Department of Justice
Underage Drinking Laws Grant

WHO: Community Members of Knob Noster, Warrensburg, Whiteman AFB and Johnson County, MO

WHAT: Federal Grant awarded with the goal to reduce underage drinking by implementing best practices that increase the enforcement of underage drinking laws and enhancing research-based prevention planning and programming for underage community members, specifically WAFB personnel.

The CCoRC project is designed to create a comprehensive approach to underage drinking among Airmen, and the greater Johnson county community.

Working as a partnership, the University of Central Missouri, Whiteman Air Force Base, and the cities of Warrensburg and Knob Noster, intend to reduce underage access to alcohol through a collaborative effort.

Project goals include reducing underage drinking through coalition efforts, and reducing high risk consumption of alcohol, DWI and the availability of alcohol to underage airmen. Progress towards goals will be measured by cooperating with OJJDP and the national evaluator to report mandatory performance measures. Objectives include increasing collaboration among partners; more effective use of data; increased utilization of best practice training resources; environmental management strategies including compliance checks, DWI saturations, controlled party dispersals, revision of local policies related to underage drinking, activities to provide an alternative to alcohol; and education and awareness including a social host/social norms clarification media campaign and an innovative social norm clarification program for underage airmen.

WHEN: $759,883.82 was granted to support the project until 2013

WHERE: While the focus population is underage Whiteman personnel, the education and enforcement opportunities will be shared throughout the community.

WHY: Based on current data collection, there is a stated need for more coordinated collaboration between local communities in the Johnson County area regarding underage and responsible drinking. Additionally, data has shown that there is an issue with underage drinking/over consumption of alcohol and driving while intoxicated in our community. While this grant focuses only on alcohol, the model is one that can be replicated for many other social issues in the community.


¨  Education and Activities

¨  Data Collection and Reporting

¨  Collaboration, Sustainability and Planning

¨  Enforcement Operations and Regulatory Improvements


Jeff Huffman

Program Coordinator, DOJ Grant

660-543-8067 office

660-441-0602 cell

Lauren Padden

Program Assistant, DOJ Grant

660-543-8074 office