Ewa Beach Elementary School
All Ewa Beach Elementary School students will be successful.
Our Ewa Beach Elementary School Community will be successful lifelong learners.
Our Ewa Beach Elementary School Community will practice the best teaching and learning strategies to ensure lifelong learning.
HawaiiState General Learner Outcomes (GLOs)
The six GLOs are the essential goals of standards-based learning for all students and
#1 Self-Directed Learner: Takes responsibility of one’s own learning.
#2 Community Contributor: Understands that people must work together.
#3 Complex Thinker: Engages in complex thinking and problem solving.
#4 Quality Producer: Recognizes and produces quality work.
#5 Effective Communicator: Communicates effectively in various situations.
#6 Effective/Ethical User of Technology: Uses technology effectively and ethically.
Standards Based Report Cards
You will receive a Status Reportat the end of each quarter to inform you of your child’s achievement of the standards. This status report provides a standards-based grade of your child’s achievement or progress towards mastery of the standards. Assessment Binders will be going home at least 2x a month which will include your child’s current tests and assessments. Please look over these pieces and contact your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns about progress.
Field Trips & Special Events**Plans are tentative and subject to change**
First Quarter / Second Quarter / Third Quarter / Fourth Quarter*FT: Lyon
Arboretum (SEPT)
*Curriculum Night (8/26)
*Fall Fundraising (August – Sept)
*School Carnival
8/21, 9/28 / *Fall Book Fair (NOV)
*Parent/Teacher Conferences (NOV)
*FT: Nature Center(DEC.)
*Flu Clinic (Nov)
*Mass Evac. (11/25)
*SBA Interim Asses(DEC)
*Holidays: Fall Break (9/5 -9/12), 11/26-27), Winter Break (12/21-1/5) / *Hawaii Theatre(TBD)
*Community Read Aloud (MAR)
*Spring Book Fair (FEB)
*Brown Bags
*Spring Picture Taking
*Holidays: 1/18,2/15, Spring Break (3/16-3/28) / *Dole Plantation (APR)
*Awards Assembly
*SBA Testing (APR-MAY)
*25BC Year End Celeberation (MAY)
*Awards Assembly (May)
Field Trip Guidelines
- Payment must be turned into the CLASSROOM Teacher by 8am on the collection days. Payment will not be accepted if it is past the deadline. Please send exact change.
- Parents interested in chaperoning a field trip must indicate their interest by notifying their classroom teacher and be trained as a volunteer.
- On the day of the field trip, please send your child to school with covered shoes, their Ewa Beach Elementary School t-shirt, and a sack lunch/drink labeled with your child’s name.
- Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior at all times by following our school rules.
ThirdGrade Curriculum
(Subject to Change)
First Quarter / Second Quarter / Third Quarter / Fourth QuarterReading / Vocubulary / Spelling (weekly)
Character, Setting, Plot
Sequence, Cause & Effect
Main Idea
Questioning /
Point of View Visualizing
Problem / Solution
Character, Setting, Plot, Cause & Effect. / Main Idea
Compare & Contrast, Questioning, Point of View,
Cause & Effect, Theme
Summarizing / Point of View,
Cause & Effect,
Questioning, Predictions, Problem / Solution, Compare & Contrast
Writing / Narrative
Opinion / Response to Literature
Informative / Narrative
Opinion / Informative
Math /
Science / Technology, Force and Motion, Simple Machine / Plants/
Interdependence, Rocks/Minerals, Water Cycle / Reuse/Recycle, Energy / Weather/Climate, Sun/Moon, Animals
Social Studies / Rules/Laws, Power/Authority and
Citizenship / Communities, Landmarks, Immigration, and Government / Leadership, History/
Important Historical Figures / Economics, Culture and Traditions, and Cultural Artifacts
Reading Website and Math Websites: