CAFNR Policy, Practices and Procedures

Section: Human ResourcesTopic: George Washington Carver Fellowship

The George Washington Carver Fellowship for Doctoral Studies seeks to attract and support under-represented scholars to into doctoral degree programs in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at MU. The fellowship honors George Washington Carver, a native Missourian, who gained international recognition in the early 20th century for his teaching and research in agriculture.


The fellowship is awarded to the most highly ranked fellowship nominee who is a U.S. citizen, newly accepted into a CAFNR doctoral degree program and a member of an underrepresented ethnic minority population (African American, Native American or Alaska Native, Hispanic or Mexican American). The nominee must have and maintain a 3.5 GPA and make continued satisfactory progress toward the degree.

Fellowship Package

The Carver Fellowship will provide the following to be awarded in addition to the divisional or grant-based assistantship that is required as a condition of the award:

  • $5,000/annum to the fellow for up to five years (subject to annual review of progress toward the degree).
  • $2,500/annum to be provided to the fellow’s advisor to support the educational enhancement of the fellowship awardee (appropriate used for these funds would include travel to professional meetings, purchase of computers hardware/software, books and other educational materials, etc.)

The fellowship package will NOT cover the Waiver of Educational Fees, Graduate Medical Insurance Subsidy and other incidental costs (e.g., the student recreation center).

Date: February 1, 2013 Backup documentation filed: CBS
Authorized/Approved by: AES Associate Dean Page 1 of 4
CAFNR Policy, Practices and Procedures

Section: Human ResourcesTopic: George Washington Carver Fellowship

Selection Criteria

Candidates submitted for consideration will be evaluated by a selection committee. The Selection Committee will evaluate each nominee in terms of:

  • Academic Performance

(i)undergraduate grades

(ii)performance in last two years of undergraduate work that include research and scholarly experiences

(iii)post-baccalaureate training, other relevant experience or graduate-level performance, if applicable

(iv)three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the student’s academic performance and potential for graduate study

  • Student’s commitment as shown in student’s personal statement and letters of recommendation.
  • A nomination letter by the major advisor that addresses the student’s potential for academic success in the classroom and in research.


  • Selection Committee will be composed of a Director of Graduate Studies or Director of Graduate Admissions from each of the college’s academic divisions. The individual will be appointed by the Division Director and serve until replaced by the Director

Date: February 1, 2013 Backup documentation filed: CBS
Authorized/Approved by: AES Associate Dean Page 2 of 4
CAFNR Policy, Practices and Procedures

Section: Human ResourcesTopic: George Washington Carver Fellowship

  • Nomination: The student’s major advisor must forward nomination materials to the Associate Dean for Research by 10 February. The nomination materials must be in electronic form and delivered by email. The nomination packet shall include:
  • all pertinent academic transcripts
  • three letters of recommendation
  • a personal statement by the student not to exceed 500 words that addresses his/her academic accomplishments and professional interests
  • a nomination letter by the major advisor, not to exceed 500 words
  • verification by the Division Director that the student has been awarded a half-time assistantship.
  • Evaluation of Candidates: The committee will evaluate each candidate and identify those deemed to have the potential to be an outstanding doctoral candidate. Those candidates will then be ranked by the committee. The Selection Committee will notify the Associate Dean for Research of its decisions and ranking of candidates by 28 February. The Associate Dean will notify each nominee, their advisor and Division Director of the committee’s decision.

Normally one fellowship will be awarded each academic year, assuming an acceptable candidate has been identified by the committee. The Associate Director can offer additional fellowships if more than one outstanding candidate is identified and sufficient funds are available.

Date: February 1, 2013 Backup documentation filed: CBS
Authorized/Approved by: AES Associate Dean Page 3 of 4
CAFNR Policy, Practices and Procedures

Section: Human ResourcesTopic: George Washington Carver Fellowship

  • Annual Review of Academic Progress: By 20 April, the DGS of the Division of a Carver Fellow shall forward to the Associate Dean electronic copies of:
  • its annual review (required by MU)
  • the Carver Fellow’s current transcript for review by the Selection Committee
  • confirmation that Carver Fellow plans to continue full-time graduate study
  • confirmation of that the Division’s commitment of an assistantship shall continue.

The Selection Committee reserves the right not to renew the fellowship in the event of unacceptable academic progress, insufficient course enrollment, insufficient research engagement, external employment or external fellowship. An example of this is failure to resolve academic probation within a semester. In case of questionable academic progress or other concerns, a transcript updated to include the most recent winter semester and Division’s plans to remediate the concerns will be required by 1 June.

Date: February 1, 2013 Backup documentation filed: CBS
Authorized/Approved by: AES Associate Dean Page 4 of 4