HSI Regional Alliance Meeting


Location: UCSB's Mosher Alumni House, Henley Board Rm, 3rd floor

When: 10:00-1:00pm, Thursday1/26/2017


  1. Welcome and Quick Intros (Name, Title, Campus)
  2. Marilynn Spaventa, Dean of Educational Programs, SBCC
  3. Jens Kuhn, Chemistry Professor, SBCC
  4. Adolfo Corral, STEM Transfer Program Coordinator, SBCC
  5. Virginia Estrella, MESA Director, SBCC
  6. Don Lubach, Associate Dean of Students & Director, UCSB
  7. MalaphonePhommasa, Transfer Student Center Director, UCSB
  8. Refugia Acosta, Associate Director of Admissions, UCSB
  9. Christine Reed, MESA Coordinator, AHC
  10. Lisa Rodriguez, Evaluation Coordinator, UCSB
  11. Micaela Morgan, K12 Programs Director, UCSB
  12. Eric Nebeker, Grant Writer, UCSB
  13. Glenn Beltz, Associate Dean of Engineering, UCSB
  14. Mario Castellanos, OEP Executive Director, UCSB
  15. Erica Johnson, P20 Coordinator, UCSB
  16. Mirian Gutierrez, Pathways Coordinator, UCSB
  17. Adrienne Arguijo-Morgan, Pathways Coordinator, UCSB
  18. Enrique Guzman, MESA Coordinator, UCSB
  19. Orly Greenwood, OEP Program Assistant, UCSB
  1. Campus Updates on HSI and STEM Program related Initiatives
  2. SBCC
  3. Down 7% in numbers from the year before and an additional 7% from the prior year, however, STEM enrollment seem to be constant
  4. Establishing of Transfer Integration Committee
  5. due to sheer amount of programs, SBCC is developing chart of programs for student services/programs
  6. Issues:
  7. struggling with how to integrate it and make it visible virtually and provide info to get students in the right place
  8. Seems other campuses struggle with the same issue
  9. Large number of SBCC faculty are adjunct so it is difficult to get information to faculty
  10. Part time students not taking advantage of opportunities so they can become full time students
  11. Suggestions:
  12. Geospatial plotting: Don Lubach had students put e-pins on an electronic map of where transfer student services are
  13. Pick a quarter to build social media campaigns by getting students prospective in focus groups with raffle incentive
  14. STEM program Center
  15. Serves 360 full-time and part-time students
  16. Working with 40 students for summer research programs
  17. Working with intro Chemistry students to connect them to mentoring with Organic chemistry students and chemistry faculty (lunch once per month, followed by lunch with faculty)
  18. Sent first group of students and faculty to Grace Hopper Women in Computing conference this year
  19. MESA
  20. Celebrating 10 years of MESA – Virginia will be honored for 10 years of service to the program
  21. Augmentation of about $27,000 to help support students and their activities
  1. Events:
  2. MESA women wen to see Hidden Figures, in collaboration with a special initiative to focus on women in the MESA program that began a year and a half ago; They meet periodically to bond and serve as a support system for each other
  3. MESA Directors’ retreat in January
  4. Work with the new directors and support older directors with brainstorming new ideas and activities
  5. MESA legislative visits in February
  6. Will be scheduled to talk with Monique Limon and Hannah Beth Jackson
  7. Working on engineering competition for Saturday, April 8th
  8. Hoping to invite 20 SBCC and 20 AHC students
  9. Maybe some SHPE and MEP students can come out to watch/participate
  10. Science Discovery Day, Saturday March 18th
  11. younger K12 crowd, family/community event
  12. Noche de ciencias, Saturday, March 9th
  13. geared towards older K-12 students
  1. AHC
  2. Grants
  1. Change in Grant Writer Director: Cheryl Dettrich
  2. Coming off STEM grant, figuring out how to move forward and maintain the integrity of individual program efforts
  3. MESA and STEM Center will combine into one large center
  4. Teams meet biweekly to coordinate events/tutoring
  5. Funding
  6. District asked to fund position that MESA was previously funding (worth $35k), so now have extra $27,000 in MESA funding plus $35000 of position salary funds
  7. Transportation
  8. Buses needed for MESA-specific fieldtrips
  9. Los Ingenious is doing industry tours up north – SBCC and AHC students can be included
  10. UCSB can fund transportation
  11. C. Reed sabbatical research
  12. Best practices research
  13. Women in engineering at AHC
  14. Serving North Santa Barbara county
  15. A major component that fell off was the outreach component in Northern SB County. What can we do to serve the high schools up in that area?
  16. Currently putting together an Upward Bound proposal with Santa Maria district, waiting for the RFP.
  1. UCSB
  2. March 4th Science Technology MESA Day
  3. Non-MESA students can participate, as an A-G component will be added
  4. UCSB Transfer Career Fair
  5. Took 200 transfer students to career fair
  6. Admissions Host Day of Engineering M-F starting April 3 – April 21
  7. Students may register online
  8. College of Engineering-specific information regarding majors, research, study abroad for engineers, and more
  9. Science and engineering-based tours
  1. Announcements:
  2. Increasing the number of transfer students at UCSB (R. Acosta)
  3. Had steady number of transfer applicants this year (16,793) but UC-wide, numbers decreased
  4. About 50% students applied in December and January and the rest applied late due to extended deadline
  5. Admit numbers for UCSB still undecided but will be disclosed soon
  6. Initiatives
  7. UC Office of President is heavily encouraging engagement in outreach and recruitment
  8. Campuses are partnering with CC’s in certain regions; each UC take 2-3 partners CCs who have seen a drop in UC transfer numbers (UCSB with Ventura, Oxnard, and AHC)
  9. Will be providing increased services, additional visits (2 per month, and invitations to programming events
  10. Open-house Saturday April 8th for transfer students, transportation provided
  11. Counselor in-service to help with advising and changes in articulation – Monday February 13th (SBCC, AHC, VC, OC) located in UCSB Campbell Hall
  12. Will include additional in-services, need-based (undocumented students, veterans) programs
  13. Transfer Making it Happen partnerships – for HS students choosing the CC option (Melissa Chavez is lead)
  14. OHS, VHS RMHS CIHS, Santa Maria HS, SPHS, Fillmore, Santa Ynez, Righetti HS, SMHS, DPHS, SBHS
  15. EAOP is a partner, will bring in Pathways and MESA
  16. Scheduling is in progress for spring (late March and April)
  17. Families are included in Night 1 and Night 2 is individual work with the students
  18. Would like school counselors to use the TES tool for the recruitment of HS students for these yield events
  19. Goal is to build a pipeline with these students to begin funneling them into the transfer process
  20. Transfer Student Center services (M. Phommasa)
  21. UCSB had soft opening for Transfer Center in Spring 2016, with grand opening in fall
  22. Centralized space for resources, as well as a study/collaboration space
  23. Located 1st floor (Oceanside) of the Library
  24. 2 academic advisors FTE, 1 program assistant (0.5 FTE), 1 grad student mentor, 1 academic peer mentor, and 7 peer educators
  25. Services:
  26. academic advising for Letters & Science students, drop-in hours with TSC partners
  27. targeted programming, with much collaboration with Student Affairs to enhance the transfer experience and connect students with services, advising, and other students
  28. STEM Transfer Summer Start Program
  29. In collaboration with UCSB Summer Sessions
  30. 6-week invite-only bridge program for EOP-identified students in Biology, Economics, chemistry, Physics, and Psychology; provides personal attention to assist students with transition
  31. Only 41/80 spots filled this year
  32. Transfer Boost Program
  33. Piloted in summer 2016, supports transition into UCSB and introduces students to UCSB and university life at a research institution
  34. Transfer Student research award
  35. Students may receive up to $750 to get involved in research and other creative activities
  36. Faculty mentoring program
  37. In collaboration with EOP; introduces students to the world of academic by facilitating 3 student-faculty dinners per quarter to provide mentoring and encourage practicing of academic conversations
  38. TSC mentoring program
  39. Sets up new students with existing student mentors (currently 43)
  40. Coffee and Community Hour for first-generation students
  41. Mindful meditation series in collaboration with CAPS
  42. Write with Confidence Program
  • UCSB-Smithsonian Scholars Program –upcoming events for students (E. Johnson/ M. Castellanos)
  • February 16: Paul Collins Channel Islands Invasive Species talk
  • Hoping SBCC can host and broadcast
  • February 24: Paul Collins workshop at SB Natural History Museum
  • April 21-23, Earth Optimism Summit in DC
  • Reaching out to previous UCSB-SI scholars; students will be matched with mentors
  • Professional development and outreach opportunity, at zero cost to student participants
  • May 25-June 1, Smithsonian tropical Research Institute (Panama)
  • Former UCSB-SI students will participate, with a focus on CC participants who can be an ambassador for the program afterwards
  • June 24-25: Santa Cruz Island trip
  • July 23-August 5 or July 29-August 13: UCSB-SI trip to Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
  • Dates are flexible, so please let Erica know of date conflicts
  1. Discussion Items:
  2. AHSIE - Proposal to Present Accepted, @ UNLV, April 9th-12th“Intersegmental, Multi-Institutional Partnerships for Student Success: Best Practices from the HSI Regional Alliance of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties”
  3. Need firm commitments from members who want to attend
  4. C. Reed might be able to webcast in but will see if she can attend in person
  5. SBCC will be represented – haven’t decided on person yet
  6. Bill has committed to going
  7. March 10th is proposal deadline for HACU, conference to occur in October
  8. Agenda Items for following HSI Regional Alliance Meeting (E. Johnson)
  9. March Yield Events – decisions are released in March 21st for UCSB
  10. How can we help get students to UC Campus? (R.Acosta)
  11. Planning for Fall events – how can we work together, support each other’s staff? (open to everyone)
  12. Use some time after the next meeting to prepare for AHSIE or do a conference call (March and early April)
  1. Resource Development:
  3. Multi-part NSF initiative to grant programs in different (pilot, middle, and backbone) org phases.
  4. Goal: Take program from pilot, scale up to add more partners, and grow into larger program that can be reproduced, or “buildout models” that can have national impact
  5. Due mid-February
  6. Smithsonian Institution will be submit a proposal (1 per institution) with Dr. Steve Monfort will be the PI. Someone at UCSB is already doing one.
  7. Will involve collaboration with our H.S.I. partners, so Eric (grant writer) may reach out for help and information
  8. Will be reviewing notes from last year’s proposal
  9. Advancement Opportunities with Smithsonian (Feb. 7th-9th)
  10. Upward Bound Math and Science (SMJUHSD, AHC, UCSB)
  11. due February/March

Save the Dates:

  • March 10, HACU Call for Proposals for National Conference in San Diego
  • Science and Technology MESA Day March 4th 2017
  • UCSB-Smithsonian Santa Cruz Island Trip, June 22nd - 25th
  • UCSB-Smithsonian VA/DC trip July 23rd to August 5th, 2017