Present Mr. D. Burchell, Mr. D. Crane, Mr. P. Enston, Mr. D. Reid, Mrs. C. Rahaman
Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. C. Gibson, Mrs. J. Lowe
C.Cllr Ivan Ould, B.Cllr, Bill Crooks
Mrs Jordan attended the meeting to inform members of her hopes to get a Neighbourhood Watch scheme set up in Barlestone, and wondered if any financial help could be given to start the ball rolling. It was decided to put this on the Agenda for the next meeting.
B.Cllr Bill Crooks attended the meeting and went through his report with the councilors. There were questions about the borough funding including the new charges for the green waste collection.
C.Cllr Ould previously had circulated his report also explaining the cuts that are being made by the Government.
1 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Having been circulated were confirmed as a true record by Mrs. Rahaman, seconded Mrs. Lowe.
2 Matters Arising/Requests
Having spoken to the Borough about a bin at the top of Newbold Road, it appears that they do not have one available therefore one of ours will be provided.
3 Planning
The further appeal by the Good Friday Site has been turned down by the officers at the Borough.
4Finance –
a) Accounts for payment
The RFO having previously circulated the list of invoices to the members, it was proposed by P.Enston, seconded by Mrs. Rahaman that the invoices (£7,719.33) are paid.
Also, as the Gate to the Allotments has now been repaired, the invoice for Mr. Bailey can be paid.
It was agreed that the Annual payment of £500 to the Bowls Club towards the upkeep should continue to be paid.
b) Request from Old School Hall for donation
A request had been received from the Old School Hall to replace the kitchen and flooring in that area. The Clerk had contacted Mr. Bowen to ask for further information, accounts etc.
Proposed D.Crane that £300 should be donated subject to seeing their accounts, seconded D.Burchell, on a vote 5 in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions.
c) Audit
Due to changes in the Audit system and following information from the Responsible Finance Officer, it was confirmed by D.Burchell, seconded by Mrs. Smith and all in agreement that the Parish Council confirm it will remain opted-in to the Sector Led Body arrangements for the procurement of external audit.
d) Office requirements
The Chairman said that in view of the proposed sale of the Village Hall, Barlestone PC should have a ‘seal of office’ for official business. This should cost no more than £70. Proposed Mrs. Lowe, seconded D.Crane.
Gate has now been repaired and Mrs. Rahaman is in the process of speaking to prospective
It was felt that a meeting with tenants needed to be arranged, and a date of 22nd March was agreed, 7 pm at the Pavilion.
It was noted that First Steps Playgroup wished to take on the tenancy of an allotment. They would still be required to pay the £30 deposit and a member of the PC will contact them to find out what ideas they have before the members agree.
6Playing Fields/Open Space
Bosworth Rd –
The electricians are in the process of getting on with the required work and the store room has been its own alarm system to take away the need to open up the Pavilion before being able to enter the store.
The vandalised shutters are to be repaired next week.
May Meadow –
The saplings have arrived and Mr. Preston will get them planted when the weather allows.
7Cemetery/Church Yard
The large trees at the top end of the cemetery have been cut back.
Following the notices placed on the unsafe graves in the cemetery, it will now be arranged with Sellers to lay down the affected headstones.
8Date for Annual Parish Meeting
Fixed for 7 pm on the 19th April 2016 All committee Chairmen were reminded a report was needed a week prior to this date.
9Any Other Business
The Chairman informed the meeting that the consultation had taken place by the Highways with regard to the parking on Newbold Road opposite the Methodist Chapel, but to date nothing had been heard.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25 pm