Please find enclosed the information you require for the Dance Fest performance for both the Main Stage and Showcase Stage performances.
Rehearsals & Show Day
Main Stage dancers are required on the below days:
-Thursday 23rd Aug, 9-1pm, at TGBS,£18
-Friday 24th Aug, 9-1pm, at TGBS,£18
Junior Elite Squad
-Saturday 25th Aug, 9-12pm, at TGBS,£13.50
-Sunday 26th Aug, 9-12pm, at TGBS,£13.50
Advanced Elite Squad
-Saturday 25th Aug, 12-3pm, at TGBS,£13.50
-Sunday 26th Aug, 12-3pm, at TGBS,£13.50
If you cannot make all of the rehearsals you will not be able to participate.
Dance Fest Performance Day
-Monday 27thAugust
-All dancers required between 11am -8pm
-Nearer the time dancers will know the exact time of their performance slot and will be needed 40 minutes prior to their performance time. After they have performed or in between their performances (if your child is doing the showcase and main stage) they can look round the festival with relatives or go home if they have finisheddancing.
Costumes, Hair & Make Up
-Dancers will need to arrive with full stage make up on and red lipstick, as there will not be time to do make upbackstage.
-Hair style will be decided nearer the time, but again dancers will need to arrive with the correct hairstyle
-Costumes will be handed out at the end of the summer term or during rehearsals. I will use costumes from the dance school costumedepartment.
-You will need to provide yourown:
1.Jazz shoes or sneakers for main stage & junior squaddancers
2.All dancers will need shimmer tights (girlsonly)
3.All dancers will need the AGSOD top and hoodie. The last order I am doing for you to purchase these is at the end ofJune.
Payments, Deadlines & Paperwork
1.Please complete the Dancer information below for your child’s dance licence. Please return this by Thursday 29thMarch
2.You will need to purchase a dancer’s performance ticket which is £17.50 no later than Monday 2nd July. If this deadline is missed your child will be unable to participate as this fee goes towards your child’s performancelicence.
Spectator tickets and the dancer ticket are purchased through the Chance2Dance website:
3.Rehearsal payments need to be paid via bank transfer using the reference: Dance Fest by 5pm on Monday 20th August. Please note if your child pulls out of rehearsals a £10 admin will be due as I will need to find another dancer to replace your child and adapt licences.
Please make a note of the above deadlines as there will be no text reminders sentout.
Dancer’s fullname
Dancer’s age atevent
Educational School your dancerattends
Home address includingpostcode
Emergency contact for on the performanceday