Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved

These notes provide a checklist that can be used by you to determine what information the Council requires to help us process your application. If the information that is required is not included with your application, then we may sayit is invalid and not register or process it. In this case, we will try and speak directly to you stating what additional information is required and how this can be supplied.

Please supply one copy of each document and plan. We may request extra copies of plans and information we think is necessary to assess and publicise your application properly. Application forms can be obtained from the Council offices or website Alternatively online applications can be made via the Planning Portal:

If you are unsure about what needs to be supplied with your application please contact Customer Services or the Development Control Team for assistance (01285 623 000).

Once you have completed this checklist please send it or a copy to us with your application.

Applications for outline planning permission generally need not give details of any proposed reserved matters to be valid. Circular 01/2006and The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010 (and Amendment Orders Nos. 1, 2 and 3) set out the scope of information to be submitted. Where the Council receive an outline planning application we believe should not be considered without some or all of the reserved matters, we will contact you and discuss the further information required.

Information required / Tick if provided / If no, please indicate the reasons below.
Completed Application Form
Including a signed ownership certificate and signed agricultural certificate.
Design and Access Statement
Required for development of one of more dwellinghouses or development of 100 square metres or more in a Conservation Area.
Design and Access Statement Advice
Correct Fee where necessary:
  • CDC web-site Planning Fees page
  • Planning Portal Fee Calculator

Plans. (All plans should indicate: key dimensions and a scale bar. Imperial scales are not acceptable)
For further information, e.g. on electronic submission and submitting plans – Making a planning application
Location Plan: Ordnance survey based, at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500.
  • Up-to-date, with north marked, and sufficient to locate the site.
  • Redoutline to application site.
  • Blueoutline to other land owned by the applicant.

Block Plan: at a scale of at least 1:500.
  • Marked north and showing the layout of the proposal in relation to existing boundaries, buildings, neighbours, roads/footpaths, trees etc.

Others Plans as Appropriate (at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100):
  • Existing and proposed elevations.
  • Existing and proposed floor plans.
  • Roof plans.
  • Site sections, finished floor and site levels.

Additional information that may be asked for / Tick if provided / If no, please indicate the reasons below.
Affordable Housing Statement
Required where a proposal should include affordable housing, as required under Local Plan Policy 21.
  • Number and mix of units and the proposed tenure.
  • A reason if less affordable units than recommended are proposed.
Please contact Housing Strategy on 01285 623 408, for further information.
Biodiversity Survey and Report
Required if an important wildlife site, habitat, natural feature or species could be affected. Advice is available from the Council website:
When is an assessment required? and What information is needed?
Daylight/Sunlight Assessment
Required to show the impact of the proposal on neighbouring gardens and rooms if the proposal is:
  • Greater than single storey in height or
  • A single storey proposal that is likely to have significant impact.

Environmental Statement
Required if there will be a significant environmental impact and the development falls within Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 of the relevant regulations. A formal screening opinion on the need for an EIA can be requested from the Council.
Flood Risk Assessment/Drainage Strategy
Required where the site is located within a flood risk zone 2 or 3. Existing and proposed floor levels or other flood proofing details may be required.
Information on flood risk zones is available at Environment Agency Advice.
Foul Sewage and Utilities Statement
Should demonstrate:
  • Availability and connection to existing utility infrastructure systems.
  • Assurance the proposals would not result in undue stress on services.
  • Requirements for substations, telecommunications equipment etc.
  • Planned service routes to avoid any potential damage.
  • A foul drainage assessment for non-mains systems.

Heritage / Historic Environment Statement
Required where the proposals may affect a designated or undesignated heritage asset, including archaeologically sensitive areas (e.g. Scheduled Monuments); historic buildings (e.g. listed buildings) or historic landscapes (e.g. registered parks).
For further information – Heritage / Historic Environment Statement
Impact Assessment/ Sequential Assessment
Sequential and impact assessments may be required for proposed commercial uses/extensions to commercial premises in and outside of commercial centres depending upon their size.
Land Contamination Assessment
Where land has had an industrial or commercial use or is known or suspected to be contaminated, a report is needed to assess if an investigation is required. Industrial use can include land that has previously been used as a quarry, landfill, petrol station or some agricultural activities.
For further information: Land Contamination Information.
Landscape Appraisal.
Required where the development will impact on the landscape, particularly protected landscapes (e.g. Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, etc.).
Advice is available from the Council website: Landscape Information.
Landscape Scheme
For new commercial and residential development.
  • Show trees/vegetation to be retained and removed.
  • Landscape design including soft and hard landscaping and planting.
  • Plant protection/support and schedule of maintenance (usually 5 years).
Advice is available from the Council website: Landscape Information.
Lighting Assessment - For applications involving floodlights or similar.
  • Technical details of external lighting and hours of lighting.
  • A layout plan with beam orientation and a schedule of equipment.

Noise Impact Assessment (impact of noise upon proposed development)
Required for residential development close to a commercial/industrial use or trunk road where the proposed residential development may be impacted upon by unacceptable levels of noise.
Noise Impact Assessment (impact of noise from proposed development)
Applications for commercial / industrial development close to a residential area must include an assessment of the likely impact of noise from the development on local residential properties.
All assessments should include an assessment of the likelihood of residential properties being impacted upon by noise as indicated within the Noise Policy Statement for England 2010.
Open Space Assessment
For applications affecting open space as previously defined in PPG17. Show areas of existing/proposed open space. Applicants may seek an assessment to show the land or buildings are surplus to local requirements.
Other Plans
May be required depending on factors such as the location or characteristics of the site and the scale and nature of the development.
Streetscene: at a scale of not less than 1:200.
Detailed drawings of key architectural features: to a scale of at least 1:20. E.g. doors, windows, eaves, etc. for sensitive buildings and locations.
Parking Provision (parking and access plan).
Required if there is an increase in floor space or altered parking/access.
Planning Obligations
Draft Head(s) of Terms agreement or Deed of Variation
Statement of Community Involvement
Required for the erection of 50+ houses or buildings with a floor area of 3000sqm+.
A statement showing pre-application consultation and that the views of the local community have been sought and taken into account.
Structural Survey
A survey of the building, including information on efforts to retain the structure in a sustainable condition.
Sustainability Statement
  • Consider accessibility, environmental impact and resources.
  • Performance against Eco-homes /BREEM standards.
Energy consumption, renewable energy, sustainable construction, etc.
Transport Assessment
Required for applications likely to have significant transport implications.
Smaller schemes: Simply outline the transport aspects of the application.
Major proposals:
  • Illustrate accessibility to the site by all transport.
  • Show the likely modal split of journeys to and from the site.
  • Detailed measures to improve access by sustainable methods.
  • Include all existing/proposed movements to and from the site.
  • Identify arrangements for manoeuvring, servicing and parking.
Advice is available County Council website, GCC Transport Plan.
Travel Plan
Required for applications likely to have significant transport implications.
  • Outline the management of the transport implications of the development to minimise environmental, social and economic impacts.
  • Strategy for plan implementation, marketing, identifying the travel plan coordinator, management arrangements, etc.

Tree Survey / Arboricultural Statement
Required for any proposal involving development within 2m of the canopy spread of any tree(s). The canopy spread should be shown on all plans.
Arboricultural Implications Assessment - Where works are within 2m of the canopy spread of a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order, in a Conservation Area, or there are a significant number of trees on site.
Advice is available from the Council website: Trees & Development Control
Ventilation/Extraction Statement
Required for applications for restaurants, takeaways, premises selling /serving hot food and for the erection of or change of use to non-residential. The statement should include:
  • Details and position of ventilation and extraction equipment.
  • Odour abatement techniques and acoustic noise characteristics.
The applicant should take into account the guidance contained in “Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust” (DEFRA 2011) and submit a completed “risk assessment” based on this guidance.
The applicant should also include details of the calculated noise outputs from the proposed extraction and odour control schemes and an assessment of the likelihood of adjacent residential properties being adversely impacted by noise. This assessment should be undertaken in accordance with BS 4142 (British Standard 4142: 1997).
Site Waste Management Plan
Required for proposals:
  • For 10+ dwellings or residential development on sites 0.5+ ha.
  • Other development with 1,000+sqm floor space or 1+ ha. site area.
For further information - GCC Waste Advice.

Please Note: Cotswold District Council reserves the right to request further information, not listed above, that is reasonably required for the determination of your application.


Validation Checklist 5Updated June 2013