Read the article about what corals are. Then answer the following questions on your own paper in complete sentences (must be hand written):

  1. What are corals?
  2. What are they similar to, or confused as?
  3. What is the scientific classification?
  4. How many known reef-building species are there?
  5. Generally, where are corals found?
  6. What are the two threats the article talks about?

Finding Coral’s Ideal Environment: This is a virtual lab with two types of questions. Checking In questions tend to provide the answer (so for these it is ok to copy) and Stop and Think questions require you to explain what you learned (using your own words). You must copy all questions and answer all on your own paper (must be hand written).

Part A has 3 Checking In questions and 2 Stop and Think questions.

Part B has 1 Checking In question and 2 Stop and Think questions.

Part C has 3 Checking In questions and 2 Stop and Think questions.

(You should have 19 questions so far)

Trouble in Paradise: Factors that Impact Coral Health: This is a virtual lab with two types of questions. Checking In questions tend to provide the answer (so for these it is ok to copy) and Stop and Think questions require you to explain what you learned (using your own words). You must copy all questions and answer all on your own paper (must be hand written).

Part A has 3 Stop and Think questions.

***Use this image to help you answer the questions for Part A if ReefGIS doesn’t work:

Part B has 7 Checking In questions and 1 Stop and Think questions (SKIP THE FIRST STOP AND THINK QUESTION).

For Part C, SKIP STEP ONE! GO DIRECTLY TO STEP 2! Part C has 3 Checking In questions.

(You should have 34 questions so far)

Using Data to Identify Hot Spots and Predict Bleaching Events: This is a virtual lab with two types of questions. Checking In questions tend to provide the answer (so for these it is ok to copy) and Stop and Think questions require you to explain what you learned (using your own words). You must copy all questions and answer all on your own paper (must be hand written).

Part A has 2 Checking In questions and 1 Stop and Think question. SKIP STEPS 2-4! MOVE DIRECTLY TO PART B!

Part B has 3 Checking In questions and 1 Stop and Think question.

***For Hotspot Animations, click on the map icon on the left of the screen…for animations click on Animations: (90d) 45ns, for Thermal Stress, click on Anomaly Button under Year-to-date Maximum.

Part C has 3 Checking In questions and 1 Stop and Think question. ( for degree heating weeks global animation)

Part D has 4 Checking In questions and 1 Stop and Think questions. (To access data sets…click here: and use Lower Keys Florida for the data and click on 2006-2007 on right of graph for Checking in #4)

(You should have 48 questions at the end)