Directorate D: External cooperation, communication and key indicators
Unit D-1: Statistical Cooperation with European and Mediterranean countries /

Doc. PGSC/2009/15

Meeting of the

Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation

8 - 9 October 2009

Budva, The Queen of Montenegro Hotel

Start: 9.30 am

Overview of national EU assistance programmes on statisticsfor candidate and potential candidate countries

Point 8.4 of the Agenda

Overview of national EU assistance programmes on statistics

for candidate and potential candidate countries

Country / Year allocated / Total amount in thousand EUR / Programme Description / Status
Albania / 2002 / 1000 / CARDS - Strengthening of National Accounts (ESA95) and adoption of acquis communautaire in the fields of: NA and prices, agriculture statistics, cooperation in the statistical system / Completed
2005 / 760 / CARDS 2005 – Support to the regional offices of the institute of statistics in Albania (INSTAT) for data collection and adoption of the acquis communautaire: technical assistance (EUR 600thousand) and provision of equipments (EUR 200thousand) – Phase I / Completed
2006 / 800 / CARDS 2006 – Support to the regional offices of the institute of statistics in Albania (INSTAT) for data collection and adoption of the acquis communautaire: technical assistance, reinforcement of regional network, decentralisation of data collection responsibilities (EUR 600 thousand) and provision of IT equipments for regional offices (EUR 200 thousand) - Phase II / In tendering phase
2007 / 2850 / IPA - Transition Assistance and Institution building which includes technical assistance in the fields of national accounts, business censusand agriculturecensus(EUR 2650 thousand) and supplies of IT equipments (EUR 200thousand) / In tendering phase
2009 / 8000 / IPA - Support to the preparation of the 2011 population and housing census in Albania / In programming phase
Bosnia and Herzegovina / 1998 / 490 / Phare –Technical assistance to support statistical system, supply of equipment to the BiH Statistical Agency and Entity offices - Phase I / Completed
1998 / 490 / Phare –Implementation of the Law on Statistics, implementation of priorities identified in Eurostat Global Assessment of the statistical system, strengthening of professional skills and raising capacity -Phase II / Completed
2005 / 1449 / CARDS – Business statistics, national accounts, business register, strengthening the institutional infrastructure of BiH statistical institutes and improvement of coordination between the entities, agriculture statistics, external trade statistics, financial sector statistics- Phase III / Completed
2006 / 500 / CARDS – Supply of IT equipment and Software for Statistical Institutions / Completed
2007 / 500 / IPA - Technical assistance for preparation of Population Census 2011 - Phase I / In tendering phase
2007 / 1500 / IPA -Strengthening and harmonisation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina agriculture and rural sectors information system: Development of the BiH agricultural information structure; address the immediate BiH needs for accurate and reliable agricultural data for the rural economy. Data collection and network exchange system to be strengthened and data produced according to the EU standards. / In tendering phase
2007 / 1 500 / IPA - Strengthening of public health institutes in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Statistical institutes in Bosnia and Herzegovina are not foreseen to be directly involved in the implementation of this Project) / In tendering phase
2008 / 2 000 / IPA - Support to State and Entities Statistical Institutions
Technical assistance to the preparation of the population and housing census phase 2 . (The financing of EUR1500 thousand from Swedish SIDA is added to census phase 2)
International Monitoring Operation (EUR 700 thousand)
Twinning project, covering business statistics (implementing surveys required under the SBS regulation annex I-IV annual data only; adding construction, retail trade, distributive trade and tourism to STS; filling and updating the business register) and extended HBS (income and living standard) (EUR1300 thousand) / In programming phase
2008 / 250 / IPA Twinning Light Project – PPI and IPI; Support to SBS Survey 2009; IT training; report on current status of implementation of the UN and EU principles – Phase IV / Inception phase
2009 / 2 000 / IPA – Supply of equipment for the population census / In programming phase
Croatia / 2001 / 1 500 / CARDS - Approximation of system to EU requirements: data collection and processing, methodology, Business Register, National Accounts; Supply in IT equipment; Supplies for Agricultural Census 2003 / Completed
2002 / 400 / CARDS - Establishment of a system for producing regional accounts at NUTS II level / Completed
2003 / 800 / CARDS - Development of methodology for production of key public finance statistics / Completed
2003 / 320 / CARDS - Upgrading of labour market statistics and IT supply / Completed
2003 / 400 / Socio-economic indicators (HBS, SILC) and Structural Business Statistics at NUTS II level / Completed
2005 / 1 350 / Phare - Reconstruction and development of CBS and regional offices (support to business statistics, Household Budget Survey and Organisational Capacity) / Completed
2005 / 1 178 / Phare - Business register, national accounts, agriculture statistics / Completed
2005 / 1 700 / Phare - Supporting the 2005 twinning projects / Completed
2005 / 550 / Phare - Supply of IT equipment / Completed
2005 / 150 / Phare - Introduction of INTRASTAT / Completed
2006 / 2 000 / Phare - Major revision of classifications and upgrading of subject-matter statistics / Ongoing
2006 / 150 / Phare - Supply of IT equipment / Completed
2008 / 1 000 / IPA - Technical assistance in development of selected areas of statistics / In tendering phase
2009 / 800 / IPA - Technical assistance in development of selected areas of statistics: short-term business statistics and energy statistics / In programming phase
Montenegro / 2001 / 600 / CARDS - Assistance and training on economic statistics, statistical technical work, IT, organisation and management, Assistance for the organisation of the 2002 population census, Procurement of IT equipment and standard software and Feasibility studies and user needs assessment regarding statistical applications / Completed
2003 / 12 / Eurostat grant co-financed and implemented by Statistics Austria on the strategic management cooperation programme. / Completed
2004 / 500 / CARDS - National accounts, prices, structural business statistics, dissemination, cooperation in statistical system. / Completed
2005 / 28 / CARDS - Assessment of the organisation of MONSTAT and the national statistical system, and recommendations on changes to be made to increase their capacity to meet the requirements of the EU. / Completed
2006 / 1 500 / CARDS - Labour Market Reform and Workforce Development. The main beneficiary is the Employment Agency, but one component covers labour and employment statistics involving MONSTAT for improving LFS and to increase the understanding of the different labour statistics needed in a country among the main institutions / Completed
2007 / 200 / IPA – Supporting the implementation of the pilot population census and identifying the needs of MONSTAT with view to achieving full compliance with the EU requirements and CES Recommendations in conducting population and housing censuses / Ongoing
2007 / 800 / IPA – Approximating to EU standards in statistics:Develop a quality system for key processes in the production of statistics; further harmonise economic statistics, in particular national accounts; and improve business statistics: establish routines for maintaining the business register and introduce NACE Rev2, improve SBS, STS and tourism statistics. / In programming phase
2009 / 1300 / IPA - Strengthening the capacity of MONSTAT for collection and distribution of data in 4 sectors: agriculture statistics; national accounts; business register; and IT sector / In programming phase
Serbia / 2002 / 1 200 / CARDS - National accounts, prices, structural business statistics, dissemination, cooperation in statistical system / Completed
2004 / 1 300 / CARDS - IT training; Organisation and management; EU regulations; Market economy; Training and strengthening of institutional capacity both at SORS and the regional offices, supply of vehicles. / Completed
2005 / 1 000 / CARDS - IT software and hardware / Completed
2007 / 1 800 / IPA - Improved national accounts; preparation for agricultural census; improved and rationalised use of Information and Communication Technologies; and upgraded and rationalised means of internal and external communication and dissemination of information / Ongoing
2008 / 1600 / IPA - Assistance to the Serbian Environment Protection Agency as a national focal point institution for cooperation with European Environment Agency in strengthening the EIONET / Inception phase
2009 / 23 / DG EMPL grant on carrying out an ad hoc module on youth employment / Ongoing
Kosovo under
UNSCR 1244/99 / 2002 / 1 000 / CARDS - National Accounts, External trade statistics, Government finance statistics, LFS, Business register, dissemination and cooperation with key stakeholders / Completed
2003 / 2 300 / CARDS - ASPAUK I and II – Agriculture pilot census combined with agriculture household survey 2005, Farm account data network staff trainings. Joint project with MAFRD (main beneficiary) / Completed
2002 / 9 / Eurostat grant on training on ESS.. / Completed
2004 / 14 / Eurostat grant co-financed and implemented by Statistics Austria on the strategic management co-operation programme.. / Completed
2005 / 1 315 / CARDS - Support for the population census / Completed
2005 / 600 / CARDS - International Monitoring Operation of the Kosovo Housing and Population Census. Joint project with Council of Europe / Ongoing
2005 / 1 500 / CARDS - National Accounts and macro-economic statistics, Social statistics – use and maintenance of census results / Completed
2006 / 2 000 / AER – Vocational Educational and Training in Kosovo , phase III- implemented by PEM / Completed
2007 / 1 500 / European Union – Further support for Statistical Office of Kosovo – implemented by GOPA / Completed
2008 / 1 500 / IPA –Technical assistance to the statistical office of Kosovo for the preparation of a population census / In programming phase
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia / 1996 / Phare - Technical assistance concerning classifications, national accounts and external trade statistics, as well as supply of equipment / Completed
1998 / 1 000 / Phare - Improving the statistical registers and links between statistical registers and administrative data sources, and improving statistics in the area of agriculture, external trade and labour market / Completed
2000 / 660 / Phare - Support to population and agricultural census (EUR 1.32 million in total of which EUR 0.11 million for population census + additional EUR 0.55 million and EUR 1.21 million for agriculture census) / Completed (Support to agricultural census failed to be contracted)
2003 / 18 / Strategic management co-operation programme. Eurostat grant co-financed and implemented by CSO, Ireland. / Completed
2005 / 1 000 / CARDS - Capacity building, national accounts, Business statistics, social statistics, ICT capacity, quality monitoring, communication strategy / Completed
2005 / 240 / CARDS - IT equipment / Completed
2007 / 2 070 / IPA - Development of a quality system for all processes in the production of statistics, including a project on metadata and data confidentiality; improvenational accounts and other economic statistics, further harmonisation of business statistics, establishing routines for maintaining the business register and implementing NACE2, establish new surveys in e.g. transport statistics, improvesocial statistics including the introduction of EU-SILC survey, IT supplies / In contracting phase
2008 / 5 / DG ECFIN grant - Business and consumer surveys under Framework agreement with DG ECFIN. The grant covers the period 2008-2010, and consists of three specific grant agreements. Two specific agreements has been already signed. / Ongoing
2009 / Approx
1 600 / IPA - Aligning with acquis in national accounts, business statistics, a survey on organic farming, environmental statistics, social statistics, quality review of statistics, establishing centralised backup and disaster recovery system, advancing online services for data collection, further developing of GIS tools, including IT supplies and pilot surveys / In programming phase
2009 / 18 / Eurostat grant - Labour force survey, implementation of the 2010 LFS and ad-hoc module on reconciliation between work and family life; still in tendering procedure. The implementation period is 2009-2011. / In tendering procedure
2009 / 18 / DG Enterprise and Industry grant - Satellite accounts for cooperatives and mutuals. The implementation period is 2010. / In tendering procedure
Turkey / 2001 / 15 300 / Upgrading the Statistical System of Turkey Programme Phase I (technical assistance, training activities, data collection and procurement of equipment are the components of the programme) / Completed
2005 / 5 300 / Upgrading the Statistical System of Turkey Programme Phase II (technical assistance and training activities) / Ongoing
2007 / 4 200 / IPA - Strengthening of the Statistical Capacities of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Labour and Social Security (technical assistance, IT supplies) / In tender phase
2009 / 3 000 / IPA - Upgrading the Statistical System of Turkey Programme Phase III (technical assistance and training activities are the components of the programme). Areas covered: business register system; social statistics (income distribution and poverty, social protection, causes of death, health accounts, population projections, migration, population census, earnings and labour cost, time use survey, labour force survey); environment statistics and accounts; macro economic statistics (FATS, annual, quarterly and regional national accounts, price statistics); structural business statistics and short term statistics; capacity building and institutional strengthening. / In programming phase

State-of-play: 11 September 2009