
Garry Middle School

725 E Joseph Ave.

Spokane, WA 99208



Wendy Watson


Kent Hibbard – Assistant PrincipalJulia Rendall – Principal Assistant


Michelle Lewis – Principal Assistant


8th Grade Counselor7th Grade Counselor

John SchutzSelina Slater


Attendance Hotline354-5179


Business Office 354-5134

Safety Hotline354-7233


  • Breakfast in the cafeteria begins at 8:20a.m. (Breakfast will not be served after 8:50 a.m.)
  • Students will not be allowed to enter the rest of the building until 8:50 a.m. unless they are participating in a supervised activity or have a pass from a teacher.
  • Students must leave school grounds by 3:40p.m.or must be in their supervised after school activity.
  • The Garry Playfields are considered part of Garry Middle School campus between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. or until an event is concluded (example: baseball fields).The park area, SE corner of Garry Park, bordered by the trees on the north and west sides, is also part of the Garry Campus until 5:30 p.m. or until activities are concluded.


In order to attend games/events, students must be present at school that day, and have an ASB card w/ an ASB sticker in their possession,or be accompanied by a parent/guardian. If a student demonstrates poor behavior during any event, the student will be asked to leave, and may be denied the right to attend future games/events.



  • Have a parent/guardian call the Attendance Hotline 354-5179 the morning you are absent or bring a written note from a parent/guardian, the day you return, stating why you were absent and for which days.

We do call when children do not arrive at school, so please help our staff by alerting us when your child will be out for the day due to illness, emergency, or an appointment.


  • You must check in at the student office window when you arrive late to school for any reason.
  • To be excused, students must have a note signed by a parent/guardian explaining why they are late.

Examples of Excused Tardiness: Examples of Unexcused Tardiness:

* Doctors/Dentist/Counseling * Overslept / Missed alarm

* Bereavement * Missed Bus

* Family Emergency * Parent is “running late”



  1. Parents should call ahead on the hotline, or send in a note requesting their child to be released early for an appointment. Students will receive a green slip from the student office to show to their classroom teacher.
  2. Show theteacher the early dismissal slip when it is time to leave and go to meet your parent at the designated pick up area.


In accordance with Washington state mandatory attendance law, schools are required to notify parents of unexcused absences. If the actions taken by the school district and parents are not successful in reducing an enrolled student’s absence from school, upon the fifth unexcused absence within a month, or upon the tenth unexcused absence during the school year, the school district will file a petition with the Juvenile Court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.255.010 by the parent or child or both.


A phone is available in the STUDENT OFFICE for students to use to call home for illness or for emergencies. Please make pre-arrangements for rides home. A pass from the student’s teacher is required to use the student office phone during class time. Parents, please do not call or text your student during class on their cell phone. Students are not allowed to use their phones during school hours. If you need to get a message to your child, call the office. Messages for your child will be delivered as soon as possible.


Cell Phones may be used before school, in the cafeteria, outside during lunch, and after school, but NOT DURING school in any areas including halls.Cell Phones are to be “silent” at all times and out of sight. Headphones must also be completely out of sight. Students are expected to power off their phones at the first warning bell. If the phone is out during class for any reason it may be confiscated by a teacher and turned into the office that day.

First Offense: Students may pick up their phone in the office after 3:30 p.m.

Second Offense: Parent will be notified and the phone will be returned only to a parent or when agreed upon by administration and parent.

If a student refuses to hand their cell phone to the teacher, the student will be referred to an administrator.


If a student lives outside a one-mile radius from school, the student is eligible for bus transportation. Before school, students need to be at their stop at least five minutes prior to bus arrival time. After school, students must be in the designated bus loading area (Central Ave from tennis courts to Nevada) by 3:35 p.m. Busses are scheduled to leave promptly at 3:35 p.m. An after school activity bus is available if students are enrolled in an authorized activity and are eligible bus riders. The academic bus boards at 4:45 p.m. and an activity bus boards at 5:30p.m. The late take home buses load on Joseph Ave. ONLY STUDENTS WHO ARE ELIGIBLE BUS RIDERS MAY RIDE A BUS HOME FROM SCHOOL.

Riding a bus to and from school is a privilege provided by the district. While on the bus, students are expected to behave in a manner consistent with school policy. Bus drivers are in charge of the buses, establish seating charts, and maintain order on the buses. Bus Citations are written by the bus driver for inappropriate behavior on the bus. Bus Citations carry consequences and can lead to a loss of bus riding privileges.

Students are required to ride their assigned bus. No bus pass will be given to a student to ride another bus, change bus stops, or ride to friend’s house per bus regulations.Students who need to ride a different bus for an emergency or child care reasons must have a note signed by a parent/guardian and get approval from a building administrator prior to 3:00 p.m.


If a student rides their bike/skateboard/scooter to school, the studentmust lock it up in the bike area located at the east side of the school. The bike/skateboard/scooter requires a bike lock to ensure security. Each student needs his or her own lock. We do not allow students to leave a class to unlock a bike for another student. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen bikes. Students must walk their bike/skateboard/scooter to the cage upon arrival to school for obvious safety reasons. Skateboards, scooters, and skates are not allowed to be ridden on school property.


Once arriving on campus (this includes the playfields) students are NOT allowed to LEAVE campus at anytime before school is dismissed unless students have an early dismissal notice.For safety reasons, once students arrive on campus in the morning, they are to stay on campus. The playfields are considered part of the campus and ALL rules and expectations are enforced from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Mr. Schutz -- 8th Grade Counselor Mrs. Slater-- 7th Grade Counselor

354-5208 354-5206

How do students get to speak with a counselor?

Talk to a teacher first! Often they can help students problem solve right then.

If students still need help, sign-up slips are available from your teachers, and in theSTUDENT OFFICE. Please drop the sign-up slip in the counselor box at the STUDENT OFFICE window. Students can also ask their teacher to sign them up to see the counselor. Students must wait for a counseling pass to come to them when the counselor is available to help.If it is an emergency, students need to let a teacher or trusted staff member know, and they can seek support for them.


Students must dress in clothing that does not disrupt the educational process, call undue attention to themselves, or affect the safety of others.

  • Chests and midsections must be completely covered. Students who show excessive cleavage will be required to obtain appropriate alternative clothing. Necklines and backs must not drop below the armpit line. Tank tops typically do not cover appropriately. If a tank is worn to school, the straps must be at least 1”, or two adult finger widths wide.
  • Pants must be worn pulled up to the hipswith no under-garments (like shorts) visible (no sagging).
  • No revealing/see through shirts: Undergarments must be covered; no spaghetti straps or camisole tops are allowed to be worn w/o a cover.
  • Sport jerseys or tank tops with low arm pits must have a t-shirt underneath.
  • Skirts/shorts must be as long as your fingertips when arms hang relaxed at your side.
  • Bandanas, headbands, hoods are not allowed at school unless they are being worn for religious reasons.
  • Clothing with logos or words depicting or promoting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gangs, sexual innuendo, double meaning messages, racist, or unhealthy messages are prohibited.
  • Open toed shoes (like flip-flops) do not protect the toes and are potentially dangerous on the stairs. They are not recommended at school.
  • Big, heavy winter coats are not allowed in class. They need to remain in the locker until school is over. If you are cold, sweatshirts or light jackets are recommended.

If a student’s dress is not appropriate, the student will be asked to fix it with: clothing provided by the office or something he/she has or can borrow from a classmate. Students may call home for a parent/guardian to bring them clothes. Students who refuse to comply with dress code expectations and refuse to change into appropriate clothing will beplaced in “In School Intervention” for the remainder of the day.


  • Treat yourself and others with respect.
  • Arrive to class: on time, with all materials, every period, every day.
  • Something to write with
  • Binder, planner, journal, spiral, folder required for the class (paper)
  • Book if appropriate
  • Assignment / Homework completed and ready to turn in
  • Novel / AR book to read if finished w/ classwork
  • Walk whenever you are inside the building. Stay to the right in the halls- especially on the stairs. Do not bunch together and block traffic in the halls.
  • Remain in the designated areas at lunch (on the school side of the trees that line the park)
  • Eat only in the cafeteria and remain seated until dismissed.
  • Water is the only beverage allowed to be open and consumed in the halls/classroom.
  • Follow directions or requests from any adult, the first time they are given, while on campus.
  • Use a voice level that is conversational and not too loud, throughout the building.
  • Use appropriate language in all areas of the campus.
  • Backpacks and athletic bags are to be left in the student locker during the day, due to limited space in classrooms.
  • Settle conflicts appropriately.


  • Conduct that disrupts or prohibits the learning or work environment of others.
  • Horseplay is not permitted. This includes hitting, tripping, running, pushing, etc. Students are expected to keep their hands and feet to themselves.
  • Public Displays of Affection, (kissing, holding hands, walking w/ arms around each other, prolonged hugs), are not allowed on campus. High fives, knuckle bumps, and brief side hugs are appropriate ways to make contact with others.
  • Harassment, bullying, or threatening other students (jokingly or seriously).
  • Using or exhibiting swear words, negative gestures, or gang related words/symbols.
  • Possessing or using tobacco or tobacco products, drugs or drug paraphernalia, or alcohol.
  • Personal music playersand personal game players are to be powered off and kept out of sight from the first bell opening the halls until school is over at 3:30.Garry Middle School does not guarantee the safety of personal electronic devices and recommend that students leave them at home.
  • Selling of any food items.
  • Ridingskateboards, scooters, or roller skates on campus.



All students will be assigned a locker.Students should not change lockers without permission from the office or a counselor.The lockers are school property and may be opened by school authorities at any time deemed necessary. Be respectful of your locker partner’s belongings. Do not tell anyone your combination. Decorate your locker with things that can be removed easily on the inside only.It is best not to keep money or other valuables in your locker. Writing on locker with pens, markers, or paint is not allowed.


The lost and found items are located in the STUDENT OFFICE.


  • Aerosol Cans of deodorant or hair spray or spray bottles of perfume or cologne are not allowed(this is due to potential allergic reactions to perfumes/sprays).
  • Guns (airsoft, paint, squirt, etc.), chains, pocket knives, matches/lighters, pornography, fireworks, spikes, toys that resemble any type of weapon, laser pointers, or masks.
  • Skateboards, scooters, and skates are not allowed in the building (there is not enough storage or locker space.)


It is our recommendation that you do not bring your CD/MP3/iPod players to school. You may not use these items during school and they must be stored in your locker. Earphones must be stored out of sight at all times and not worn in the ears. Garry Middle School is not responsiblefor lost or stolen CD/MP3/iPod music players. We recommend leaving these items at home.


Garry Middle School and Spokane Public Schools continually strive to make our school a safe place for you and your belongings. Unfortunately, incidents sometime occur which can result in damage or loss of personal property. Personal property is not the responsibility of Garry Middle School or Spokane Public Schools.


All parent/guardian and visitors need to check in at the office. For safety purposes, visitors will be given avisitor’s badge. If a parent/guardian wishes to visit classrooms, he/she must make arrangements, beforehand, through the building administrator. For safety reasons, and to safeguard the learning environment, friends, relatives, or students from other schools are not allowed to attend classes or dances. Student visitors (minors) may attend after school events with a parent/guardian.

Dates are listed on the district calendar, and on our website for end of grading periods. Mid-term progress and Quarter report cards will be sent home with students and any students with “D’s and/or F’s” will be mailed home.


All students are expected to make regular academic progress. All students are expected to complete all assigned work and turn work in on time. Students who fail a class will be required to make up the missing, incomplete or poor quality work. Students need to work with their assigned teacher to make arrangements to make up work: at home, in Homework Center (before or after school), iCAN (online after school program only), or in summer session. Students who are failing English or Mathwill be assigned to iCAN to make up the work in “real time”, rather than waiting until the end of the grading period.


Garry Middle School has fabulous after school and athletic programs with a wide variety of options. There is sure to be something fun and interesting for students to engage in. We strongly encourage students to be involved with some after school activity. If students are eligible for the bus, there is an academic bus that boards at 4:45 PM and an activity bus that boards at 5:30 PM to deliver children home. Bus Transportation phone number is 483-0224. In order to be eligible to participate in award recognitions for that quarter and end-of-year activities, students must be passing all classes, have no serious discipline issues (suspension), and no fees/fines pending.


All students who wish to compete in inter-school athletics must:

  1. Pass a physical examination by aphysician (physicals are valid for 2 years).
  2. Have a waiver of insurance(personal family insurance), or school insurance coverage.
  3. Paperwork through Family ID.
  4. Purchase an ASB card. An ASB card is REQUIRED to participate in any extracurricular activity.

We are excited to announce a new and convenient way to register online for school athletics and activities: FamilyID. You will find the link to FamilyID on the Garry homepage at spokaneschools.org/garry. You can also visit and search for Garry under Find a Program.


We have four sport seasons at Garry: Fall – Cross Country and Softball, Winter 1 - Wrestling and Volleyball, Winter 2 - Basketball for both boys and girls, Spring – Track and Field and Baseball