Job Title: Residential Child Care Officer

Grade: 3

Service: Schools

Responsible to: Headteacher

Date issued:

  1. Job Function
  • To be responsible ultimately to the Head of Care for the direct day to day care of the children, carrying out supportive tasks and duties as required. The Headteacher has overall responsibility for the running of the school.
  • To ensure good standards of care practice for children with complex needs.
  • To monitor the safety and welfare of the children and to promote their Personal and Social Education.
  • To be available for sleeping in/on call duty if required.
  • To hold NVQ Level 3 or to register to complete NVQ Level 3.
  • To register with the Care Council for Wales.

Professional Child Care Practice

  • To provide a caring and consistent adult model supervising the children within the residential sector, offering guidance, support, counselling and discipline as necessary.
  • To work to specific objectives as identified in individual care plans.
  • To monitor and promote the health and physical and emotional well being of the children ensuring all issues are addressed.
  • To ensure the children are treated with dignity, respecting privacy and basic rights, taking into account race, culture, language and religion in order to promote self-respect and self-esteem.
  • To help to provide safe, stimulating and well planned risk assessed activities that promote development, taking into account age appropriateness and the child’s developmental level.
  • To create a positive homelike environment which promotes a socially acceptable code of behaviour and cultivates a good personal atmosphere in which children can develop their emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual potential to the full.
  • Producing, monitoring and updating care plans/programmes. Providing reports for Annual Reviews and as requested.
  • Being alert to the needs of individual children, to signs of distress or abuse and to the need for monitoring and reporting concerns.
  • Providing for children’s physical needs as necessary e.g. personal hygiene, domestic duties such as cooking, shopping, washing, ironing, budgeting, or by enabling children to carry out such tasks for themselves.
  • Being accountable for money allocated for specific purposes and for keeping a record of children’s money.
  • Accompanying children to the doctor, dentist etc.
  • Sharing in the practical activities necessary to maintain a home. Setting high standards in homemaking, taking care of the fabric, equipment and surroundings, identifying and reporting maintenance needs.
  • Acting responsibly concerning the care of children’s possessions, safeguarding their personal property or enabling them to take appropriate care.

3.Personal Abilities

  • To act as a member of the team, supporting colleagues and being prepared to receive support as necessary.
  • To promote equal opportunities in practice.
  • To liaise with colleagues and other professionals keeping them informed and discussing with them relevant developments relating to the children in your care.
  • To make good use of the supervisory sessions received each half term.
  • To keep abreast of good practice in order to develop skills and knowledge, being conversant with and working to current school policies and guidelines.
  • To attend staff meetings, take part in INSET (in-service training) and other relevant training in accordance with the personal development plan.
  • To report to the Senior Child Care Officer, or in their absence to the Headteacher, malpractice or evidence which may suggest it.
  • To take an active part in school life, promoting the work of Plas Brondyffryn in a personal and professional manner.

SIGNED:POSTHOLDER: ……………………….. DATED: ………………………

HEAD TEACHER: ……………………DATED: ……………………….
