Career Cruising
College and Career Unit – Juniors AP Language
Log in to
ID is: SM-333333 (capital letters SM followed by DASH then put in your 6 digit student id number)
PW is – same as aeries (two letters – one capital one lowercase and 4 numbers) example Tb4321
1. After login – accept the use agreement.
2. Choose “Assessments”
3. Take the “Matchmaker and Skills” – 116 questions total
4. When complete, review results and choose to save some of the possible career matches identified into your personal portfolio for further exploration, then choose “Share my Results” sending it to
5. You may also choose to complete the “Learning Styles” assessment, but don’t take any other assessments until I go over them with you, PLEASE!
On the second page of this document, are the English courses available for seniors – start thinking about these choices now, since we will probably be registering for senior coursework in FEBRUARY, shortly after returning from Winter Break!
Senior year. One of your biggest decisions will be which ENGLISH COURSE WILL YOU TAKE (or will you take more than one?)
12th Grade CHOICES:
AP ENGLISH LITERATURE – Much of this class requires frequent use of computer and internet (MUCH LIKE THE WORK YOU WILL DO IN COLLEGE) – You will be required to complete summer homework and you will be responding to (and posting) work on BLOGS. If you are committed, there are definitely ways to work around this component if you are without access at home. This course affords the weighted grading for AP classes on your GPA.
ERWC (Expository Reading and Writing) Developed by the California State University system to aid students in learning to read and write in the primary forms that you will be faced with while at university. As juniors, your score on the state standardized tests (SBAC) will determine if you are “exempt” “conditional” or not. If exempt, you will not need to take the placement test for incoming CSU (and many of the community colleges, possibly UCs, as well) and can go directly into college level English coursework. Conditional students who take this course and score “proficient” or a “B” in the course will become “exempt.”
British Literature (English 4) – College prep English course that is the traditional curriculum for college-bound seniors. Continue study of literature by theme and period. Writing and projects, as well as text study.
Classic Film and Fiction – Course that allows you to explore the connections between works of literature (plays, novels, short stories, etc…) and their film adaptations – it does meet the fourth year of English requirement for A-G requirements (college admissions).
**These courses are all different and if you choose to take more than one, that course may be used as college prep “elective” credits for admission. This is a good idea if you are considering any of the “communication” dominant fields in college (journalism, English, teaching, etc….) OR if you know you need practice in the speaking, listening, reading and writing domains for future success (are you weak in reading and writing? More practice means better results!)