Grey Court School, Ham Street, Ham Richmond TW10 7HN

Headteacher: Ms M. Bailey MA. NPQH

T: 020 8948 1173 F: 020 8332 2428 E: .uk

27th April 2014

Dear Parent/ Guardian


I am writing to inform you that your son/daughter is required to attend a Geography GCSE Fieldtrip to Juniper Hall, Dorking, on Wednesday 23rd April 2014.

Students will need to meet in school at 8.30am on the day of the trip. Sensible outdoor clothing including wellington boots will be required. Students are advised to check the weather forecast on the evening before the trip. Students will also need a note book and writing equipment(and a camera if possible). Students will be required to bring a packed lunch and will return to school by 17.45 on the same day.

The purpose of the trip is for your son/daughter to complete their Geography coursework, which makes up 25% of the final exam mark.

The cost of the trip includes tuition and transport. The school requests a voluntary contribution of £32.50 per student.

Please fill in the tear-off slip below and return it to the Finance Office with the full amount by Tuesday 1st April 2013. No child will be excluded on the basis of being unable to pay the full amount and the school will help if it can. If you have any difficulty with payment, please contact the finance office as soon as possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely

Mr L. J. King

Assistant Headteacher

Permission Slip (Return to Finance)

I...... give my permission for......

to attend the Geography field trip on Wednesday 23rd April 2014.

Method of payment (tick)



Online (through the tab marked GCSE Geog Field Trip April 14)......

Emergency Contact No......

Medical needs/allergies (if applicable)......


Grey Court School is an academy registered with the Department for Education as an exempt charity and

a company limited by guarantee number 8185432 incorporated in England and Wales