SJSU School of Nursing’s guidelines for changing to
Pre-nursing status from undeclared (as of September 2010)
All determinations of who is allowed to change into the pre-nursing major, will be made by
the School of Nursing and will be based on both impaction criteria andwhether there is space available
(as per the presidential directive noted on page 2).
For Freshmen –Undeclared- submit change of major application (from the SJSU Registrar’s web site)
to the School of Nursing by Oct. 1st or March 10th
(Decisions are made by Oct. 30 and April 30, and students can pick up paperwork).
SJSU’s all College GPA / Minimum GPA of 2.6Enrolled in minimum of 1 semester of at least 9 units of GRADED courses, each with a C or better. / These courses must be at least 3 units each, and must include ENGL 1A; Include your unofficial transcripts from all other schools, as well as SJSU.
Final course grade for courses at SJSU, each with a C or better.
Submit unofficial transcripts with form.
For Undergraduate Transfers: Undeclared to Pre-nursing- submit applications by Oct. 1st or March 10th (Decisions made by Oct. 30 and April 30th)
SJSU’s all College GPA / Minimum GPA of 2.6Enrolled in minimum of 1 semester of at least 9 units of GRADED courses, each with a C or better. / These courses must be at least 3 units each, and must include ENGL 1A. Include your unofficial transcripts from all other schools, as well as SJSU.
Submit unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended, with petition for change of major form.
If already a RN, include that information on the change of major form and include a copy of your current California RN license with the change of major form.
For returning nursing major students previously in the major: Meet with the Undergraduate Coordinator. Bring copies of all unofficial transcripts. (Call School of Nursing office 408-924-3131, for availability).
Change of major information for SJSU students who want to
change to the pre-nursing major:
Based on the University’s Enrollment Management policies, the SJSU School of Nursing is not only an impacted major for the B.S. in Nursing program, but also is impacted for pre-nursing students.
- Presidential Directive 2009-05:
- Presidential Directive 2009-05 Guidelines:
Guideline 4.0 of this Presidential Directive 2009-05 addresses change of majors. “Student requests for changes in major will not automatically be approved.” Students wishing to switch to an impacted major should closely read the guidelines in section 4.3 of this Presidential Directive:
4.3 Impacted Majors: If a student wants to change to a major that is impacted, thestudent must apply to the impacted major no later than November 1 in order toregister for Spring semester (or April 1 for Fall semester). Students changing to animpacted major must meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the impacted major.(Note: local or non-local status at time of admission plays no role in decisions afteradmission.) A departmental or college admissions committee will decide admissionsinto impacted majors. If the student meets the impaction eligibility criteria, and willnot increase the time to graduation by more than 15 units by changing into thatmajor, the student will be allowed to add the major if the committee determines thatthere is space available.
Note: Students wishing to change into the major with more than 90 units should closely read the additional guidelines.
4.4 Appeals: If either the Associate Dean or AARS denies the application for a change to an approved program, the student may choose to appeal the decision, following the process outlined in 7.0 of the Presidential Directive.
Therefore, commencing January 2010, the SJSU School of Nursing will only be reviewing “change of major forms” beginning March 10th and October 1stwith results available during the first weeks of May and November. The School of Nursing has determined that individuals must have provided at least 1 semester of grades at SJSU, and have a GPA of 2.6 to be considered for the “pre-nursing” designation, if not originally admitted as a pre-nursing major (and the course load must include at least 9 units of graded courses in at least 2 semesters; including completion of English 1A with a C or better grade). Applicants appealing to change their major do not need to have the 9 required nursing prerequisite courses completed in order to apply to change to a pre-nursing designation. However, students with grades less than a B-in any of the 5 nursing prerequisites (BIOL 65; BIOL 66; MICR 20; STAT 95; and ENGL 1A) that have already been completed at the time the application is submitted will not be considered for a change of major. All determinations of who is allowed to change into the pre-nursing major, will be made by the School and based on impaction criteria and “whether there is space available” (as per the presidential directive noted above).
Students wishing to know more about the nursing major are strongly encouraged to first carefully review the School of Nursing’s materials on the web site, and then attend a monthly School of Nursing group advising session (see the School of Nursing’s web site, for dates, locations and times). Students will be notified via email after the published dates, as to when their change of major forms will be available for further processing, or they can check in the main Nursing Office (HB 420) approximately 30 days after the due dates, at student pickup. Individuals must submit current unofficial transcripts at the time the change of major form is submitted.
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