SWTM012General Requirements Specification Template13September 2017



Project Name


Program ManagerDate:


Project ManagerDate:


Lead EngineerDate:
Copyright © 1995 – 2001 Atlantic Systems Guild

This document may be used, modified or copied for internal use, provided this copyright is acknowledged. This is intended to form the basis of your requirements specification. It may not be sold, or used for commercial gain or other purposes without prior written permission.General Requirements Specification Template Guide


Concept of Operations

1.0 The Purpose of the Product

1.1 The user problem or background of the project effort

1.1.1 Content

1.1.2 Motivation

1.1.3 Considerations

1.2 Goals of the project

1.2.1 Content

1.2.2 Motivation

1.2.3 Considerations

1.2.4 Examples

1.2.5 Fit Criterion

2.0 Clients, customers and other stakeholders

2.1 The client

2.1.1 Content

2.1.2 Motivation

2.1.3 Considerations

2.2 The customer

2.2.1 Content

2.2.2 Motivation

2.3 Other stakeholders

2.3.1 Content

2.3.2 Motivation

3.0 Users of the product

3.1 The users of the product

3.1.1 Content

3.1.2 Motivation

3.1.3 Considerations

3.1.4 Examples

3.2 Assign priorities to users

3.2.1 Content

3.2.2 Motivation

3.3 User participation

3.3.1 Content

3.3.2 Motivation

4.0 Mandated constraints

4.1 Constraints on the requirements and the eventual design of the product

4.1.1 Content

4.1.2 Motivation

4.1.3 Examples

4.1.4 Considerations

4.2 Commercial off-the-shelf packages

4.2.1 Content

4.2.2 Motivation

4.2.3 Examples

4.2.4 Considerations

4.3 Deadlines and other key time-related events

4.3.1 Content

4.3.2 Motivation

4.3.3 Examples

4.3.4 Considerations

4.4 Financial budget for the system

4.4.1 Content

4.4.2 Motivation

4.4.3 Considerations

5.0 Naming conventions and definitions

5.1 Definitions of all terms, including acronyms, used in the project

5.1.1 Content

5.1.2 Motivation

5.1.3 Examples

5.1.4 Considerations

6.0 The scope of the work

6.1 The context of the work

6.1.1 Content

6.1.2 Motivation

6.1.3 Example

6.1.4 Considerations

6.2 Work partitioning

6.2.1 Content

6.2.2 Motivation

6.2.3 Example

6.2.4 Considerations

7.0 The scope of the product

7.1 Product boundary

8.0 Relevant facts and assumptions

8.1 External factors that have an effect on the product, but are not mandated requirements constraints

8.1.1 Content

8.1.2 Motivation

8.1.3 Examples

8.2 Assumptions that the development team is making about the project

8.2.1 Content

8.2.2 Motivation

8.2.3 Examples

8.2.4 Considerations

9.0 Operational requirements

9.1 Expected physical environment for the end users

9.1.1 Content

9.1.2 Motivation

9.1.3 Examples

10.0 New problems

10.1 Problems this product could cause in the current environment

10.1.1 Content

10.1.2 Motivation

10.1.3 Examples

10.1.4 Considerations

10.2 Requirements for changes in other installed systems

10.2.1 Content

10.2.2 Motivation

10.3 Existing users that may be adversely affected by the new product

10.3.1 Content

10.3.2 Motivation

10.4 Limitations that exist in the anticipated implementation environment that may inhibit the new system

10.4.1 Content

10.4.2 Motivation

10.4.3 Examples

10.4.4 Considerations

10.5 Other problems created by the new product

10.5.1 Content

10.5.2 Motivation

10.5.3 Considerations

11.0 Cutover

11.1 Special requirements to get the existing data and procedures to work for the new product

11.1.1 Content

11.1.2 Motivation

11.1.3 Considerations

11.2 Data that has to be modified or translated for the new product

11.2.1 Content

11.2.2 Motivation

11.2.3 Fit Criterion

11.2.4 Considerations

System/Subsystem Specifications

12.0 Expected technological environment

12.1 Content

12.2 Motivation

12.3 Considerations

Software Requirements Specifications

Functional and Data Requirements

13.0 Use case list

13.1 Motivation

13.2 Example

14.0 Functional requirements

14.1 Content

14.2 Motivation

14.3 Example

14.4 Fit Criterion

14.5 Considerations

15.0 Data requirements

15.1 Content

15.2 Motivation

15.3 Example 1

15.4 Example 2

15.5 Fit Criterion

15.6 Considerations

Non-Functional Requirements for Security, Interoperability, Supportability, Sustainability and Usability (SISSU)

16.0 Security requirements

16.1 Special security issues

16.1.1 Content

16.1.2 Motivation

16.1.3 Examples

16.1.4 Fit Criterion

16.1.5 Considerations

16.2 File integrity requirements

16.2.1 Content

16.2.2 Motivation

16.2.3 Examples

16.2.4 Considerations

16.3 Audit requirements

16.3.1 Content

16.3.2 Motivation

16.3.3 Considerations

17.0 Interoperability requirements

17.1 Partner applications

17.1.1 Content

17.1.2 Motivation

17.1.3 Considerations

17.1.4 Examples

17.1.5 Fit Criterion

18.0 Supportability requirements

18.1 Supportability

18.1.1 Content

18.1.2 Motivation

18.1.3 Considerations

19.0 Sustainability requirements

19.1 Maintainability and portability requirements

19.2 Ease of maintenance

19.2.1 Content

19.2.2 Motivation

19.2.3 Examples

19.2.4 Considerations

19.3 Special conditions that apply to the maintenance of this product

19.3.1 Content

19.3.2 Motivation

19.3.3 Examples

19.3.4 Fit Criterion

19.3.5 Considerations

19.4 Portability requirements

19.4.1 Content

19.4.2 Motivation

19.4.3 Examples

19.4.4 Fit Criterion

19.4.5 Considerations

20.0 Usability requirements

20.1 Ease of use

20.1.1 Content

20.1.2 Motivation

20.1.3 Examples

20.1.4 Fit Criterion

20.1.5 Considerations

20.2 Ease of learning

20.2.1 Content

20.2.2 Motivation

20.2.3 Examples

20.2.4 Fit Criterion

20.2.5 Considerations

Other Non-Functional Requirements

21.0 Mandates

21.1 Standards that must be enforced

21.1.1 Content

21.1.2 Motivation

21.1.3 Example

21.1.4 Fit Criterion

21.1.5 Considerations

21.2 Operational Safety, Suitability and Effectiveness (OSS&E)

21.2.1 Content

21.2.2 Motivation

21.2.3 Examples

21.2.4 Fit Criterion

21.3 Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)

21.4 Global Combat Support System (GCSS)

21.4.1 Content

21.4.2 Motivation

21.4.3 Examples

21.4.4 Fit Criterion

21.4.5 Considerations

22.0 Look and feel requirements

22.1 The interface

22.1.1 Content

22.1.2 Motivation

22.1.3 Examples

22.1.4 Considerations

22.2 The style of the product

22.2.1 Content

22.2.2 Motivation

22.2.3 Considerations

23.0 Performance requirements

23.1 Speed requirements

23.1.1 Content

23.1.2 Motivation

23.1.3 Examples

23.1.4 Fit Criterion

23.1.5 Considerations

23.2 Precision requirements

23.2.1 Content

23.2.2 Motivation

23.2.3 Examples

23.2.4 Fit Criterion

23.2.5 Considerations

23.3 Reliability and availability requirements

23.3.1 Content

23.3.2 Motivation

23.3.3 Examples

23.3.4 Fit Criterion

23.3.5 Considerations

23.4 Capacity requirements

23.4.1 Content

23.4.2 Motivation

23.4.3 Examples

23.4.4 Fit Criterion

23.5 Scalability requirements

23.5.1 Content

23.5.2 Motivation

23.5.3 Examples

24.0 Safety critical requirements

24.1 Content

24.2 Motivation

24.3 Examples

24.4 Fit Criterion

24.5 Considerations

25.0 Cultural and political requirements

25.1 Special factors about the product that would make it unacceptable for some political reason

25.1.1 Content

25.1.2 Motivation

25.1.3 Examples

25.1.4 Considerations

26.0 Legal requirements

26.1 Legal issues that affect the product

26.1.1 Content

26.1.2 Motivation

26.1.3 Examples

26.1.4 Fit Criterion

26.1.5 Considerations

Requirements Implementation Deficiencies

27.0 Requirements that were not implemented correctly

27.1 Content

27.2 Motivation

27.3 Considerations

Requirements Related Considerations

28.0 Open issues

28.1 Issues that have been raised and do not yet have a conclusion

28.1.1 Content

28.1.2 Motivation

28.1.3 Examples

28.1.4 Considerations

29.0 Off-the-shelf solutions

29.1 Existing components that may be used for this product

29.1.1 Content

29.1.2 Motivation

29.2 Artifacts that could be copied and modified for this product

29.2.1 Content

29.2.2 Motivation

29.2.3 Examples

29.2.4 Considerations

30.0 User documentation and training

30.1 The plan for building the user documentation

30.1.1 Content

30.1.2 Motivation

30.1.3 Considerations

31.0 Future requirements

31.1 Requirements for future versions of the product

31.1.1 Content

31.1.2 Motivation

31.1.3 Considerations

32.0 Ideas for solutions

32.1 Approaches for responding to the requirements

32.1.1 Content

32.1.2 Motivation

32.1.3 Considerations


SWTM012General Requirements Specification Template13September 2017

Concept of Operations

1.0 The Purpose of the Product

1.1 The user problem or background of the project effort

1.1.1 Content

The content contains a short description of the work context and the situation that triggered the development effort. It should also describe the work that the user is currently doing and wants to do with the delivered product. This description should also include any operational policies or constraints that apply to the current situation. The description may be extrapolated and/or referenced from the “As-Is” and “To-Be” Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) architectures.

1.1.2 Motivation

Without this statement, the project lacks justification and direction.

1.1.3 Considerations

You should consider whether or not the user problem is serious, and whether and why it needs to be solved. This section corresponds to Current System or Situation section of theConcept of Operations Template, and if that document is complete, this section may reference the completed document.

1.2 Goals of the project

1.2.1 Content

What is the purpose of the product? What is the real reason that the product is being developed?

1.2.2 Motivation

There is a real danger of this purpose getting lost along the way. As the development effort heats up, and the customer and developers discover more and more what is possible, it may well be that the system as it is being constructed wanders away from the original goals. This is a bad thing unless there is some deliberate act by the client to change the goals. It may be necessary to appoint a person to be “custodian of the goals”, but it is probably sufficient to make the goals public, and periodically remind the developers of it. It should be mandatory to acknowledge the goals at every review session.

1.2.3 Considerations

This section corresponds to Summary of Advantages section of theConcept of Operations Template, and if that document is complete, this section may reference the completed document. However, the fit criterion should still be completed.

1.2.4 Examples

a. “We want to give immediate and complete response to customers ordering our goods over the telephone.”

b. “We want to be able to forecast the weather.”

1.2.5 Fit Criterion

The fit criterion is an objective measure that will enable testing to determine if the goal has been met by the product.

2.0 Clients, customers and other stakeholders

2.1 The client

2.1.1 Content

This item must give the name of the client. It is permissible to have several names, but more than three negates the point. The client is the organization paying for the development and is owner of the delivered system.

2.1.2 Motivation

The client has the final acceptance of the system, and thus must be satisfied with the system as delivered. Where the system is being developed for in-house consumption, the same person may fill the roles of the client and the customer.

2.1.3 Considerations

If you cannot find a name for your client, then perhaps you should not be building the product.

2.2 The customer

2.2.1 Content

The content is the name ofthe organization that funds the client and has the operational requirements for the product. In the case of in-house development, the roles of the client and the customer are often played by the same organization. In the case of the development of a DoD product there may be several organizations playing the role of customer. In the case of a product that is being developed for international use, there might be a different customer (or customer profile) in each country.

2.2.2 Motivation

The customer role is ultimately responsible for deciding whether to fund the client to build the product. The product must be built to satisfy the aims of the customers while conforming to the constraints of the client.

2.3 Other stakeholders

2.3.1 Content

The roles and (if possible) names of other people and organizations that are affected by the product or whose input is needed in order to build the product. Examples of stakeholders include:

--Users (detailed in section Users of the Product)



--Business Analysts

--Technology experts

--System Designers


--Legal experts

--Domain experts

--Usability experts

--Representatives of external associations

Identify the following for each type of stakeholder:

--Stakeholder identification (some combination of role or job title, person name, organization name),

--Knowledge needed by the project,

-- Necessary degree of involvement for that stakeholder and knowledge combination,

-- Degree of influence for that stakeholder and knowledge combination,

--Agreement on how to address conflict between stakeholders who have an interest in thesame area

2.3.2 Motivation

Failure to recognize stakeholders’ results in missing requirements.

3.0 Users of the product

3.1 The users of the product

3.1.1 Content

The content is a list of the potential users of the product. For each category of user, provide the following information:

a. User name – This is most likely to be the name of a user group (e.g., supply clerks, road engineers and aircraft maintenance engineers).

b. User role – Summarizes the users' responsibilities.

c. Subject matter experience – Summarizes the users' knowledge of the business.

d. Rate the subject matter experience as novice, journeyman or master.

e. Technological experience – this describes the users' experience with relevant technology. Rate the technological experience as novice, journeyman or master.

f. Other user characteristics – Describe any characteristics of the users that have an effect on the requirements and eventual design of the product. Describe things like:

(1) Physical abilities or disabilities

(2) Intellectual abilities or disabilities

(3) Attitude to job

(4) Attitude to technology

(5) Education

(6) Linguistic skills

(7) Age group

(8) Experience in field

3.1.2 Motivation

Users are human beings who interface with the product in some way. The role of the client is to pay for the development of the product and the role of the customer is to buy the product. The role of the user is to use the product to do work. You use the characteristics of the users to define the usability requirements for the product.

3.1.3 Considerations

This section corresponds to Description of the New or Modified System sectionof theConcept of Operations Template. If that document is complete, this section may reference it.

3.1.4 Examples

Users can come from wide, and sometimes unexpected, sources. Consider the possibility of your users being clerical staff, shop workers, managers, highly trained operators, general public, casual users, inexperienced users, military, civilian, test engineers, foreigners, lawyers, remote users, people using the system over the telephone or internet connection, emergency workers, and so on.

3.2 Assign priorities to users

3.2.1 Content

Attach a priority rating to each category of user to indicate their importance and precedence. Prioritize the users into the following groups:

a. Key users. These are critical to the continued success of the product. Give greater importance to requirements generated by this category of user.

b. Secondary users. They will use the product, but their opinion of it has no effect on its long-term success. Where there is a conflict between secondary users' requirements and those of key users, the key users take precedence.

c. Unimportant users. This category of user is given the lowest priority. It includes infrequent, unauthorized and unskilled users, and people who misuse the product.

d. Percentage of this type of user – this is intended to assess the amount of consideration given to this category of user.

3.2.2 Motivation

If some users are considered more important to the product or the organization, this should be stated because it should affect the way that you design the product. For instance, you need to know if there is a large customer who has specifically asked for the product; if they do not get what they want the results could be a significant loss of business. Some users may be listed as having no impact on the product. This means that the users will make use of the product, but have no stake in it. In other words, these users will not complain, nor will they contribute. Any special requirements from these users will have a lower priority.

3.3 User participation

3.3.1 Content

Where appropriate attach to the category of user, a statement of the participation that you think will be necessary to provide the requirements. Describe the contribution that you expect this user to provide – business knowledge, interface prototyping, usability requirements etc. If possible, assess the minimum amount of time that this user must spend for you to be able to determine the complete requirements.

3.3.2 Motivation

Many projects fail through lack of user participation, sometimes this is because the required degree of participation was not made clear. When people have to make a choice between getting their everyday work done and working on a new project, the everyday work takes priority. This requirement makes it clear from the outset that specified user resources must be allocated to the project.

4.0 Mandated constraints

4.1 Constraints on the requirements and the eventual design of the product

4.1.1 Content

This specifies constraints on the way that the problem must be solved. You can think of these as mandated solutions. Carefully describe the mandated technology, include the appropriate version numbers, and a measurement of how you will test compliance. If possible, you should also explain the reason for using the technology.

4.1.2 Motivation

Your client, customer or user may have design preferences, which, if not met, will make your solution unacceptable.

4.1.3 Examples

a. The product must use the current 2-way radio system to communicate with the drivers in their trucks.

b. The product must use the Windows NT operating system.

c. The product must be a hand-held device.

4.1.4 Considerations

We want to define the boundaries within which we can solve the problem. Anyone who has experience or exposure to a piece of technology tends to see requirements in terms of that technology. This tendency leads people to impose solution constraints for the wrong reason and these untrue constraintscan easily creep into a specification. If you impose untrue constraints the possibility is that you do not have the creative freedom to arrive at the best solution to the problem. The solution constraints should only be those that are absolutely non-negotiable. In other words, however you solve this problem you must use this particular technology. Any other solution would be unacceptable.

4.2 Commercial off-the-shelf packages

4.2.1 Content

This describes applications that must be used to implement some of the requirements for the product.

4.2.2 Motivation

To identify and describe existing commercial products that must be incorporated into the eventual product. The characteristics, behavior and interfaces of the package are design constraints.

4.2.3 Examples

Including written descriptions, models or references to vendor’s specifications can complete this section.

4.2.4 Considerations

The use of a specific package has been mandated. When gathering requirements you may discover requirements that are in serious conflict with the behavior and characteristics of the package. Keep in mind that the use of the package was mandated before the full extent of the requirements was known. In light of your discoveries you must consider whether the package is a viable choice when all the requirements are known. If the use of the package is not negotiable, the conflicting requirements will have to be discarded.

4.3 Deadlines and other key time-related events

4.3.1 Content

Any known deadlines or windows of opportunity should be stated here.

4.3.2 Motivation

To identify critical times and dates that have an effect on product requirements. If the deadline is short, the requirements must be kept to whatever isachievable within the time allowed.

4.3.3 Examples

a. To meet scheduled software releases.

b. There may be other parts of the business or other software products that are dependent on this product.

c. Scheduled changes to the organization that will use your product. For example, the organization may be implementing a new system and your product is needed before implementation can commence.