Rainbow Programmes for Children
Fee Subsidy Application

You can save a copy of this form onto your computer, fill it out and e-mail it to . Please scan and send a copy of your most recent Notice of Assessment as well.
Or you can print it and send a copy with your Notice of Assessment to:
Rainbow Day Camp
337-304 Stone Road West
Guelph, ON N1G 4W4

At Rainbow we recognize that some families are not able to fully finance their child’s camp fees. Rainbow works in partnership with the community in order to obtain funding to offset camp fees for qualifying families. Subsidized funding is based on our best fundraising efforts.

Limitations: Camp fee subsidies are limited to one camp session per camper for the Children and Teen Camp programs.

Eligibility criteria that is taken into consideration:

Ø  You have one or more children 4 – 18 years of age

Ø  You live in the City of Guelph

Ø  You are attending an educational institution or training program

Ø  Your child has developmental needs

Ø  You have experienced a sudden change in financial circumstance or hardship

Ø  You have applied but not qualified for subsidy through community resources including the County of Wellington Child Care Services (PH 519-837-3620) and the Children’s Foundation of Guelph & Wellington (PH 519-826-9551)


All families receiving camp fee subsidy through Rainbow Programmes for Children must contribute a portion of those camp fees, per child, per camp session. The exact amount will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Subsidy does not cover Extended Care or special purchases made at Rainbow and cannot be combined with any other discount offers. Applications are approved on an annual basis – families must re-apply yearly.

Applications are reviewed and approved on a first-come, best-served basis and subsidy is limited to the funds available – APPLY EARLY. You will be notified by e-mail and/or by phone once your application has been reviewed.

Parent / Guardian Name:

Name and age of camper(s): ___

Mailing Address: __

City and Postal Code:

Telephone Number(s):

E-mail Address: ___

1.  Total family income (as per most current Notice of Assessment)?

2.  Number of family members this income is supporting (adults and children)?

3.  Additional reasons for financial assistance request:

Please check the following:

□ Single Parent Family, no income

□ Single Parent Family, single income

□ Two Parent/Guardian Family, no income

□ Two Parent/Guardian Family, single income

□ Two Parent/Guardian Family, double income

Please check as many that apply:

□ Family Benefits □ Social Assistance □ Employment Insurance □ WSIB

□ Special Services at Home (SSAH) □ Waitlist for SSAH

□ Part-time employment: # of hours/week

□ Full-time employment

□ Self Employed

□ Attending school or training program: # of days per week

Please attach copy of most recent Notice of Assessment OR provide a personal reference. This person will be contacted and asked to verify the information you have provided in this application. References may be your child’s school Principal, F&CS Worker, Case Worker, etc. Family members cannot provide a reference.

Name of reference and relationship to you:

Telephone number:

Please note: Completion of this application does not indicate approval of subsidy. Families will be notified on the status of their application. Further information and/or documentation may be requested.


Signature of Applicant Date

(if printing this document)
By checking this box you are signing the document: ❒

(if sending this document electronically)