School name
Post code and Town
Landline phone / Mobile phone
Contact person
Courier Service: Send all certificates with a courier (Single Din 300.00 charge, non-refundable)
KET, 12 May (speaking 4-13 May)
PET, 12 May (speaking 4-13 May)
KETfor Schools,19 May (speaking 11-20 May)
PETfor Schools, 19 May (speaking 11-20 May)
FCE for Schools, 5 May (speaking 27 April-6 May)
FCE for Schools, 26 May (speaking 18-27 May) / MAY SESSION 2018
FCE, 19 May (speaking 11-20 May)
CAE,5 May(speaking 27 April-6 May) /Belgrade only
CAE, 19 May(speaking 11-20 May)
CPE, 12 May(speaking 4-13 May)/Belgrade only
BEC Higher, 26 May (speaking 18-27 May)/Belgrade
Beograd / Novi Sad Niš (26th May)
*Please note that the examination session will be held in the city of your choice only if there is a sufficient number of registered candidates.
No / Name / Surname / Gender / Date of birth
1 / M F
2 / M F
3 / M F
4 / M F
5 / M F
6 / M F
7 / M F
8 / M F
9 / M F
10 / M F
Please note: Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only. Date of birth should be in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
I ask that these candidates be admitted to this examination. I undertake to ensure these candidates are made aware of and comply with the exam regulations. I have taken reasonable steps to identify any candidates with special needs and notified British Council Serbia staff.The British Council will use your personal data, including the test day photos, for administration of the Cambridge English Exam.
The British Council shall pass this information on to Cambridge English organisation in connection with administration of the Cambridge English Exam.
Under the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and the Serbian Law on Protection of Personal Data (2008, amendments 2009, 2012) you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in that information. If you want more information about this please contact your local British Council office at or the Data Protection Team . Or visit our website at .
I confirm that candidates (or parents/ guardians of candidates under the age of 18) have been informed about how the British Council will use personal data, including photos taken on the test day, required on this form.
candidates (or parents for candidates under 18) have been informed and have agreed that their photo** may be taken on test day.
School Administrator Signature / Date** The photo remains strictly confidential, and is stored by Cambridge ESOL. The picture increases the security of the test and will help
organisations (universities, employers, immigration authorities) to consult your results if you wish to give them access to it.
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