Sound” option to “Play across Slides”.
5. Utilize the features under the Animations Ribbon tab to animate the text and images. Make sure you use slide transitions as well. Select the "Advance Slide automatically"option. In addition, you will need to work with the Slide Show ribbon tab and the Rehearse Timings feature.
6. Remember, your goal is to invoke the use of sound, text, pictures, drawn objects, and animations and to synchronize this all to your music to create a captivating public service announcement of yourown.
Have fun and be creative!
ASSESSMENT / 20Met all the requirements / 19 – 11
Met most of the requirements / 10 – 1
Met some of the requirements / 0
Didn’t meet the requirements
Followed all directions/Application Usage: Presentation had introduction and work sited slides and an adequate number of slides the length of music. The presentation flowed nicely and was interesting. No distractions. Student understood and used technology correctly. Provided a 3-5 paragraph essay stating why student chose theme and how the lyrics fit in with that theme. Student stayed focused and on task throughout project.
Layout/Formatting: Slides stayed consistent, fonts, colors, images, bullets, layout and text. Fonts were legible. The background was visibly appealing and worked well with the overall color scheme of slides. Bullets and text aligned properly. Balance between text and images. Used a customized theme as instructed. Visually appealing.
Images & Graphics Usage: The images were used correctly to enhance information used in presentation. Images complemented slides and were not too overwhelming. Sized correctly and not pixilated. Also, used picture effects within program to enhance images.
Adv. Components/Multimedia Usage: The student(s) used timings; slide transitions, looping, and multi-media features properly and the presentation ran smoothly (No lost slides or menu pop-ups). The music, lyrics, images, animations and other objects were all in sync and timed correctly.
Editing Technique: The presenter(s) avoided errors in spelling, and used proper grammar, punctuation, format, text, usage, and pronunciation. Followed rules of capitalization and used Title Case for Slide Titles. This applies to both the presentation and the essay.