In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the personal data provided on this form will be processed by ESRC, BBSRC and NERC, and may be held on computerised database and/or manual files by any one or more of the Research Councils. Further details can be found in the guidance notes
Full proposal (version 3) / Reference:
1. DETAILS OF PROPOSAL / You should read the separate notes for guidance before completing any research proposal. Incomplete research proposals will be rejected.
A. Organisation or Institution Where Grant Would Be Held
Organisation:Division or Department:
B. Principal Investigator
Please give details of the Principal Investigator below.
Details / Principal Investigator (PI)Title
Division or Department
Postal Address (including postcode)
Email Address / Telephone Number
% time committed to project
Duties and period of involvement
C. Title of Research Project (not exceeding 150 characters, including spaces)
D. Proposed Start Date / Duration (months)E. Summary of Resources Required for Project
a. Financial resources required / b. Summary of staff effort requestedTotal £ / Months
Staff / Research
Travel and Subsistence / Technician
Consumables / Other
Exceptional Items / Total
Large Capital
Indirect Costs
F. Co-Investigators
Total number of co-investigators (i.e. excluding the PI)
F. Co-Investigators continued
Please give details of all the Co-Investigators below. Please provide the details of any additional investigators on a separate sheet using the same format as below.
Details / Co-Investigator 1Title
Division or Department
Postal Address (including postcode)
Email Address / Telephone Number
% time committed to project
Duties and period of involvement
Details / Co-Investigator 2
Division or Department
Postal Address (including postcode)
Email Address / Telephone Number
% time committed to project
Duties and period of involvement
Details / Co-Investigator 3
Division or Department
Postal Address (including postcode)
Email Address / Telephone Number
% time committed to project
Duties and period of involvement
G. Objectives
Please list the main objectives of the proposed research in order of priority (max 200 words)
H. Non-Technical Summary
Describe the proposed research using words appropriate for the non-specialist reader (max 200 words)
I. Technical Summary
Describe the proposed research using words appropriate for the specialist reader (max 200 words)
J. (i) Staff
EFFORT ON PROJECT / Total of Other Allowances (over period of appointment) (£)Name/Post Identifier / Grade / Starting Spine Point / Effective Date of Salary Scale / Increment Date / Start Date / Period on Project (months) / % of Full Time / London Allowance (Y/N) / Total Cost on Grant £
i) Research Staff
ii) Technical Staff
J. (ii) Visiting Researchers
Details / Visiting Researcher 1 / Visiting Researcher 2Title
Home Organisation/ Institution
Division or Department
Contribution to Project
Total number of visiting researchers
J. (iii) Travel and Subsistence
Destination and purpose / Total £ /(i) Within UK
(ii) Outside UK
Total £
J. (iv) Consumables
Total £
J. (v) Exceptional Items
Description / Total £ /Total £
J. (vi) Equipment (single items under £25,000)
Description / Country of Manufacture / Delivery Date / Basic Price £ / Import Duty £ / VAT £ / Total £ /Total £
J. (vii) Large Capital (single items £25,000 and over)
Description / Country of Manufacture / Delivery Date / Basic Price £ / Import Duty £ / VAT £ / Total £ /Total £
J. (vii) Facilities (Please complete a separate facilities form if necessary)
Applicants must contact the relevant facilities manager before completing this section of the form to ensure that the requirements can be met. Failure to do so could make aspects of this proposal non-viable.
Name of Facility / Proposed Usage / Total Cost £K. Justification for Costs
Please justify, under each heading, why the resources specified in section J are required to undertake the research (expanding the boxes as required). Items that are not fully justified will not be considered for funding.
Staff:Travel and Subsistence:
Exceptional Items:
Large Capital:
L. Relevance to Programme Specification
Please select the relevant RELU theme(s) and fundamental research question(s) for your research proposal
Theme / Yes/No / Question / Yes/NoThe Integration of Land and Water Use / Drivers, processes and dynamics of change
The Environmental Basis of Rural Development / Predicting and evaluating consequences
Economic and Social Interactions with the Rural Environment / Delivering integrated mechanisms
Please also describe how the proposed research fits the Programme Specification (max 250 words). Applicants are advised to revisit the original specification when completing this section.
M. (i) Disciplines
Please enter the primary discipline and sub-disciplinary specialism for each investigator. For each investigator, please select just one primary discipline from the list provided in the Guidance Notes. Please use no more than four key words when describing each investigator's current sub-disciplinary specialism.
Name of Investigator / Discipline (as listed in the guidance notes) / Sub-disciplinary Specialism
M. (ii) Approach to Interdisciplinarity
Please describe your approach to interdisciplinarity, drawing on the natural and social sciences (max 750 words). This should include (i) your justification for and approach to interdisciplinarity, (ii) the reasons for your choice of disciplines, and (iii) how you will ensure effective integration of the social and natural sciences.
N. Training Provision
Please describe any training (including interdisciplinary training) that will be provided to project staff (max 200 words). You should not include details of studentship training as a separate form will be provided for linked studentship applications.
O. Project Milestones
Please identify key project milestones, i.e. major stages in the project and the phasing of key research activities
Brief Description of Milestone / Date of Start / Date of Completion1
P. Project Management
Please describe the project’s decision making and internal management arrangements, including composition and frequency of management meetings and procedures for reviewing project progress (max 750 words).
Q. User Engagement and Communication Plans
Please describe (i) the form and extent of stakeholder engagement, (ii) the likely contribution of the research to policy and practice, (iii) the main beneficiaries and audiences of the research, and (iv) how the outcomes of the research will be communicated to academic and non-academic audiences (max 750 words)
Please refer to the RELU Communication Plan when completing this section:
R. Data
Please refer to the notes for guidance, where the areas that need to be covered in this section are outlined (max 750 words).
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposals with the RELU Data Support Service.
S. Other Support
Please give details of any support sought or received from any source for this or related research in the past three years.
Awarding Organisation / Awarding Organisation’s Reference / Title of Project / Start Date / End Date / AmountSought/
Awarded (£) / Date Decision Expected/Made /
T. Project Partners
Please give details of partners in the project and their contributions to the research. These contributions should be in addition to resources identified above. If there are more than two partner organisations, please provide details on a separate sheet using the same format as below.
Details / Partner 1 / Partner 2Title
Postal Address (including postcode)
Email Address
Telephone Number
Direct contribution to project / Description / Value £ / Description / Value £
a. cash
b. equipment/materials
c. secondment of staff
d. other
Indirect contribution to project
a. use of facilities/equipment
b. staff time
c. other
Total Contribution
Total Value (including contributions from additional project partners)
Total number of project partners
U. Ethical and Statutory Requirements
If there are ethical considerations arising from the design or conduct of the research, please indicate how they will be dealt with and which professional code of conduct will be referred to in addressing ethical questions during the course of the research.
Does the project involve work that requires a licence or prior approval from enforcement agencies or a Local Ethical Review Committee?
If YES above, has the appropriate licence or approval been obtained?
If NO, then confirmation will be required before funds can be released.
V. Nominated Referees
Please give details of referees who may be approached for assessment of this research proposal. Please provide the details of any additional nominated referees on a separate sheet using the same format as below.
Details / Referee 1 / Referee 2Title
Division or Department
Postal Address (including postcode)
Email Address
Telephone Number
Details / Referee 3 / Referee 4
Division or Department
Postal Address (including postcode)
Email Address
Telephone Number
W. Case for Support
For applications for RELU Research Projects the Case for Support should be no more than 6 sides for applications up to £400,000, and no more than 12 sides for applications in excess of £400,000. The font should be Times New Roman or Arial (minimum 12 point) with margins of at least 1.5cm. Please refer to the Guidance Notes for information on the issues that you should address.
X. Principal and Co-Investigators' CVs
Please provide a brief CV (maximum one page) for each named investigator. Particular attention should be paid to each investigator's track record, and his or her experience of interdisciplinary working.
In submitting this research proposal I confirm, on behalf of the Administrative Authority, that:
a. we have read and understood the requirements in the Guidance Notes and have checked that the proposal complies with theseb. we are prepared to accept lead responsibility for the conduct of the research and observance of all the terms and conditions applied
c. we are prepared to accept responsibility for dispersing the funds
d. we have not entered into any obligations which might conflict with the terms and conditions
e. we have secured agreement from all the named Co-Investigators and Institutions
Administrative Authority (submitting organisation) / Name and Position / Signature / Date
Name / Signature / Date
Principal Investigator
Head of Department