Chalmers Presbyterian Church

Chalmers Presbyterian Church…

Built by FAITH,

strengthened through WORSHIP,

bringing HOPE to life’s journey

We welcome you to worship at Chalmers. If you are a first-time worshiper at Chalmers we reach out to you with hospitality and friendship in Jesus’ name.

 This symbol is being used in the Order of Service to indicate that the people will stand. All the worship songs will be projected on the screen.

Please note that some fellow worshippers are sensitive to perfumes. We ask that you consider keeping Chalmers scent free. Thank you.

A special word of thanks to Harvey Fife, our guest organist this morning.

There will be a time of refreshments and fellowship in the lower hall.Today’s hosts are Marilyn & Dave McFadden. Thestriped mugs at coffee hour are for visitors. Please help our visitors feel welcome.

There will be no Sunday morning summer programming for the children. However packs are available for children to use during the service. The packs are placed on the pew near the library with colouring, puzzles, and word searches.


AT A GLANCE! August 6 – August 13

SUNDAY Worship -10am

Library Open – 11:15 am

MONDAYSummer Office Hours: closed

TUESDAYSummer Office Hours: 9am-3pm

Seniors’ Fitness – 1 pm

WEDNESDAY Summer Office Hours: 9am-4pm

THURSDAYSummer Office Hours: closed

FRIDAYSummer Office Hours – 9am -4pm

Seniors’ Fitness – 9 am

Seniors’ Euchre 1pm

SUNDAY Worship -10am

Library Open – 11:15 am


The doors to our beautiful new Prayer Garden will be unlocked prior to and following our worship celebration. Enjoy.


Rev. John will be on holidays from August 10th until August 30th. If you require pastoral assistance during this time…


Please note that the Life & Mission insert from

thebulletin is available on the Chalmers website.



For healing for George Smeltzer as he receives care and recovers at Victoria Hospital following recent surgery.

Please pray for Daisy Herbert who is recovering with therapy in Parkwood Hospital.

For healing and strength for Jack Webster as he continues to recover at home.

For God to provide healing and pain relief for Dorothy Barfoot as she deals with health challenges.

For God’s healing and strength for Ron Sumner as he receives care at home.

For God’s blessing for Shirley Bakelaar, Ross Cole, Doris Doskas, John Gaskin, Maureen Gaskin, Martin McHardy, Linda McPherson, Margaret Middaugh and Eileen Reid.

For peace and protection for our men and women in the Canadian military serving abroad and in Canada. Please pray for comfort and peace for their families.



MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Silent and Live Auction - Saturday, September 30

We are looking for items for the upcoming Silent and Live Auction. Items can include services, products, gift cards, etc. - The options are endless! A sign up list is on the table in the Narthex for donated items for the silent and live auction. Letters are available for anyone to take to local businesses requesting a donated item.

FINANCIALS: Total cost of metal roof - $125,000

Funds as of July 16 - $60,607

Donations received July 23 - $845

Donations received July 30 - $15

TOTAL Donations received to date - $61,467


Memorial Fund Donation - $12,500


The fundraising team - Janet Bruce, Yvonne Daniel, Bob Finlay, Pat MacKay and Brenda Webster


A Note from the Prayer Garden Team –

Keith, Jeff & Pat would like to thank Jim Harrett for his work in making stakes for the Memorial plaques in the Prayer Garden.


Coffee Fellowship Servers:

August 13:TBA

August 20:Keith & Phyllis Johnston

August 27: Marg Ward & Heather Reid


HOSTSfor 6 August 2017

Bill George & Lorna Wilson

Cathy & Keith Spooner

2 hosts needed

Next Sunday’s Hosts

Tammy & Jason McRonald

Linda Bone & Barb Jessop

Muriel Bertling & Debbie Scott


Stars Collideby Janice Thompson

This is a lovely, kookie love story about Jack and Angie aka Scotty and Kat. Okay – let me clear up your confusion. Scott and Kat are actors playing opposite each other in a TV sitcom called “Stars Collide”! The parts they play are that of star-crossed lovers named Jack and Angie. Then there is Lenora Worth, Kat’s grandmother, who is an aging actress, well-known in her time on stage, but who seems to be sliding into senility and spending more time in the past than in the present. Jack and Angie are about to get married … in the sitcom, but grandma takes it as a real event and starts to plan a big, Hollywood wedding.

You cannot help but love the whole cast, and wonder how they are going to bring some semblance of reality into their lives.

Well, I can’t tell you how this all works out… but I was surprised – and giggled a while when I saw what was happening.

Read and enjoy this light romance with a large helping of family life added!

Christine Hunter, Librarian


Real Faith: Are you between the ages of 18-30? Curious about your life, faith and the world? Keen to connect with other young adults? Join us! Together we will explore some of the big questions and topics that we encounter as we seek to follow Jesus in the world today. Real conversation, real people, real faith. Led by Rev. Jeffrey, Rev. Mavis and friends. To meet every 4th Thursday of the month 8-9 pm at Westmount Presbyterian Church.

More information by contacting Jeffrey at 519-472-3443 or Mavis at 519-631-2414 .


August 6: Care that endures in Nepal

When 11-year-old Madan fell from a tree, he suffered injuries that left him bedridden and covered in painful sores. When his health didn’t improve, his family took him to a Presbyterian World Service & Development-supported clinic in a remote region of Nepal. There he received treatment, physiotherapy and a wheelchair – but the assistance didn’t end there. When Madan wanted to attend school, local partners advocated for the addition of an accessibility ramp at a nearby school to accommodate his wheelchair. Madan’s time at school, alongside supportive friends, was empowering. Today, he is taking college courses and aspiring to complete a master’s degree. Madan is grateful for the support that not only treated his illness, but also helped him build a future of hope and opportunity.


Chalmers collects old and used STAMPS and pop

can tabs. All efforts provide wheel chairs for needy

children. Look for the containers on the hutch.

Speaking of Stewardship

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25



Thank you for supporting the pop can venture. This venture supports our Youth Ministry. There is a Rubbermaid bin in the narthex for the pop cans.


Summer Camp Drivers Needed

Summer camp creates lasting memories, enriches a child's life and nurtures self confidence!Can you spare a few hours this summer and help a child get to camp? At the London Community Chaplaincy, we are looking for drivers to help get 100 kids to camp. Often camp begins or ends on Friday, Saturdayor Sunday, but we also are in need ofdrivers during the week!

If you can help please call us at 519-685-2771 or email


Thank you to all who contributed sandwiches and cookies for the Mission Committee’s visit to the Men’s Mission in July. Special thanks to Bob Finlay for providing a very moving service in word and song for the men who attended.


PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance) offering cards may be found on the table in the foyer with the Sunday worship bulletins. If you are on PAR you may wish to place the offering card on the offering plate as it is passed as a way of participating in the offering of our financial gifts for the glory of God.


As the wildfires remain active in British Columbia, please pray for affected communities and first responders. Donations may be made to PWS&D in support of physical and emotional recovery for those impacted by the fires. Mail a cheque to the office, give through your church, donate online, or call 1-800-619-7301. Please mark donations for “BC Fires”.

Learn more at


Vacation Bible Camp Mission Project

For the upcoming weeks we will be having a clothing drive for Teen Challenge Thrift Store which has just opened near our church on 1200 Commissioners Road East. We have chosen Teen Challenge as our Vacation Bible Camp mission, but we would like to include the congregation in order to have more support for this cause. If you would like to donate please bring in clothing/ shoes, dishes/cutlery and toys for children! Your support is appreciated!


Be a Chalmers' Blood Donor!When you give blood at Canadian Blood Services, mention that you’re a ‘Partner for Life from Chalmers’ and mention our ID# CHAL673812.

To the young and healthy, it's no loss. To the sick, it's hope. Donate blood to bring hope to life's journey for others!