Year Group: 1
ICT Strand / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3Computing Curriculum
Unit Title
Unit summary
Computing Programme of Study focus
Suggested software/hardware
/ Unit: 1.2
We are TV chefs
Filming the steps of a recipe
Computational thinking
Paint, Movie Maker/iMovie
/ Unit: 1.3
We are painter
Illustrating an eBook
Tux Paint/Paint/2Pain A Picture, IWB software, Word
/ Unit: 1.1
We are treasure hunters
Using programmable toys
Programmable toys
/ Unit: 1.4
We are collectors
Finding images on the web
Computer networks
Web browser, PowerPoint/IWB software
/ Unit: 1.5
We are storytellers
Producing a talking book
Communication/ collaboration
PowerPoint/2Create A Story/IWB software
/ Unit: 1.6
We are celebrating
Creating a card electronically
PowerPoint Word/Clicker 6, Paint/2Paint A Picture
ICT use across the curriculum to enhance learning experiences
To ensure ICT is still being used to enhance and deepen children’s learning and understanding within all areas of the curriculum you will need to make sure that the children in your year group use the following areas within their learning. There is a table of age related expectations of skills below to support your planning and ensure progression across the school.
ICT Strand / Year 1 outcome
Multimedia and word processing / Combine text, images and possibly other features to create either a printable document or a simple multimedia presentation
Graphics / Use a paint package to create pictures and effects
Digital video / Use a digital camera or camcorder to record images
Communication Collaboration and publishing / Log on to, personalise and use the tools within an online space. Remember a password.
Music and sound / Use ICT to listen to and talk about sounds; create simple sound sequences; record and playback voice on different devices
Handling data / Either as a class or individually, collect information. Use a pictogram to represent the information and answer simple questions about it.
Research / Explore a variety of resources to access a range of information for a topic.
Year 1 Multimedia
This unit can be taught in association with the digital imagery, sound, music, communicating and publishing units
Level 1 They work with text, images and sound to explore and share their ideas
Level 2 They use simple editing and formatting techniques to develop their work
Learning Objectives: / Key Skills: What the children will do / Outcomes
· To understand that multimedia includes sound, text and graphics
· To understand that ICT can be used to communicate ideas
· To be able to use text, images and sound to communicate ideas
· To understand that text comes in different colours, sizes and styles
· To talk about how ICT has been used
*See also the Communicating and Publishing unit on using the MLE. Many of the skills above can be achieved on the MLE as well. / · Develop familiarity with the keyboard – spacebar, backspace, shift, enter, to provide text on screen that is clear and error free
· Select appropriate images
· Begin to select or record a sound to add to my work
· Add text to photographs, graphics (images) and sound e.g. captions, labelling and simple sentences through the use of e.g. Clicker5 and a word bank or 2Create A Story/2Create A Superstory
· Use pre-defined layouts or templates for presentations
· Begin to explain reasons why choices have been made to teacher or talk partner
In order to progress further
· Begin to word process short narrative and non-narrative texts
· Develop basic editing skills including different presentational features (font size, colour and style) / Add text to graphics and sound to communicate ideas
Work collaboratively to produce a digital class book
Children publish and share work on MLE
Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
· Children photograph riding a bicycle and add a caption and/or voice recording
· Children use a paint package to create a picture and annotate (e.g. aboriginal art, labelling parts of a plant / body, routes to school, plan a playground / classroom etc)
· Children sequence images for narrative or non narrative writing (e.g. school incident / route to school / familiar story / life cycles / time line)
· Children sequencing a process for example making a model or making biscuits
· Children write a caption for a non-fiction book use photographs of the children in role play to add simple sentences
Assessment Opportunities:
· Add appropriate text to images.
· Create a digital story adding text, sound and images
· Share ideas with others and discuss their work
Suggested Resources: Multimedia-authoring software: Purple Mash Creative Tools: 2Publish 2Publish Extra, 2Publish Projects 2 Create a story, Touch typing packages; eg, 2Type. Clicker 4 or 5, Textease, paint package, digital camera/ camcorder, microphone and digital sound recorder, digital microscope, MLE
Year 1 Music and Sound
Level 1: They work with text, images and sound to explore and share their ideas
Level 2: They understand that work can be saved and retrieved for later use
Level 2: They use simple editing and formatting techniques to develop their work.
Learning Objectives: / Key Skills: What the children will do / Outcomes
· To know they can explore sound and music in ICT using keyboards, and onscreen music software
· To know they can record sound using ICT that can be stored and played back
· To understand that they can use software to change the musical phrases they create
· To locate, listen to, play and begin to record sounds / · Recognise that an electronic keyboard can be used to select and control sounds
· Experiment with a range of devices which create and record sounds and musical phrases
· Understand that devices have stop, record and playback functions
· Explore a range of electronic music and sound devices including software and different peripherals
· Talk about their music when they share their recordings with the rest of the class
In order to progress further
· Use the sound features of programs to add to their work e.g. 2create a story
· Use the sound recording tool on the MLE to record voice to answer a question or sentence / Show an awareness of using sounds and music for a range of purposes (see Multimedia Unit, Year 1)
Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
· Use sound recording devices to record sounds around the school and identify them
· Use sound buttons in a program to hear sounds and link them to pictures
· Compose a simple musical phrase to link with another curriculum area
· Use the sound features of programs to add to their work
· Create a sound story 9
· Create the setting from a familiar traditional tale and provide costumes and props to encourage children to take on particular roles. Provide a tape recorder or digital sound recorder for children to talk into while in role and writing materials for them to write messages and letters in role. (Literacy Narrative Traditional tales)
Assessment Opportunities
· Children can locate, listen to and play a range of sounds
· Children experiment with a range of sound producing devices
· Share their idea
· Discuss their work
Suggested Resources: Microphone, cassette recorder and/or digital sound recorder eg, Talking Tins, programs with sound buttons, 2 Simple Music Toolkit, Purple Mash 2sequence, Musical Leaps and Bounds, The Dums, Musical Monsters, electronic keyboard, electronic drums, 2create a story, Talking books, Talking Pens, Karaoke machines, Dance mats, voice changers, MLE,
Year 1 Digital Imagery
Level 1: They work with text, images and sound to explore and share their ideas
Level 1: They capture information and share their work with others (such as using digital cameras) with others
Level 2: They use simple editing and formatting techniques to develop their work.
· Learning Objectives / Key Skills: What the children will do / Outcomes
· To enable children to explore a variety of tools in a graphics package to communicate an idea
· To enable children to understand the difference between a graphics package and paper based art activities
· To understand there are a variety of tools in a graphics package and they each have a different purpose
· To understand digital still or video camera can capture an image to share store and retrieve
· To understand the need to frame an image or scene and keep the camera still
· To begin to understand that some packages will enable images to be animated. / Graphics Packages
· Use a paint package to create a picture to communicate their ideas
· Explore shape, line and colour to communicate a specific idea
· Talk about their use of a paint package and their choice of tools
· Talk about the differences between a graphics package and paper based art activities (undo, changes quickly and easily made)
· Animate an image or screen using predefined animations (eg using 2Simple 2create a story)
Film and photo
· Use a digital still or video camera to take a picture or record their work
· Talk about the images or film they have taken and the tools used
· Label an image they have created
In Order to progress Further
· Begin to select and edit and change images / Use a paint package to experiment with mark making. Creating pictures, drawings, patterns. Using digital images to communicate and illustrate specific ideas.
Talk about their choices they have made
Children publish and share work on MLE
Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
· Children photograph growing cress seeds
· Children use a digital camera or camcorder to photograph themselves, their friends and their toys
· To produce timeline of images
· Use a paint package to produce a face, house, vehicle, map of school or classroom etc
· Use digital images and art packages to investigate the work of other artists.
· Use an art package to explore techniques (eg. Patterning, tiling, stamping)
· Children create two contrasting fantasy settings, based on their drawings and discussions with response partners. The illustrations can be created using art materials, collage or paint programs on the computer. (Literacy Narrative fantasy settings)
· Use a simple animation package to show the growth of a seed ( Literacy recount)
· Create short simple texts on paper and screen that combine words with images (and sounds) (Literacy Framework Creating and shaping texts)
Assessment Opportunities
· Use a range of graphics tools to create a picture to communicate an idea, talk about the tools they have used
· Share their ideas
· Discuss their work
Suggested Resources: A Paint program such as Dazzle 2Paint, 2Simple – 2Paint a Picture, Purple Mash: 2Paint, 2Animate, 2design and Make, 2 Publish Extra, , basic desktop publishing software with imported images (eg. 2Publish, Textease, Clicker 5, 2Create a Story), Google Image search, digital camera eg, Digital Blue or Tuff Cam digital camcorder. Other Image capture devices Visualisers, Microscope, Share their work on the MLE
Year 1
Communicating collaborating and Publishing
Level 1
Locate information on the MLE
Share work via MLE at home or school
With support work with text, images and sound
Save and retrieve work for later use
They use ICT safely by following instructions / Level 2
Locate and use information to answer questions
Organise information and present in different forms
Use editing and formatting techniques
They use ICT to communicate with others following instructions on safe use
Learning Objectives / Key Skills – what the children will do / Outcomes
· To understand the schools e-safety policy: appropriate to their age
· Understand passwords are used to log in and why these should be kept private
· Understand they have to log in to the MLE to see a home page and other resources
Using the MLE:
· To start to understand that messages can be sent electronically over distances.
· To understand that messages can be sent electronically and people can reply to these messages
· Understand that many different people can communicate and publish on the MLE
· Understand that contributions can be in pictures, sound and text
· Understand that information on the MLE can be seen at home and school / E- safety
· To discuss e-safety in terms of the school acceptable use policy
· Find the login on the MLE Log in and navigate to a given page
· To talk about passwords and why they need to be kept private
· Look at the different ways that messages can be sent for example; letters, telephone, email, text, instant messaging, walkie talkies, forums
· Contribute ideas to a class electronic communication or respond to a message or forum on the MLE
Publishing: ( Refer to Multimedia Unit)
· Contribute ideas to a class blog, Wiki, forum or web page
· Use simple authoring tools to create their own content or homepage on the MLE
· With support use sound recording tools to convey a simple message or introduction
· With support add pictures they have created onto the MLE
· Talk about who can see pages on the MLE and see their work at home ( - out of school) / · Follow School e-safety policies
· Work collaboratively to produce an electronic communication to send to another class/group or story character
· Contribute to a Web 2.0 tool or resource collaboratively or individually
Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
· Use different forms of communicating in role play areas – telephone, mobile etc
· Communicate with a character e.g. Barnaby bear on the MLE
· Use a discussion forum on the MLE to “Ask the expert”
· Compose a class Blog on a diary of a tadpole, chick or caterpillar, Class toy
· Use a Family Blog on the MLE to share achievements at home and at school
Assessment Opportunities:
· Discussion and observations of children’s understanding of communication through the use of technology
· Contribution to a forum through, text, voice or image
Suggested Resources: 2email , MLE, forums