II Samuel 24
Operating In Our Strength
1. Have you been operating by your strength or His?
2. II Samuel 24 David is operating in his own strength. It is so easy to do.
Have you been operating by your own strength or His?
A. The Source 1, 2
1. Anger…again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. We aren’t
given areason. Perhaps because Israel had sided with Absalom or perhaps the
idolatry in Israel.
2. Antagonism…he incited David against Israel (II Chron. 21:1) Satan was the
one thatmoved David to number the people. God permitted Satan. The power
of suggestion, where did you get that thought? God was using this to remove
some chaff from David’s life.
B. The Sense 3
1. The Order…Joab, number the people…
2. The Objection…Why? Why do you delight in this thing? David ordered the
census out of a spirit of pride, vanity, so he could see his power and his
C. The Self 4
It’s what “I” want to do! From a Biblical perspective, God is never surprised or
shaken by our selfishness or sinfulness. Even the wrath of man or Satan will
ultimately further Hispurpose. (Rom 8:28)
*The Characteristics of Our Strength: **It is not respecter of age, person, or
**Past experience is no guarantee of present or future victory.
**It is the spirit of Satan “I” will…
**God is angry when we live without Him.
**Self cannotlisten to sound advice.
*The census is taken in 9 months and 20 days with 800,000 fit for military duty in
Israel and 300,000 fit in Judah.
Have you been operating by your own strength or His?
A. A Conscience 10-11
As soon as the total is given David realizes what he has done!
1. Sensitive 10a…David’s heart smote him God won’t allow His children to
continue to live in their own strength.
2. Sincere 10b… “I have sinned greatly in what I’ve done” His sin appears to be
so small. He sees how tragic it is to live in his own strength and not the Lord’s.
He seesjust how deadly pride is!
3. Seeking 11…the word of the Lord came… it is so important at this time. He
hasconfessed. Everything must be just fine!!
B. A Cost 12-14
There are consequences when we walk in the flesh. David must choose one of
three. There is always a choice when we live in our own strength.
1. Public 13 With the three choices, each involves innocent people. This is
usually thecase. Innocent usually suffer.
2. Personal 14 “I am in deep distress”…tied up…restricted…cramped. The idea
isinner churning. He wished to fall into God’s hand and receive mercy.
Mercy…denotesnot receiving what we deserve!
*There is a toughness and a tenderness in God’s chastening. There is a comfort
in it all.There is a blessing in it. He alone can wipe away the tears. He alone
can bind the broken hearted. We must repent!
*We desperately need His mercy in our lives!!
Have you been operating by your own strength or His?
A. Retribution 15 The extent of David’s choice…70,000 men died. The pestilence
was asword bearing angel. Some feel it was a plague and the angel of death.
B. Restraint 16 The angel stops right outside of Jerusalem. The Lord repented…His
mercy!Repented…a change of approach toward man on the basis of man’s
attitude toward God.Living in our strength always hurts others. Death is the
result…death of hope, purpose, etc
C. Remorse 17 God has done His work. David is thinking of others instead of
1. Confession…I have sinned…I have done wickedly…
2. Contrition… these sheep what have they done?
3. Costliness…let thy hand be against me…following SELF is costly!
Have you been operating by your own strength or His?
We dare never get too far from the altar (a place where man meets God).
A. Revelation 18 God speaks through His word!
B. Reception 19 David did what God told him to do. Obedience is the KEY!
C. Responsible 20, 21 Araunah had no idea he was part of God’s plan.
D. Responsive 22, 23 “Whatever you need…” Altar…the burnt offering was a total
E. Refusal 24 I will surely buy it…neither will I offer that which cost me nothing.
Are weattempting to give God that which cost me nothing?
F. Resignation 25 two sacrifices are mentioned…The Burnt Offering/The Peace
OfferingThe burnt offering always preceded the peace offering. God must have
you before joy andpeace are a reality.
Have you been operating by your strength and not His?
Are you willing to totally surrender to Jesus Christ?
Are you willing to be totally consumed?
If you are not, the death angel will continue to move through your life.
Joy will die. Peace will die. Purpose will die. Vitality will die.