DEMSWG Meeting Minutes November 7, 20171
1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
Devin Miroy, Data and Energy Management System Work Group (DEMSWG)Co-Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Mr. Miroy asked attendees to introduce themselves.
2.Antitrust Policy
Scott Erwin, Reliability Specialist, read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.
3.Approve Agenda
Mr. Miroyintroduced the proposed meeting agenda. An additional item was added to the agenda to discuss DEMSWG’s role in WON Management.
On a motion by Stacen Tyskiewicz, the DEMSWG approved suspension of Robert’s Rules of Order.
The DEMSWG approved the agenda.
4.Review June 6, 2017 Minutes
Mr. Erwin introduced the minutes from the June 6, 2017 meeting. The DEMSWG discussed the minutes.
The DEMSWG approved the June 6, 2017 minutes.
5.Review of Previous Action Items
Mr. Miroy reviewed action items carried over from the June 6, 2017meeting of the DEMSWG. Action items that are not closed and will be carried forward are:
- Robert Melis (Stacy Hendrickson was researching) to see if more address space can be added to WECC Operations Network (WON)with possibly increased subnetting.
- Devin Miroy will review the DEWG documentation to remove WECCNET references. The documentation needs to be updated to reflect the new OC structure.
- CAISO and AT&T come up with options for a secure AT&T pricing.
6.New DEMSWG and CSWG Email and Member Distribution List Review
The DEMSWG discussed the email distribution lists for DEMSWG and the Cyber Security Work Group (CSWG). The former Data Exchange Work Group (DEWG) and Energy Management System Work Group (EMSWG) lists have been combined into the DEMSWG list. Any members of DEMSWG that would like to participate in CSWG can request to be part of that group.
7.OC Restructuring
The Operating Committee (OC) has been restructured. DEMSWG had no questions on the changes. Mr. Miroy would like volunteers to take over as chair.
8.NERC EMS Conference Update
Wei Qiu, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), provided an update on a NERC Energy Management System (EMS) conference. The conference included a panel from various regions, sharing insights. The conference also included updates on the May 4, 2017 outage and an EMS vendor panel. Planning for the 2018 conference is just beginning. Topics ideas can be sent to Mr. Qiu.
9.WON Usage for Dynamic Scheduling via ICCP and what data constitutes “Reliability Data”
Mr. Miroy and Jonathan Aust, DEMSWG Co-Chair, led a discussion on the WON usage and the sharing of reliability data with entities that are not reliability entities. The WON Security Guideline states that WON data is only to be shared between Reliability Coordinators (RC), Transmission Operators (TOP), Balancing Authorities (BA), and “other member utilities”. The DEMSWG discussed what type of entities can be classified as “other member utilities”. There needs to be more definition of “other member utilities”. CSWG will be responsible for the WON Security Guideline. The EID[NS1] needs to be added to the guideline.
The WON Security Guideline is posted to the WECC Website.
10.Discussion of DEMSWG Role in WON Management
The DEMSWG discussed the upcoming changes in the Western Interconnection for WON management. The DEMSWG has no way to enforce signing the WON without making a WECC Standard. The standards process takes time to be drafted and become enforceable. A task force may be needed to discuss the role of DEMSWG in the WON Management.
11.CIM task force Update
Brian Meadows, Salt River Project (SRP), presented an update on the Common Information Model (CIM) Task Force. The CIM Task Force reviewed their purpose and began discussing the RDFID[NS2]s used in the CIM. DEMSWG discussed the version of CIM being used, the CIM Task Force is requesting version information from their participants. A CIM guideline should be taken to Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Subcommittee (SASMS) as well.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
12.Securing the WON/ECN with CERTES Pricing Presentation
Clifton Jones, AT&T and Marilyn Mauro, Certes, provided an update on Inter-Control Center Communication Protocol (ICCP). The ICCP is necessary for data sharing in real-time. DEMSWG discussed the ICCP with AT&T and Certes. This effort is to assist entities that will be responsible for a new CIP standard, which will soon be enforceable.
James Hiebert and Thomas Williams, CAISO, presented an overview of securing the ICCP. Information in scope is defined by TOP- 003-3 and IRO-010-2. DEMSWG is working on securing ICCP which could quickly become outdated. Next steps could include updating old implementation systems and keeping the complexity of certificate management in mind for the future.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
13.Continued TOP-010 discussion - Addressing Requirement 3
Mr. Aust presented the Post Application User Group (PAUG) methods for addressing TOP-010 Requirement 3.
14.Update on WON Connection Agreement Signatures
Mr. Erwin provided an update that there are 26 WON Connection Agreement Signatories, with recent addition of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP). Mr. Erwin will send the signed documents to the DEMSWG members to review the signatory and how to proceed on getting additional information for those that have not signed.
15.Continued Discussion on FERC Order 822 – Possibly covered byCIP-012
CIP- 012 will cover the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 822.
16.Data Sharing Issues Between Companies
Companies have been asked to post their ICCP information on the TOP-003 site on Peak RC. Some organizations have not posted their information.
17.TOP-001 (version 4) discussion regarding diversely routed data exchange infrastructure within the Control Centers
DEMSWG discussed that TOP-001 version 4 will include requirements that primary control center servers should have redundant data paths and be tested every three months.
18.Q&A with a WECC Auditor
Joseph Baugh, Senior Cyber Security Compliance Auditor, presented an overview of the new CIP-012-1 and answered questions from members of DEMSWG. Mr. Baugh also addressed questions about CIP-002.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
Stacia Carron, Cyber Security Associate Auditor, and Carl Bench, Cyber Security Auditor, discussed what the auditors look for on CIP-004, CIP-007 and CIP-010.
19.TOP-003 Template Mods Discussion due to IRO-010 Template Changes at Peak RC Force Update
Gareth Lim, Peak Reliability (Peak), and Stacen Tyskiewicz, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), provided an update on the template changes for IRO-010 and the corresponding needed change to theTOP003 template. These changes are not urgent, but the intent is to have the forms match.
20.TOP-003 Form Discussion on Auditor Feedback
Tim Reynolds, Senior Engineer, discussed some feedback received from the auditors on the TOP-003 Form. The form is not a WECC mandated procedure and the form should include additional information about the uses of the form. The form management should be formally advertised.
21.Certification Reviews and What Are the Triggers
Mr. Reynolds discussed the review of EMS certification and the issues that trigger that review. There was an initial review of RCs, BAs and TOPs. When anew entity registers to be an RC, BA or TOP, changes their RC, BA or TOP footprint or has an organizational restructuring that may affect their RC, BA or TOP functions, a certification review will be performed. Bucket 1 means that the entities are not ready and another review will be needed. Bucket 2 has issues to resolve before the change occurs, bucket 3 includes things that could be corrected. The review depends on the extent of the changes being made.
22.EPAS Monthly Calls Review discussion
Mr. Reynolds reviewed the purposed of the Event and Performance Analysis Subcommittee (EPAS). DEMSWG members are invited to join the EPAS’ monthly call.
23.Review of New Action Items
- Add EID to the WON Security guideline.
- Assigned To: Thomas Williams and CSWG
- Due Date:
- Discuss a possible task force with SASMS.
- Assigned To: Jonathan Aust
- Due Date:
- Find the list of DEMSWG members that want to participate in the EPAS Event Analysis monthly calls and start inviting them to the meetings.
- Assigned To: Tim Reynolds
- Due Date:
24.Upcoming Meetings
February 6-8, 2018...... Salt Lake City, UT
June 2018...... Salt Lake City, UT
October 2018...... Salt Lake City, UT or Tucson, AZ
DEMSWG approved going into a closed session.
The DEMSWG discussed NERC Event Analysis Update and Discussion in the closed session.
Mr. Miroy adjourned the meeting without objection at 11:15 a.m.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
Members in Attendance
Steve Ashbaker...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Jonathan Aust...... Western Area Power Administration
Bradley Calbick...... Avista Corporation
Parviz Ebrahimzadeh...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Jim Hiebert...... California Independent System Operator
Steve Johnson...... PacifiCorp
Gareth Lim...... Peak Reliability
Brian Meadows...... Salt River Project
Jeff Mettler...... Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County
Devin Miroy...... Western Area Power Administration
Jason A. RadetskiSr...... Tucson Electric Power
Glen Sidney...... PacifiCorp
Nancy Touchette...... Southern California Edison Company
Stacen Tyskiewicz...... Bonneville Power Administration - Transmission
Tracy Van Slyke...... El Paso Electric Company
Chris Yoon...... Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
Members not in Attendance
Bruce Barsness...... Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County
Gerald Beier...... Seattle City Light
Vanith Biddappa...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Steve Carlton...... Idaho Power Company
Lincoln Chin...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Nico Chondro...... Portland General Electric Company
Arnold Cook...... NorthWestern Energy
Hector Cortez...... Imperial Irrigation District
Brian Cummins...... California Independent System Operator
Adrian Dominguez...... Salt River Project
Alan Firth...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Gabriella Gaspar...... Imperial Irrigation District
Marco Guerrero...... Comisión Federal de Electricidad
Darrell Hahn...... Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County
Greg Hansen...... Western Area Power Administration
Jim Hansen...... Seattle City Light
Maria Hartley...... Portland General Electric Company
Stacy Hendrickson...... California Independent System Operator
Karl Horn...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Petr Karasev...... Bonneville Power Administration
Vern Kissner...... Tacoma Power
Gary Kohler...... Southern California Edison Company
Michael Kohler...... Southern California Edison Company
Don Kovacs...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority
Tori Lewis...... Idaho Power Company
Peng Li...... PacifiCorp
Robb Lindner...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Robb Lindner...... Bonneville Power Administration
Xiaopeng Liu...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Tsang Mak...... California Independent System Operator
Hector Mendoza...... Imperial Irrigation District
Elias Mireles...... Imperial Irrigation District
Charlie Mogannam...... California Independent System Operator
Eric Mscichowski...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Murray Mueller...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Chuck Nichols...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority
Bruce Oliver...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Subhash Paluru...... Western Area Power Administration
David A. Parker...... Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
Ali Rassamdana...... Southern California Edison Company
Tim Reynolds...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Mark Riley...... Tri-State Generation & Transmission - Power Management Division
Karen Russell...... Salt River Project
Holly Sanders...... Salt River Project
Roxanne Scacco...... PNM Resources
Paul Schultz...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Phillip Shafeei...... Colorado Springs Utilities
Kirk Stewart...... Peak Reliability
Randy Suhrbier...... Bonneville Power Administration
Gary Sun...... Southern California Edison Company
Enzhou Wang...... Seattle City Light
Mike Wenz...... Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County
Dan Wilson...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Bill Winters...... Arizona Public Service Company
Landon Worsfold...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Tom Young...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Patricia Zavala...... El Paso Electric Company
Others in Attendance
Dave Arounsack...... Turlock Irrigation District
Keith Austin...... Southern California Edison Company
Joseph Baugh...... WECC
Carl Bench...... WECC
Don Bigelow...... AT&T
Dave Blackshear...... Gridforce Energy Management, LLC
Geoffrey Burke...... AT&T
Stacia Carron...... WECC
Brian Cast...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Thomas Curtis...... Peak Reliability
Domenic Darling...... WECC
Holly Eddy...... WECC
Scott Erwin...... WECC
Sean Everson...... Certes Networks
John Graminsky...... WECC
TJ Hambly...... Certes Networks
Clifton Jones...... AT&T
Peter Kernazitskas...... WECC
Marilyn Mauro...... Certes Networks
Lance McDaniel...... PacifiCorp
Robert Melis...... California Independent System Operator
Valente Munoz...... El Paso Electric Company
Shelli Nyland...... WECC
Wei Qiu...... North American Electric Reliability Corporation
Billie Quantrell...... Klickitat County PUD
Ramu Ramanathan...... Maxisys, Inc.
Ser Rodz...... Salt River Project
Jennifer Salisbury...... WECC
Kevin Salsbury...... NV Energy
Mary Savage...... Tacoma Power
Katherine Shrock...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Rachel Smith...... WECC
Dwanique Spiller...... NV Energy
Garrett Story...... WECC
Gary Sun...... Southern California Edison Company
Mike Trenerry...... Global Linking Solutions
Thomas Williams...... California Independent System Operator
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
[NS1]What does this mean? I can’t find it anywhere. Is it supposed to be EIDE - Electric Industry Data Exchange?
[NS2]What does this mean? I can’t find it anywhere.