Lesson Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand Respect in respect to: who, what, when, where, why
2. Demonstrate examples of what is respectful and what is not respectful
Resources Needed:
Lesson Pre-Work:
Questions for Reflection (5 minutes)
“Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves”
---U. Thant
“I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them”
---Herbert Henry Lehman:
PREP: Print out the quotes and have 2 different students read them to the class.
Review group agreements and class map (5 minutes)
PREP: Group agreements and class map posters.
Go around classroom asking students explain one of the group agreements
Recap where we are on the class map and where we are going today and in future meetings
Group Activities
Activity 1: List Respect (10 minutes)
-For who and what do you show respect? (List examples…parents, teachers, school, property, home, classmates, earth)
Use attached sheet as handout
Have students give examples of what they included in their list.
Why does it mean to respect a person, place, or thing?
Activity 2: Respect Situations (30 minutes)
Purpose: To have students demonstrate how to behave with and without respect in various situations.
Split the class into groups (4-5 students per group).
Assign 1 situation to each group:
-Car ride
-Playing video games at a friend’s house
-Dinner at home
-Playing kickball in gym class (modify for most recent sport in gym class)
-Working on a group project
Have the groups write (15 minutes) and perform (15 minutes) skits for the activities above. Each group should be ready with 2 demonstrations:
1. How a respectful person would behave in the given situation
2. How a disrespectful person would behave in the given situation
Have some groups perform respect and some groups perform disrespect (some groups may perform both if time is available).
Discussion Questions
-What were common ways of showing respect in the situations/skits?
-What did you learn from this activity?
-Is there anything you will do differently in similar situations?
Chillness ‘N Stillness Time (1 minute)
Wrap Up (5 minutes)
Summarize this week and introduce next week’s topic
List PEOPLE you respect (example: teacher):
List PLACES you respect (example: classroom):
List THINGS you respect (example: my friend’s basketball):