EssexCountySchool Nurses By-laws
(Revised 1981)
(Revised 2009)
(Revised 2011)
Vision Statement: The ECSNA will provide direction for leadership and guidance in the specialty practice of school nursing. ECSNA will promote professional and ethical standards and guidelines through education and communication.
Mission Statement: The ECSNA will uphold the published standards of practice of the American Nurses Association and the National Association of School Nurses, and the Statutes and Regulations of the New Jersey Board of Nursing and the New Jersey State Department of Education.
Article I-Name
The name of the association shall be the Essex County School Nurses Association (ECSNA). Here after known as the ECSNA, or the Association.
Article II-Objectives
To promote and advance the quality of school health services and health education throughout EssexCounty.
Article III-Membership
Section 1. Regular: Any certified school nurse employed by a Board of Education in EssexCounty shall be eligible for regular membership. This membership shall encompass public school, private school and charter school nurses.
This membership shall include full voting rights, holding office and serving on committees.
Annual dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board.
Section 2. Associate: Any registered professional nurse who is not eligible for regular membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership.
This may include: public health nurses, retired nurses, professors of nursing, students and retirees.
Associate members shall enjoy the privileges of the Association, may serve on committees, but shall not vote, or hold office.
Annual dues shall be 75% of the amount specified for Regular members.
Section 3. Retired members: School nurses who have been members of this organization and who retire after twenty (20) or more years as a school nurse shall be given an honorary membership and a gift at the annual meeting in May.
Article IV-Officers
Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. The President shall be the official representative of the Association, preside at all meetings and serve as ex- officio member of all committees. The membership of the NJSSNA and NASN shall be paid by the ECSNA.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of the President. A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice-President who shall serve for the unexpired term of the President and the term of office as President to which s/he was elected.
Section 4. The Secretary shall be responsible for all official correspondence of the Association. The Secretary shallrecord, file the minutes and the reports of all Executive Board and General Board meetings, submit the minutes by email for review and approval within 2 weeks after the meeting and shall be the custodian of these records for the term of office.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds for the Association, receive dues and revenues, deposit funds in a bank designated by the Executive Board, submit an annual budget, attend to all bills and submit an annual report.
Section 6. Officers shall be elected at the May meeting and shall hold office for two years.
Article V-Elections
Section 1. The Nominating Committee: This Chairperson shall be the President-Elect. This Chair shall recruit a committee of three members presenting a slate of candidates at the third Executive Board meeting.
Section 2. The nominating committee shall prepare a list of candidates prior to the third Executive Board Meeting, the consent of the candidates having been obtained previously.
Section 3. Regular members, whose dues are paid for the current year, are eligible for office and have the privilege of voting.
Section 4. Voting shall be at the May meeting.
Section 5. The President, and Treasurer shall be elected in even years.
Section 6. The Vice President and Secretary shall be elected in odd years.
Article VI-Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and chairpersons of the standing committees.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall fill vacancies arising between elections in the various offices of the Association.
Section 3: Past Presidents shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Board.
Article VII - Meetings
Section 1. A minimum of two general meetings must be held each year.
Section 2. The annual meeting shall be held in May for the election of officers.
Section 3. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Board.
Article VIII-Standing Committees
Section 1. The chairperson of the following standing committees shall be appointed by the President: Membership, Program, Public Relations, Scholarship, Sunshine, Legislation, and CountyRepresentative(s) to the New Jersey State School Nurses Association.
Each committee shall consist of a chairperson or co-chair people from the Regular or Retired membership category and committee member(s) from the Regular, Retired or Associate membership categories. Special committees may be created as needed by the Association.
Standing Committees will function as follows:
a. Membership: Shall be responsible for processing applications, compiling a membership list, preparing mailing labels and keeping the list current via computer applications.
b. Program: Shall be responsible for:
Planning professional development workshops, seminars, General and Annual Membership Meeting programs.
Preparing informational flyer and forwarding to Secretary for distribution.
Shall issue professional development certificates for programs conducted or co-sponsored by the Association.
c. Public Relations: Shall be responsible for the Essex County School Nurses website.
d. Scholarship: Shall be responsible for preparing, mailing and evaluating the scholarship forms and determining the recipient(s).
e. Sunshine: Shall be responsible for sending gifts, cards, acknowledgements to members for special or extenuating circumstances as determined by the President.
f. Legislation: Shall study the need for legislative action as it pertains to the Association, present appropriate proposals and promote responses as indicated by the membership.
g. CountyRepresentative: Shall report to the Executive Board and shall report to the general membership activities of the NJSSNA. The Representative shall make efforts to attend all State and Local meetings.
Section 2. The Chairperson of each committee shall select their own committee members.
Section 3. The committee chairperson shall submit a written report at the end of the year or by September of the new year to the President.
Article IX-Dues
Section1. Annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Non-members will be charged a fee for the workshops as determined by the Executive Board, and non-members may not attend general membership meetings.
Section 2. Dues shall be payable to the Treasurer by December 31st each year.
Article X-Amendments
The Bylaws may be amended at any regular or duly called special meeting of the Association provided notice has been given to the general membership.
Article XI-Quorum
A quorum of this Association shall consist of the minimum of half of the Executive Board members, and those present at the general meeting.