Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 1:Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District will increase student achievement, measured by performance index, by 1.76 points each year to achieve a B on performance index by 2019. (Reading)
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 1: Implement common assessments aligned to New Learning Standards as part of TBT process
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
The TBT’s and BLT’s will demonstrate an average of 80% proficient or higher on steps 1-3 as measured by the surveys. / BLT 62%
TBT 61% / 1/15/15 / 5/15/15
Goal 80%
Student Performance Indicator
The students in grades 4-10, as measured by the MAP assessment, will exceed, in growth, the difference between the EOY and BOY nationally normed RIT scores. / See attached data (subtracted the BOY from the EOY national norm mean RIT score and added that number (growth) to our students’ Fall score to determine goal) / 2/16/15 / 3/20/15 / 6/2/15
Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/ DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Completed / Resources Needed:
Dec-Feb / March-May / June-Aug / Sept-Nov
1. Develop and use a process to create/revise rigorous common assessments K-12 / Develop- assessment product/ protocol
Use - Assessment / Allison and Reading subcommittee and summer cohort group / Process / Products / Products / Started during summer, 2014. Not completed / HS-substitutes for summer cohort group
Elementary—program specialists with teacher view of assessments
2. Develop consistent learning targets throughout the district to be assessed based on curriculum map / Learning Targets/
Curriculum Map / Sandy, Octavia, Bob, Jen B. / X
Sec -X / X
X / K-12 focused standards on curriculum map / After PARCC testing, feedback will have to be solicited
3. Develop master schedule to allow for collaborative planning time for assessment creation and planning K-12 / Schedule / Andrea, Paul / X / X / K-5 schedule changed
4. Administer common assessments as pre/post assessments for steps 1 and 5 of 5-step process / BLT Feedback and TBT Protocols/ Assessment Protocol / BLT, DLT, Principals, TBTs / X / Administration is underway 1-5 / Training for Thinkgate usage
Dates for CFA administration
Pre-assessments have not been created.
Create bank of pre-post assessments by standards in for use in TBT’s
5. Develop and use a feedback protocol to provide feedback to TBTs on quality of common assessments / Protocol/ Assessment / Allison/ TBT’s/ BLT’s / Vertical articulation grade to grade to analyze assessments with groups of teachers; feedback loop for teachers to provide input for each assessment by question
Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 1:Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District will increase student achievement, measured by performance index, by 1.76 points each year to achieve a B on performance index by 2019.(Reading)
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 2:Develop a scope and sequence with assessment maps
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
The TBT’s and BLT’s will demonstrate an average of 80% proficient or higher on steps 1-3 as measured by the surveys. / BLT 62%
TBT 61% / 1/15/15 / 5/15/15
Goal 80%
Student Performance Indicator
The students in grades 4-10, as measured by the MAP assessment, will exceed, in growth, the difference between the EOY and BOY nationally normed RIT scores. / See attached data (subtracted the BOY from the EOY national norm mean RIT score and added that number (growth) to our students’ Fall score to determine goal) / 2/16/15 / 3/20/15 / 6/2/15
Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/ DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Completed / Resources Needed:
Dec-Feb / March-May / June-Aug / Sept-Nov
1. Develop a process to create K-12 curriculum map / Protocol to include: School Calendar, Standardized Test Dates, New Learning Standards, Instructional Units / Sandy / Yes
2. Develop a curriculum map for English-language arts K-12 / Curriculum map / Sandy, Bob, Octavia / Yes. Teams were pulled together to develop curriculum maps / Curriculum maps vary grade to grade. If they need to be more similar in format and/or content grade by grade teams will need to be pulled in the Spring to take into account PARCC testing info
3. Align materials and resources with curriculum maps / Resource inventory by grade and subject
Curriculum map / Sandy / Some contained in curriculum maps / Additional alignment needs to be done and materials need to be piloted
4. Monitor learning targets and alignment to teaching strategies / TBT Protocol, BLT feedback / X / X / X / X
Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 1:Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District will increase student achievement, measured by performance index, by 1.76 points each year to achieve a B on performance index by 2019.(Reading)
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 3: Instruct using effective instructional strategies
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
The TBT’s and BLT’s will demonstrate an average of 80% proficient or higher on steps 1-3 as measured by the surveys. / BLT 62%
TBT 61% / 1/15/15 / 5/15/15
Goal 80%
Student Performance Indicator
The students in grades 4-10, as measured by the MAP assessment, will exceed, in growth, the difference between the EOY and BOY nationally normed RIT scores. / See attached data (subtracted the BOY from the EOY national norm mean RIT score and added that number (growth) to our students’ Fall score to determine goal) / 2/16/15 / 3/20/15 / 6/2/15
Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/ DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Completed / Resources Needed:
Dec-Feb / March-May / June-Aug / Sept-Nov
1. Use ready-resources in TBT meetings (Bloom’s Taxonomy graphic, Marzano resources, others) / Bloom’s taxonomy chart
Instructional strategies chart
BLT feedback / Principals, TBTs / X / X / X / Add DOK information
2. Identify and train teachers and administrators on best-practice instructional strategies in reading / Training dates
TBT protocols
OTES walkthroughs? / Sandy, Octavia, Bob, Principals / Tasks and questions aligned to DOK
3. Develop and use a protocol for peer-to-peer feedback on instructional strategies / Protocol / Octavia, Bob, Sandy / X / X / Sept –Nov 2015-16
4. Develop a library of resources of effective instructional strategies in use / Electronic database of resources: videos, training modules, lesson plans, sample lessons / Octavia, Bob, Sandy / K-5 strategies from 2012-13 PD / Need to see PARCC assessment
5. Develop and use a tiered support system for instruction / Product with clear expectations for instruction and assessment / Octavia, Bob, Sandy, Principals / X / X
Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 1:Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District will increase student achievement, measured by performance index, by 1.76 points each year to achieve a B on performance index by 2019.( Math)
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 1:Implement common assessments aligned to New Learning Standards as part of TBT process
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
The TBT’s and BLT’s will demonstrate an average of 80% proficient or higher on steps 1-3 as measured by the surveys. / BLT 62%
TBT 61% / 1/15/15 / 5/15/15
Goal 80%
Student Performance Indicator
The students in grades 4-10, as measured by the MAP assessment, will exceed, in growth, the difference between the EOY and BOY nationally normed RIT scores. / See attached data (subtracted the BOY from the EOY national norm mean RIT score and added that number (growth) to our students’ Fall score to determine goal)
Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/ DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Completed / Resources Needed:
Dec-Feb / March-May / June-Aug / Sept-Nov
1. Develop and use a process to create/revise rigorous common assessments K-12 / Develop- assessment product/ protocol
Use - Assessment / Allison and TBT’s, Fred / Process / Products / 70% completed k-12 assessments. / Time for creating common assessments is still needed.
2. Develop consistent learning targets throughout the district to be assessed based on curriculum map / Learning Targets/
Curriculum Map / Sandy, Octavia, Bob, Fred / X
Sec -X / X
X / Maps are complete, revise to include most recent iteration of Performance Level Descriptors from PARCC
3. Develop master schedule to allow for collaborative planning time for assessment creation and planning / Schedule / Principals, Andrea / X / X / Middle School has daily time, but elementary and high school have weekly TBT time, but no time for collaborative planning and assessment creation.
4. Administer common assessments as pre/post assessments for steps 1 and 5 of 5-step process / BLT Feedback and TBT Protocols/ Assessment Protocol / BLT, DLT, Principals, TBTs / X / X / X / X / 75% of assessments are created K-12 . Teachers need to be informed of how to access these assessments in IIS and be given the assessment timeline. Expectations for use of Common Assessments needs to be communicated to TBT’s
5. Use the jurying process to determine the quality of common formative assessments. / Protocol/ Assessment / Allison/ TBT’s/ BLT’s / Develop / Use / Use / Training and time for jurying process during summer 2015.
Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 1:Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District will increase student achievement, measured by performance index, by 1.76 points each year to achieve a B on performance index by 2019.(Math)
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 2:Develop a scope and sequence with pacing guides and assessment maps
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
The TBT’s and BLT’s will demonstrate an average of 80% proficient or higher on steps 1-3 as measured by the surveys. / BLT 62%
TBT 61% / 1/15/15 / 5/15/15
Goal 80%
Student Performance Indicator
The students in grades 4-10, as measured by the MAP assessment, will exceed, in growth, the difference between the EOY and BOY nationally normed RIT scores. / See attached data (subtracted the BOY from the EOY national norm mean RIT score and added that number (growth) to our students’ Fall score to determine goal) / 2/16/15 / 3/20/15 / 6/2/15
Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/ DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Completed / Resources Needed:
Dec-Feb / March-May / June-Aug / Sept-Nov
1. Develop a process to update and revise existing K-12 curriculum map / Protocol to include: School Calendar, Standardized Test Dates, New Learning Standards, Instructional Units / Sandy / X / X
2. Develop a curriculum map for mathematics K-12 / Curriculum map / Sandy, Octavia, Bob / X / Completed!
Posted to C & I moodle page
3. Align materials and resources with curriculum maps / Resource inventory by grade and subject
Curriculum map / Sandy / X / Math materials are currently being piloted in grades 6-12. Pilot will be completed April 2015 and recommendation for board adoption will be made by June
4. Monitor learning targets and alignment to teaching strategies / TBT Protocol / BLT, DLT, Principals / X / X / X / X / ongoing
Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 1: Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District will increase student achievement, measured by performance index, by 1.76 points each year to achieve a B on performance index by 2019.(Math)
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 3:Instruct using effective instructional strategies
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
The TBT’s and BLT’s will demonstrate an average of 80% proficient or higher on steps 1-3 as measured by the surveys. / BLT 62%
TBT 61% / 1/15/15 / 5/15/15
Goal 80%
Student Performance Indicator
The students in grades 4-10, as measured by the MAP assessment, will exceed, in growth, the difference between the EOY and BOY nationally normed RIT scores. / See attached data (subtracted the BOY from the EOY national norm mean RIT score and added that number (growth) to our students’ Fall score to determine goal) / 2/16/15 / 3/20/15 / 6/2/15
Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/ DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Completed / Resources Needed:
Dec-Feb / March-May / June-Aug / Sept-Nov
1. Use ready-resources in TBT meetings (Bloom’s Taxonomy graphic, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, Marzano resources, others) / Bloom’s taxonomy chart
Instructional strategies chart, DOK math specific materials
BLT feedback / Principals, TBTs team leaders and dept liaisons / X / X / X / DOK math reference materials
2. Identify and train teachers and administrators on best-practice instructional strategies in reading / Training dates
TBT protocols
OTES walkthroughs
Use of growth mindset video course with students with a gap in their math learning / Sandy, Octavia, Bob, Principals
Union leadership / X / X / Ongoing. Training specifically geared to closing the math achievement gap. For example, Student course on Growth Mindset in Math (Stanford University)
3. Develop and use a protocol for peer-to-peer feedback on instructional strategies / Protocol / Octavia, Bob, Sandy, Principals / X / X / Potential example “Please Notice” boards
4. Develop a library of resources of effective instructional strategies in use / Electronic database of resources: videos, training modules, lesson plans, sample lessons / Octavia, Bob, ,Sandy, Fred, DLT, Math Teachers Principals / X / X / X / X / Examine NCTM and OCTM resources to develop a toolkit of math resources. Tarsia puzzles, Math Vocabulary/Literacy tools
5. Develop and use a tiered level support system for instruction / Product with clear expectations for instruction and assessment / Octavia, Bob, , and Principals, Fred Intervention Specialists / X / Refer to core instructional materials for Tier 2 intervention strategies. Solicit feedback from TBT members on differentiation
6. Create quantitative and qualitative measurement tools for pilot materials / Surveys for teachers, students, and parents. Data points from common assessments. / DLT math subcommittee / X / X / X / X / Time for DLT Subcommitte to create surveys and analyze data.
Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 2:District will achieve a 10% reduction in the number of students receiving an office discipline referral(Climate)
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 1: Implement Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
50% of all teachers, 100% parapros K-12, 100% bus drivers, and 100% lunch assistants will receive a minimum of 2 hours PD (to include workshops, in-services, coursework, etc.) on improving culture and climate and obtaining effective classroom management strategies during the 2014-15 school year. / 10/15/14 / 2/15/15 / 6/15/15
Student Performance Indicator / 6/2014
There will be a10% reduction to the number of students receiving classroom referrals from the 2013 school year to 2014. (goal 2,051) / 2,279 / 9/26/14 / 328 / 2/15/15 / 4/15/15 / 615/15
Implementation Details
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/ DataSources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Completed / Resources Needed:
Dec-Feb / March-May / June– Aug / Sept - Nov
1.Revise and monitor Student Assistance Team process to ensure use of established data collection tools K-12 / Surveys, office referral data, suspension data, BLT protocols / Jeff Johnston and sub-committee / X / X
2. Revise and monitor district adopted PBIS practices detailed in Tiger Expectations & Guidelines to ensure consistent implementation K-12 (Common expectations, behavior definitions, interventions, universal support practices) / Publish updated description of philosophy, resources and expectations on web, student, staff and community surveys, office referral data, suspension data / Jeff Johnston and sub-committee / X / X
3. Conduct gap analysis to determine level of awareness and implementation of Tiger Nation practicesdetailed in Tiger Expectations & Guidelines at each school / Staff self-assessment survey, inventory of practices, referral data, Building Leadership Team, meeting notes / Jeff Johnston and sub-committee / X / X
4. Provide professional development to support district established PBIS practices detailed in Tiger Expectations & Guidelines / District PD calendar, BLT, TBT protocols / Jeff Johnston and sub-committee / X / X
5. Provide professional development to support district classroom management practices / District PD calendar, BLT, TBT protocols / Jeff Johnston and sub-committee / X / X
6. Enhance communication strategies via website and newsletters to inform parents and community members of climate initiatives. / Update website content, published newsletters, parent letters, parent surveys / Jeff Johnston, Climate sub-committee, DLT / X / X
7. Plan district events to support family/community understanding and participation in climate initiatives. / Board meeting minutes, event flyers and posters, attendance sheets, community feedback / Jeff Johnston, Climate sub-committee,
Cleveland Heights-University HeightsDistrict Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Smart GoalsGoal 2:The district will achieve a 6.2% reduction in suspensions for African-American studentsfrom 2013-2014 to 2014-2015.
Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures
Strategy 2: The district will address discipline disproportionality through the transparent display of data and implementation of strategies that reduce the amount of time African-American students are removed from instruction for disciplinary reasons.
Baseline Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
Adult Implementation Indicator / (Date) / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results / (Date) / Actual Results
50% of all teachers, 100% parapros K-12, 100% bus drivers, and 100% lunch assistants will receive a minimum of 2 hours PD on improving culture and climate and obtaining effective classroom management strategies during the 2014-15 school year. / 10/15/14 / 2/15/15 / 6/15/15
Student Performance Indicator / 6/2014
Reduce the percentage of suspensions of children of color from 93% to 86.8% / 93 / 12/15/14 / 2/15/15 / 4/15/15 / 6/15/15
Implementation Details