Elementary Mathematics Textbook Adoption
Evaluator: ______Material: ______
School:______Publisher: ______
Directions: Individual programs should be judged on each criteria and a score assigned on a scale of 0 to 4. Give a score of 0, if a book fails to meet criterion, or if its treatment is unsatisfactory or weak. If a criterion is fulfilled in an excellent manner, score a 4. Ratings of 1, 2, and 3 allow you to make judgments that fall between weak and excellent. Enter you score in pencil, in case you wish to change your rating.
Comments may be placed on back of sheets.
(Please mark (x) one.)0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- Content is compatible with local objectives.
- Content is compatible with National Mathematics Standards.
- Content is compatible with Missouri Grade Level Expectations.
- Content is compatible with performance-based tests.
- Information presented is accurate.
- Content is presented in an appealing and interesting manner to students.
- Content reflects the multi-cultural diversity of today’s society and is free of bias.
- Material is suitable for maturity level and reading level of students who will use it.
- Respect for rights, values and practices of diverse groups are promoted.
- Material stresses high order thinking skills.
- There is good integration of languages, arts, mathematics and other subjects.
- There are activities following each chapter that are inquiry-based.
(Please mark (x) one.)0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- Skills are developed, integrated and maintained at appropriate levels.
- Opportunities are provided for development of higher level thinking skills.
- Skill features include vocabulary development, reading comprehension, writing research and use of time lines.
(Please mark (x) one.)0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- A variety of strategies are used to develop background and extend student’s prior knowledge.
- Strategies are provided which encourage students to explain concepts in their own words, ask for evidence and clarification of their explanation, and listen critically to one another’s explanation and those of the teacher.
- Technology is incorporated into instruction, i.e., multi-media presentations, transparencies, CDs.
(Please mark (x) one.)0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- Materials provide for hands-on/minds-on projects to extend lessons.
- Opportunities for cooperative learning exist.
- There are opportunities for students to manipulate graphs, tables, charts, etc.
- There are engaging activities, which include the use of literature and discrepant events.
- Students are given opportunities to explore: test predictions and hypotheses and/or form new ones, work together without direct instruction from the teacher.
- Technology is infused with student activities, i.e., calculators, software programs.
(Please mark (x) one.)0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- There is ample material to meet individual needs (enrichment and reteaching).
- Lessons are presented in a clear, consistent manner that is organized for ease of use.
- Information is easy to use.
- Suggestions for use of ancillary materials are referenced in teacher’s edition.
- Teacher support material is incorporated into instructional material and is easy to use.
(Please mark (x) one.)0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- There are opportunities for performance assessment integrated into lessons
- The unit assessment is offered in both multiple-choice and written-response format.
- Opportunities to evaluate take place throughout the learning experience.
- Answer keys and scoring guides are provided.
(Please mark (x) one.)0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- Paper and binding appear to be durable.
- Type is suitable for teacher/student.
- Index and reference sections are sufficiently detailed to be useful.