Crestview Pool

2015Membership Packet

The following is included in this Membership Packet:

  1. 2015 Crestview Pool Membership Form
  2. Crestview Pool Bond Application Form
  3. 2015 Crestview Pool & Membership Information

2015 Key Dates:

Pool Cleanup Days1April 18 and 19 (both days 8am - 12pm, 12pm – 4pm)

May 2 and 3(both days 8am - 12pm)

MembershipDues dueMay 1

Opening WeekendMay 23 – May 25

Open Full Time June 5

Last Day (Labor Day)September 7

Open Extra WeekendSeptember 12 and 13

Crestview Pool is once again offering first year trial memberships where new members do not have to purchase a bond for the 2015 season. Any season after a trial membership requires thepurchase ofa bond via the bond payment options.Any Crestview Pool member inquiries can be sent .

Membership Bonds are available for sale, so if you know of any friends, family, or neighbors looking to join a pool this summer, please let them know about Crestview Pool.

If you have any questions regarding Crestview Pool membership/bond inquiries, please send email to r call Michael Gervay at 302-354-4533.

Crestview Pool Internet links:

1 Members volunteering at cleanups will be reimbursed at a rate of $50 for each 4 hour block.

2015 Crestview Pool Membership Form

Please fill out completely and return with your payment by May 1, 2015 to avoid the late fee of $75.00.

Bondholder’s Name (s): ____

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: Development: ______

Home Phone: Cell Phone: ____

Email: ____

Emergency Contact: Emergency Contact Phone: ______

2015Crestview Pool Membership Dues(please check one, $100.00 Maintenance fee is included)

_____$305.00 for one member _____$575.00 for five members

_____$410.00 for two members _____$630.00 for six members

_____$465.00 for three members _____$685.00 for seven members

_____$520.00 for four members _____$740.00 for eight members

One child caregiver may be added for $40.00; Children under two (born after 5/30/13) are free!

Bond Payment # _____ of #______= $______

Total Amount Due = Bond payment $ ______+ Membership Dues $ ______= $______

PayPalTransaction ID:______(see PayPalpayment instructions on page 4)

Please list all pool members in the household below:

First member (Bondholder): ______

Second member: ______Sixth member: ______

Third member: ______Seventh member: ______

Fourth member: ______Eighth member: ______

Fifth member: ______Caregiver:______

Referred By (for new 2015 members only, list existing Crestview Pool Member):______

Please send this form and payment (if paid via PayPal make sure to list the Transaction ID) to:

Crestview Recreation Association

PO Box 7657

Wilmington, DE 19803



Send this form and your check (payable to Crestview Recreation Association) to:

Crestview Recreation Association

PO Box 7657

Wilmington, DE 19803

Bondholder Name______

Street Address ______Development______


Phone______Email ______

Bond Purchase Payment Options:

Options / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total / Initial
box to
1 Year / $500 / $500
2 Year / $300 / $225 / $525
3 Year / $200 / $200 / $150 / $550

Bond value at redemption is $500 (assuming bond is paid in full). Payment must be made every year until satisfied or any claim to the bond is forfeited and no money willbe returned. TheC.R.A. Board will determine such amount and Bondholders will be notified in a separate document. It is the responsibility ofthe Bondholder to notify the Board in the event of name and/or address changes.

The Bondholder has the right to sell the bond at any time. The amount of any unpaid startup fees will be assessed against thebond and will be due and payable upon transfer. Crestview Pool maintains a "Bond for Sale List" if the bondholder wants tosubmit the bond for sale, however C.R.A. makes no guarantees on the timeliness of any sale from the list. The C.R.A. willcharge a $25 transfer fee to record the bond in the name of the new Bondholder.

Agreed Bondholder______

Agreed Crestview ______

Jeff Towler--Treasurer

Completed by Crestview Pool
Name of person bond is being transferred from ______
Bond number______Date issued______Paid-in-full____ Bond value $______

How to pay your Crestview Membership Dues and Bond Payment using PayPal:
1. Go to
2. Click Membership
3. Click the PayPal icon
4. On the PayPal Crestview Recreation Association webpage enter in the Item Price field the total

amount due for Crestview Membership Dues and Bond Payment.
5. Enter your Email Address and PayPal Password and click Log In

6. Select your Payment methodand confirm the amount being paid.
7. Click Pay Now
8. Confirm payment is completed.
9. Write down the Transaction ID of the payment (you will write this transaction ID down and

amount paid on the Crestview Membership paper work you mail in).
10. Click Print receipt to keep a copy of the receipt for your records.
11. Click Go to PayPal Account Overview
12. Click Logout.

2015Crestview Pool & Membership Information

Days and Hours of Operation:

  • May: Saturday – 10:00am - 8:30pm, Sunday and Monday 12:00-8:30pm
  • June: Sunday - Friday 12:00-8:30pm, Saturday 10:00am - 8:30pm
  • July: Sunday - Friday 12:00-8:30pm, Saturday 10:00am - 8:30pm
  • August: Sunday - Friday 12:00-8:30pm, Saturday 10:00am - 8:30pm
  • Monday August 31 - Friday September 4 --> Open 12:00-8:30pm, Saturday 10:00am - 8:30pm
  • Labor Day weekend: Saturday 10:00am - 8:30pm, Sunday and Monday 12:00-8:30pm
  • Open Extra Weekend:September 12 (10:00am – 8:30pm) and September 13 (12:00-8:30pm)

2015Board Members:

President:Chuck Armbruster

Vice President: Dave Mongeluzi

Treasurer: Jeff Towler

Secretary: Wendy Fantini

Snack Bar: Jenny Stiles

Maintenance/Landscape:PJ Philiposian

Membership:Michael Gervay

Social: Candace Michulka

Membership Dues:

All membership dues ($100.00 Maintenance fee is included) payments (by check or PayPal) and membership forms are due by May 1, 2015. A $75 late fee will be applied for payments made after this date. A fee of $20.00 will be charged for returnedchecks.

If your 2015 Crestivew Pool Membership Formandmembership payment have NOT been received,all members listed under the bond will NOT be allowed entry to the pool, nor will they be able to use the pool facilities until the 2015 Crestview Membership Form and payment has been received.

Bond Information:

After a one season Trial Membership (where only Membership and Maintenance Dues are required), a Bond purchase of $500.00 (via the Bond Payment Options) is required if a family/member wants to obtain a membership the following season. A completed Crestview Pool Bond Application Form must then be submitted along with a bond payment.

Bond Resignations:

Bonds are refunded in the order the resignations are received and as the new bonds are purchased by new members. You do have the ability to sell your bond directly to someone else (send an email to equesting the“Crestview Pool Bond Sell Form”). The deadline for bond/membership resignation is May 1, 2015 or the full season’s dues will apply based upon your previous year’s membership dues. Anyone wishing to resign from the pool must send a written resignation letter along with their bond to:

Crestview Recreation Association

PO Box 7657

Wilmington, DE 19803

Crestview Rays Swim Team

For information regarding the swim team,send an email to check out the Swim Teamlink at

Additional Info:

  • Crestview Pool is a non-profit organization and relies on the volunteer time of its members to reduce costs and to run the various activities that we all enjoy. Volunteers are always needed for cleanup days, maintenance, swim team and social events. Please contact a board member or send email to if you are interested in volunteering.
  • Maintenance fees are necessary to provide the revenue needed to meet the rising operating and maintenance costs of our club.
  • Crestview is situated in a residential neighborhood. Please obey posted limits when traveling to and from the pool and watch out for children.
  • During home swim meets the pool will be closed at 4:00pm.

Crestview Pool Rules

The Crestview Pool Lifeguard’s responsibility is to enforce these rules and they have the authority to suspend pool privileges. For the health, safety, and protection of all members and guests, the following rules must be followed. It is encouraged that you review these rules with your family/pool members.

General Pool Rules

•Running, pushing, jumping, using profane or offensive language or other forms of disruptive and disorderly behavior are prohibited.

•No glassware or glass containers on the pool deck

•Plastic and metal containers are permitted on the pool deck

•No diving in the shallow areas of the pool (areas are marked)

•No abusing any Crestview Pool property or equipment

•No infants or toddlers in pool while still in regular/everyday diapers

•Children (still in diapers or potty training) must wearswim covers or swim diapers (ie: Pampers Splashers or Huggies Little Swimmers)

•Guests must sign in and pay the $5 guest fee at the check in desk. Members are responsible for the guest’sactions.

•Guests must pass a one lap swimming test for a lifeguard to use the main pool

•No Personal Flotation Devices (noodles/kickboards/small inner tubesare allowed with Lifeguard’s APPROVAL)

•No child, age 12 or under, is to be left unsupervised without a parent or guardian

•No dunking / roughhousing / horseplay or throwing objects that could result in injury

•No smoking inside the fenced in area of the pool property

•No Drugs or controlled substances

•No person will be permitted in the pool having: skin lesions, sores, or inflamed eyes, mouth, nose, or ear discharge, carrying communicable disease or having any type of bandage, adhesive tape, etc., on their body.

•No Pets

Diving Board Rules:

•Only one person at a time is allowed on the diving board

•No more than two bounces

•No hanging on or swimming underthe diving board.

Water Slide Rules:

  • Only one person at a time is allowed to slide down

•Persons must go down feet first on their backs

•No swimming under the water slide

Baby Pool Rules:

•The Baby Pool is restricted to children 6 years old or younger.

•Children in the Baby Pool are solely the responsibility of their parents/guardians and are not under the supervision of the pool staff.

•No diving into the baby pool

•No glassware or glass containers are permitted in the baby pool enclosure.

•Children (still in diapers or potty training) must wearswim covers or swim diapers (ie: Pampers Splashers or Huggies Little Swimmers)

•Keep gate closed

•Please clean up your toys when done

Emergency Procedures

In the event of a pool emergency, the guard on duty will sound a whistle and all swimmers must clear the pool immediately as to not interfere with the guards. Adults qualified in first aid / life saving may render assistance if needed. The pool will remain clear until guards give the OK to return.

Parents and Guardians

  • You are responsible for the supervision of your children at all times.