June 6, 2006
Alamo Corporate Center, 102 S. Tejon Street
First Floor Conference Room
1. CALL TO ORDER/ESTABLISH QUORUM: Chairperson Gary Bradley called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m.
Members present: Gary Bradley, Gene Bray, Dan Cleveland, Jane Dillon, Bob Hartwig, Joe Henjum, Brian Risley, Don Schley, Joe Vaccaro and David Whitehead.
Members absent: Ann Oatman-Gardner
Staff present: Bill Healy, Planning and Community Development Director; Ron Mitchell, Public Works Director; Cam McNair, City Engineer; Bruce Thorson, Roadway Design Manager; Robin Kidder, Senior Civil Engineer; Scott Logan, Traffic Engineering Division Manager; Jude Willcher, Transportation Planning Engineer; Craig Blewitt, Transportation Planning Manager; Kristin Bennett, Senior Transportation Planner; Sherre Ritenour, Transit Services Division Manager; Corinne Donahue, Senior Transit Planner; Leslie Hickey, Budget & Finance Office; Caitlin Green, Public Communications; and Aaron Moss and Gaye Smith, Transportation Planning.
Others present: Chuck Brown, Steve Mulliken and Eric Smith, The Springs Toll Road Project; Craig Casper, PPACG; Glenn Frank, TISC; Julie Imada, High Plains Messenger; and citizens Rev. Dale Gonzales, R. G. Ross and Rita Ross.
2. CITIZEN COMMENT: Mr. George Ross lives on Constitution and said that he had received a flyer indicating that CTAB wants to make Constitution a truck route. He is concerned about heavy trucks on the road, which is not built for truck traffic. Rita Ross expressed similar concerns and complained about the size and speed of the trucks that currently use Constitution. Rev. Dale Gonzales, who lives near Constitution Avenue, was also opposed to making Constitution a truck route, citing the noise that trucks are already making near his home.
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 2, 2006 meeting were presented. Bob Hartwig motioned for approval, Gene Bray seconded, and the minutes were unanimously approved. Absent: Henjum and Oatman-Gardner.
4. TRUCKING ISSUES SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT: Bob Hartwig said that the Planning Commission had responded to TISC’s request to appoint a member to the Subcommittee, and has named Commissioner Mark Cunningham, who attended his first meeting in May. Scott Shevock, TISC member representing the trucking industry, has asked to be replaced due to unforeseen work commitments that have left him unable to attend TISC meetings. Subcommittee members are looking at possible nominees within the trucking industry and will come back to CTAB with a recommendation for a replacement.
TISC members are looking at 41 roadways for their suitability as truck routes, and they will review and score those roads based on 28 criteria. The process has raised a lot of interest and a lot of misinformation has been circulating. Once the evaluation process has been completed, public meetings will be scheduled to receive citizen input, and based on that, TISC will bring back recommendations to CTAB and the Planning Commission and, based on CTAB’s recommendations, the final recommendations will be taken to City Council. Chairperson Bradley then addressed the citizens at the meeting to reiterate the public process that will take place, and told them that they were also welcome to attend Trucking Issues Subcommittee meetings, which are open to the public.
- - - Board Member Henjum arrives - - -
A. Transit Update – Sherre provided Board members with a report and presentation on the Mountain Metro Regional Services. The passage of the Pikes Peak Regional Transportation Authority provides approximately $6 million per year for transit. Service improvements are being phased in, with the first phase focused on expanding the service area and daily hours of service. Phase 2, planned for late 2007, includes adding approximately 50,000 service hours, which will expand service to the Rockrimmon, Briargate, and Norwood/Stetson Hills areas. Additional vehicles must be purchased in order to implement this phase.
Board members had questions regarding the Front Range Express service, and Sherre said that she would provide an update at the next regular CTAB meeting.
B. Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority Update – Cam McNair provided updates on some capital projects. Notably, the bid opening was held for the Union Boulevard project from Pikes Peak north to Constitution. Prices for asphalt and concrete have increased, making the project cost about 20 percent higher than hoped for. As a result, the project scope will be reduced by three blocks on each end of the project, and through next year’s maintenance funds, the remainder of the project will be completed. The City will be purchasing some rubberized asphalt for selected roadways. The initial cost is about 50% higher than regular asphalt, but the intent is to test its effectiveness for durability as well as noise reduction. The rubberized asphalt will be put down on several roadway sections this summer and tested, and also will be used on Union Boulevard between Pikes Peak and Constitution next summer, after this project is complete.
C. TE Design Manual Draft Sections – Jude Willcher said that she has been asked to extend the schedule for this project, so draft sections of the design manual will be presented to CTAB at a later date. Board members had agreed to review the draft Transportation Impact Studies section that Jude had presented at the May CTAB meeting and provide comments, which Jude said could be sent to her within the next month.
D. Regional Transportation Improvement Program – Craig Blewitt provided Board members with a copy of a memo to City Council that provided information on the process and transportation projects submitted for federal funding consideration under the regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). He explained the process for developing the 2007 – 2012 TIP, which is administered by the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG), and then described some of the projects in the TIP. PPACG has extensive public involvement in the TIP development process, and holds open public meetings at various stages of the TIP development. City Council has three representatives on the PPACG Board of Directors, which will be asked to vote to approve the proposed 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program. He requested a recommendation of approval from Board members. Board member Bray said that he had a conflict of interest, and excused himself.
- - - Board member Bray leaves - - -
Dan Cleveland moved to approve staff’s recommendation that the City Council representatives on the PPACG Board of Directors vote to approve the proposed 2007 – 2012 Transportation Improvement Program. David White seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. Absent: Bray, Oatman-Gardner.
- - - Board member Bray returns - - -
A. Springs Toll Road Project – Toll road proponents Chuck Brown, Steve Mulliken and Eric Smith described the Toll Road Project, explained why they believe the toll road is needed, and asked Board members for their comments regarding the Toll Road proposal and for the Board’s support of the concept. Comments received:
· Recommendation that Councilmembers receive the Denver Post articles on E470 in order to avoid the non-compete clause
· Preference was stated for the toll road to remain self-supporting and not have the responsibility passed on to the State once the bond has been paid off, as in the case of the Boulder toll road
· Board members endorsed the concept, but have concerns over some of the details, which will have to be worked out at the design stage:
o Potential for dangerous weaving in and out of traffic along the Woodmen corridor
o Concerns re sufficient right-of-way
o Integration of public transit
Several Board members had to leave the meeting at 5:00 p.m., including Chairperson Bradley. The next item addressed was to discuss the next CTAB meeting date.
8. NEXT MEETING SCHEDULE AND TOPICS: Board meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month, which would put the July meeting on the calendar for July 4, a holiday. The July meeting was canceled, but Board members agreed to hold a special meeting to address several items of business that cannot wait for the August 1 CTAB meeting. Therefore, the next CTAB meeting will be held Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. in the Alamo Corporate Center 1st Floor Conference Room, 102 S. Tejon Street.
Potential Agenda Items:
· US 24 West Environmental Assessment Update
· Marksheffel Road Access Control Plan
· Trucking Issues Subcommittee member appointment
- - - Board members Bradley, Dillon and Vaccaro leave - - -
As there was still a quorum, First Vice-Chairperson Cleveland assumed the responsibilities of Chairperson for the duration of the meeting.
6. NEW BUSINESS, Continued:
B. Bicycle Technical Committee – Kristin Bennett explained that staff is recommending a Bicycle Technical Committee be formed in response to requests for more routine public input on bicycle planning, project prioritization, and Bicycle Tax allocation.
The Bicycle Technical Committee would not be a formal CTAB subcommittee, but would operate similarly to the City’s Trails Team and its relationship to the Trails & Open Space fund (TOPS), with approximately 2/3 of the team comprised of staff members and 1/3 citizens. The Committee would assist staff, provide reports to CTAB, ask for endorsement of expenditures, and seek appropriate recommendations to Council as needed. Dan Cleveland noted that this committee format has worked well with the Trails Team and that the Bicycle Technical Committee is a good idea. Other Board members expressed agreement.
C. Safe Routes to School – Kristin Bennett reported on the outcome of City applications to the Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program. This is a new program that is 100% federally funded under transportation legislation, SAFETEA-LU. The SR2S Program provides funding to each state (minimum $2 million) to fund infrastructure (capital) and non-infrastructure (education) projects to enable and encourage children to walk and bicycle to school; to make walking and bicycling to school more appealing; and to facilitate planning, development and implementation of projects that improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption and air pollution around K – 8 schools. The City of Colorado Springs was awarded $186,535 in SR2S funding for four projects:
1. Cresta Road Sidewalk Improvement Project Phase 1 (District 12) - $100,000
Installation of missing sidewalk segments, accessible curb ramps, and correction of accessibility barriers on Cresta Road between Mesa and LaVeta. Serves Canon Elementary School, Cheyenne Mountain Middle School, and Cheyenne Mountain High School.
2. Carmel Drive Pedestrian Crossing Improvements (District 2) - $34,510
Installation of a pedestrian refuge and accessible curb ramps at the corner of Carmel Drive and Pepperwood to facilitate safer crossings for students traveling to and from Carmel Middle School.
3. Hancock/Templeton Gap Intersection Improvement (District 11) - $17,710
Realignment of the intersection of Hancock and Templeton Gap to shorten the crossing and reduce pedestrian exposure at this wide intersection. Serves Stratton Elementary School and Horace Mann Middle School.
4. Walk & Roll DVD and Education Programs (All Districts) - $34,315
Development and distribution of a bilingual school commute options DVD for students and parents; in-school promotions and TV public service annoucements; provision of pedometers, bicycle parking racks, and bicycle locks and helmets; Safe Routes maps for students and staff; and on-site bicycle safety clinics provided by local bicycle shops and CSPD. One elementary school and one middle school in each of the five districts in the City have been selected to participate in this pilot education project.
· Craig said that questions have been raised regarding the decisions made and the process followed for the US 24 West Environmental Assessment. The project team has agreed to come to the next CTAB meeting and is scheduled to present to City Council on July 10 and the PPACG on July 12. The project team has announced that an expressway alternative has been selected and will explain this decision. Don Schley said that the westside neighborhood has objections and feels it has been stonewalled and that this is a serious issue that CTAB needs to pay attention to. A suggestion was made that the difference between a freeway and an expressway needs to be explained.
· Dan Cleveland announced Bike to Work Week activities, including the Bike to Work breakfast scheduled for June 14.
9. ADJOURNMENT: Vice-Chairperson Cleveland adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m.
Submitted by Gaye Smith
Staff Assistant for Transportation Planning
City of Colorado Springs