Document Title / Discretionary Grant 2015-16 Evaluation process & Criteria / Ref: / DG Guideline – 2015/16
- Training interventions must be accredited by a recognized accredited body and lead to a
qualification or part qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework including other regulatory training.
- Priority for discretionary grant disbursement will be given to applications aligned to:
- The transformation and developmental imperatives mentioned in the Discretionary
Grants Policy and also indicated in the table below.
- Furtherance of the scarce and critical skills listed in the Sector Skills Plan and other national key priorities.
- Applications with a high impact or projects that is collaborative in nature.
- All funding applications must demonstrate capacity to successfully implement proposed
projects within specified timeframes as per the project implementation plan.
- Failure to meet the quality standards and criteria set by TETA is a basis upon which to reject the discretionary grant application.
- Applications that meet the stipulated requirements will be awarded grants, subject to
the availability of discretionary grant funds and target allocations per subsector.
- All levy-paying companies that apply for a discretionary grant must be up to date with payment of their levies in terms of the Skills Development Levies Act at the time of approval of the discretionary grant.
- Organisations will only be awarded discretionary grants upon satisfactory proof that there has been adequate progress with the projects awarded in the previous discretionary grant cycle.
- Award of discretionary grants shall be subject to the approval of the TETA Board.
In selecting beneficiaries, it is essential that TETA's transformation and developmental
Imperatives are adhered to. Preference may be given to applications with the following:
- 60% of learners who are below 35 years of age or younger.
- Where possible, people with disabilities are considered and offered first priority.
- At least 54% of beneficiaries for that discretionary grant window can be female and 84% can be black (Indian, Coloured and African) .
No / Development and Transformation Imperatives / Target Description / Allocation
1 / Age / Youth – under 35 years old / 60%
2 / Disability / All forms of disability / 1%
3 / Gender / Female / 54%
4 / Race / Black / 84%
5 / HIV AIDS / Where possible, training programme to include HIV/AIDS
awareness and prevention component / 100%
6 / Geography / Rural and Informal settlements / 55%
Project/Grant Details / POINTS / GOOD (G) / AVERAGE (A) / POOR(P)
Purpose / (G) - Clearly defined, aligned and recommended
(A) - Needs further Clarification, can/cannot be recommended
(P) - Not clearly defined, non-aligned and not recommended
Project Objectives / (G) - Clearly defined, aligned, achievable and recommended
(A) - Needs further Clarification, can/cannot be recommended
(P) - Not clearly defined, not achievable, non-aligned and not recommended
Benefits for TETA / (G)- Clearly defined, meet TETA critical requirements, within budget and recommended
(A) - Needs further clarification, little value, can/cannot be recommended
(P) - Not clearly defined, no value for SETA, over budget and not recommended
Benefits for the sector / (G) - Clearly defined, meet sector needs, within budget and recommended
(A) - Needs further Clarification, little value, can/cannot be recommended
(P) - Not clearly defined, no value for sector, over budget and not recommended
Verification of Authorisation / (G) – Legible, can be authenticated, company stamp
(A) - Needs further verification
(P) - Not clear, no company stamp, unknown
Benefits for the organisation / (G) – Clearly defined, meet organisational workplace skills plan, within budget and recommended
(A) - Needs further Clarification, little value, can/cannot be recommended
(P) - Not clearly defined, no value for organisation, over budget and not recommended
Benefits for the learner / (G) - Clearly defined, meet labour needs, within budget and recommended
(A) - Needs further Clarification, little value, can/cannot be recommended
(P) - Not clearly defined, no value for labour force, over budget and not recommended