Name: Livestock/Poultry Source/Identification & Marketing Questionnaire 10-1

Livestock Marketing

  1. What Organic Livestock Product(s) do you intend to market as organicfrom your operation.

Eggs Pullets Poultry Meat Milk

Replacement Heifers Cull Cows Beef Feeder Calves

Pork Feeder Pigs Cull Sows

Lamb Other (please specify)

  1. If you produce milk or eggs, what is your expected annual production level? (average annual % lay or average pounds of milk/cow/day)
  1. How will the livestock product(s) be marketed? Direct Marketed Organic Processing Company
  1. Name, address, and phone # of the facility/facilities where your animal products are processed for direct marketing:

Contact person:

  1. Is the facility certified organic? Yes No If yes, by what certifier?
  1. Name(s) of the Organic Processing Company for animal products not direct marketed:
  1. How are animal products transported to the organic processing facility, and who is responsible for transportation?
  1. How are you assured that commingling with non-organic does not occur during transportation?
  1. How long does transportation take?
  1. Are animals provided with food in transit? Yes NoWater? Yes No
  1. If you slaughter your poultry, describe your slaughter and processing procedures on a separate sheet and submit. not applicable

Source of Livestock[NOP §205.236 (c)]

Not Applicable

Replacement Stock

  1. Explain your plan for acquiring livestock for your organic operation.

Dairy Herd Only Not Applicable

  1. How did you first bring your dairy herd into organic production?

Dairy herd was converted to organic production before October 21, 2002.

Dairy herd was converted between October 21, 2002 and June 9, 2007 using 80-20 feed exemption.

Dairy herd was converted between October 21, 2002 and June 9, 2007 using 100% organic feed for 12 months.

Dairy herd was converted after June 9, 2007 using 100% organic feed for 12 months.

A new dairy herd of cows converted by other farmers was purchased.

The completion date of the dairy herd conversion:

Animal Identification[NOP §205.236 (c)]

  1. Explain your animal identification system and how it allows each animal to be traced back to its origin.
  1. If animals are treated with prohibited materials, how are they identified and/or segregated from the rest of the organic herd?

Source of Poultry [NOP §205.236 (a)(1) and §205.236 (c)]

Not Applicable

Flock Identification

  1. Explain your bird identification system and how it allows each bird to be traced back to its origin.

Replacement Stock

  1. Do you raise your own chicks/replacement poultry on-farm? Yes No
  1. If you purchase chicks, at what day of life do you begin organic management?
  1. Do you purchase chicks/replacement poultry that are more than one day old? Yes No
  1. If the entire flock is treated with prohibited materials, what changes do you make to ensure that this flock is not sold as organic?
  1. Describe your management plan for raising chicks (heating, space allowed, etc.)
  1. If you raise both organic and conventional poultry in your operation, indicate how you segregate the types of poultry and how you prevent the contamination of your organic poultry with conventional inputs.

A107PL-DE07eOrganic Livestock Farm System Plan