Facility Use Agreement Checklist
This checklist is to help your district review some of the common areas in facility use that needs to be evaluated on a periodic basis. For additional information please read the Facility Use Considerations article provided by WSRMP on our website.
1. Board Policies:
ð All current district policies, as they relate to facility use, have been reviewed and are relevant with current procedures. Policies were updated as necessary.
(Please attach list of all applicable Facility Use Policies and date reviewed)
ð Applicable Policies: The facility use agreement form/packet provides a link where actual policies can be found electronically, where the end-user can obtain a copy if desired, or they are attached. Remarks:
2. Age Limits:
ð The form states that it is a legally binding document and should be signed only by those 18 or older.
3. Prohibited Materials: (The following applies to all district property, not just sites with schools.)
The form clearly states:
ð No use of alcohol, firearms, tobacco and marijuana on school district premises, including parking lots.
ð The District prohibits the use of open flames, candles, and fires of any type inside the facilities. (Outside fires are only allowed with written pre-approval by the district/local fire department.)
4. Permitting Issues: Fire codes, county requirements and building layouts are not static, and often undergo changes that may impact your facility use.
ð Each facility has undergone a recent (within 18 months) inspection by local fire authorities.
ð Were any changes/requirements that could impact facility use noted?
ð Your form “restricts” the total number of attendees to a specified number.
ð All event use areas are clearly marked with maximum room occupancy signs.
5. Specified Areas of Access:
ð Each facility has developed security “lock down” procedures for areas that are restricted from use by a facility user to assure security of property and prevent unauthorized use. This may include locked doors, gated hallways, or individually zoned motion detectors with appropriate signage.
ð Each facility has an inventory of all equipment/electronics that are susceptible to theft, in rooms that are to be used by the group, prior to allowing users access to these items. These items are to be secured when possible.
ð The agreement form/packet specifies what areas are accessible to an outside user. An addendum clearly dictates the parts of the building that are authorized for use, including restroom facilities. (Sample Verbiage: Use of other areas is only granted with prior written consent and subject to a user fee.)
6. Facility Access and Key control:
ð District staff is responsible for opening and closing the facilities and maintain control of keys at all times and act as a district liaison.
ð Responsibilities of setting security alarms and locking doors are assigned only to district employees.
ð Outside (non-district staff) users are not given access/keys. The agreement requires the collection of a fee that covers cost of a district employee to open and close the facility for outside groups.
ð Facility Use policies/procedures require a staff member to be on site during the activity/event and accessible to user in case of an emergency.
ð On-site staff are knowledgeable about emergency response procedures, such as water and gas shut offs, fire evacuation procedures, etc.
ð Facility Use Form/packet requires the facility user to agree, in writing, to strict requirements if allowed unsupervised access to your facility. These requirements should detail no duplication or sharing of the facility access key/code with any other individuals not specified on the agreement and state the date and time and location of where the key(s) should be returned.
7. District Designee:
ð The district agreement form clearly designates, in writing, the name of the district’s contact person authorized to make any decisions on behalf of the district as it relates to this event/agreement.
ð A designee is noted as the contact person the user agrees to notify immediately in the event of any accidents, injuries, property damage, or other issues that arise during the event.
ð District on-site designee understands they are to watch for violations of the district’s tobacco and alcohol use policy; room “over crowing” (beyond the maximum posted room capacity); proper foot-wear in the gym, etc. and report any violations directly to the individual in charge of the user group. If immediate action is not taken, your staff needs to know whom, in administration, to go to for help.
8. Youth Sport Requirements:
ð Your facility use form requires compliance with HB1824 regarding mandated Youth Sports Concussion Management Protocols for any and all athletic type activities. Sample Verbiage: The applicant agrees to fully comply in accordance with the adoption of policies for the management of concussion and head injury in youth sports; as amended in RCW 4.24.660 and chapter 28A.600 RCW if applicable. Access to school facilities may not be granted until all requirements are complete and approved by the school district &/or designee.
o Describe process used to verify this is completed. Attach forms.
9. Special Area Issues:
ð Facility Use Form clearly states no use of the swimming pool without supervision by appropriately trained district lifeguard staff.
ð All performing art centers/theatres require no use of drops or flies without a trained theatre manager.
ð Facility Use Form clearly states no use of kitchen facilities without supervision by appropriately trained district staff. Sample Verbiage: Use of the kitchen facilities is prohibited by the facility user. If an end user does require use of food preparation services, the district may establish an hourly rate for the contracting of district trained staff responsible for food preparation, storage and service.
10. Hold Harmless / Indemnification language:
ð Your facility Use Agreement has language that addresses mutual hold harmless and indemnification clauses. (Sample verbiage: The applicant agrees that the School District and its agents or employees will not be liable for any damage to person or property by reason of negligent acts of applicant, its agents, employees, invitees, or subcontractors. Applicant agrees to protect, indemnify for legal costs and other expenses, and hold harmless, the School District and its officers, employees, directors and agents from claims, liabilities, or suits, arising out of injury to person or property from negligent acts of applicant, directly or indirectly attributable to user’s activities and/or use of premises except for sole negligence of the School District.)
11. Insurance:
ð Your facility Use Agreement has language that addresses general liability insurance requirements. (Sample verbiage: In accordance with Chapter 28A.335 RCW, private nonprofit groups serving youth are required to provide proof of bodily injury coverage of no less than $50,000 per occurrence/$100,000 aggregate. For-profit, business groups are required to provide proof of general liability coverage of no less than $1 million dollars per occurrence. The School District must be named as additionally insured on said policy. Coverage cannot be cancelled or reduced without thirty-(30) day’s written notice to the district.)
12. Fees:
ð District has established a clear fee schedule for both the scheduled time and any overtime costs that may occur if the activity does not end on time.
ð The district provides this as an “Addendum” to the Facility Use Agreement (or optional formal contract developed by your counsel).
ð Include in the “Addendum” a fee schedule for any related A.V. equipment. Address when and who has permission to use district owned photo-copy machines; fax machines; telephones, etc. and that the district will be reimbursed for any supplies used.
13. Payment:
ð The Facility use agreement requires the user to pay the District in advance for use.
ð District has a clearly defined process for collection and handling of monies that complies with all state laws?
ð Applicable staff were notified and aware of these requirements.
14. Cancellations:
ð The facility use agreement form includes a cancellation clause.
(Sample Verbiage: user must notify district with at least (2) days prior notice to avoid charges.
You may wish to consider increasing this to (10) days for larger event as it involves scheduling of additional staff and/or food services.
ð The facility use agreement form clearly states the district has right to cancel at any time.
Completed By: ______Title: ______
(Print Name)
Date Completed:______
©2013 Washington Schools Risk Management Pool