
Who is like God Psalm 89:6-8)

Name of God - (Exodus 3:14) Don’t take in vain (Ex 20:7) De 28:58; Mt 6:9

Punishment for Blaspheming his name Le 24:16

Living God (Mark 12:26-27)

Holy, Righteous (Deuteronomy 32:4) (Isaiah 6:1-5)

God – eternal (Psalm 90:1-2)

First and the Last (Isaiah 41:4,44:6, 48:12,Revelation 1:8, 17.)

Wisdom and Knowledge (Romans 11:33-34)(Job 11:7-9) (Job 36:26)

Independent in his will (Daniel 4:35)

Independent in power (Psalm 115:3)(Job 42:2)

Independent in his counsel (Psalm 33:11)

Self Sufficient (Psalms 50:11-13)(Acts 11:24-25)

Immutable (Psalm 102:25-27) (Malachi 3:6) (1 Samuel 15:29)

God sees everything (Jeremiah 23:24) (Psalm 139:7-8) (Heb 4:13)

Humility in God’s presence (Isaiah 6:1-5) (Gen18:27) (Exodus 3:11) (Job 42:5-6) (John 1:26-27) (Judges 13:9-22)

Deity of Jesus – John 1:1;14 5:18; 8:58;14:8-9 Col 2:9 Heb 1:8 Rev 1:8, 17-18


Center of the Bible (Psalms 40:7) (Joh 5:39)

Lamp Psalms 119:105

Fear of the Lord - Pr 9:10

Holiness –Isa 6:1-7 Hebrews 12:14;Re 15:4; 1Sa 2:2;Hab 1:13

Law of God

Perfect Psalms 19:7;

Do not add Deuteronomy 4:2

Matthew 5:19 (Not to break) Ro 3:31 Psalms 119:6

Greatest Commandment Mat 22:37-40

Can we obey the law Proverbs 20:9 Psalms 143:2 James 2:10 1 John 1:8

Fear of the law De 8:6

Fear of the Lord 1 Kings 18: 12

Law was our school master Ga 3:24

Knowledge of sin Rom 3:20;Romans 7:7

Evangelism using the law - (Mt 19:16)


1 John 1:10

What is sin?1Jo 5:17 1Jo 3:4 ; Fall - Gen 3:3

Heart of sin - Gen 8:21 ; Jer 17:9;Ps 119:70; Mt 15:19

Sin separates Isa 59:2 Heart is deceitful - Jeremiah 17:9.

If God kept a record of sin (Psalm 130:3)

Isa 53:6; Ro 3:9-12; Ro 3:23; Romans 7:18;Pr 20:9; Job 14:4; Jer 13:23; Isa 64:6

Inherited sin - Psalm 50:5;Ps 51:5Ro 5:12; Job 14:4;Jer 2:23

Enmity with God (Rom 8:7) Children of wrath (Eph 2:3)Col 1:21Ro 5:10

The whole world is guilty - Romans 3:19 Brings death Eze 18:20

Sin is against God - 1 Sam.2:25

Result - Ro 6:23

Justice of God - Heb. 9:27;Ac 17:31;1Pe 4:5Ro 14:12 Nahum 1:3

Punishment - Revelation 20:11-15;2Th 1:7-9; Mt 25:46;Ps 37:20Isa 13:11

Wrath of God - Psalms 90:11Heb 10:31Job 21:30

Life is Short - Psalm 39:5-6; Ecc 1:4 for the rich (Lu 12:20)


Do not neglect - Heb 2:3; Even demons believe in God - Jas 2:19

Salvation only in Jesus - Ac 4:12;Joh 14:6

from his wrath - 1Th 1:10;Rom. 5:9

Salvation is from God alone - Jonah 2:9; God opens the heart Ac 16:14Joh 1:13John 6:44

By Grace - Ro 11:6; Eph 2:8

Natural man is dead to God (Ephesians 2:1, 5)

Cannot understand 1 Corinthians 2:14.

Sinner is helpless - Jeremiah 13:23

Will Not Lose Salvation - Lu 19:10; Mt 1:21; Joh 6:39; His will Ps 40:7

Predestination Why(Ephesians 1:5) (Revelation 4:11)

Eph 1:4; 1Pe 1:20; 2Ti 1:9; Ac 2:23;Acts 13:48 ;Mt 25:33,34even the labor is from God Ec 3:13

Election - Isa 46:10Sure calling 2Pe 1:10; Joh 15:16; sheep hears Joh 10:26-27;De 7:7-8;

De 9:6 Ro 9:9-23;1Co 1:26-29;Lk 4:24-29;Re 13:8;John 15.16;Acts 18.9, 10,

Foreknowledge – (referring to persons and not to their foreseen acts.) Acts 2:23; Genesis 4:1; 18:17-19; Ex 33:17

Joh 10:14; Joh 10:27; Mt 7:22-23; Ro 8:29

Jesus. Jesus was poor Lu 9:58

Jesus fulfilled the law (Mat 5:17) Made under the law Ga 4:4-5

Will of God Joh 6:38

Forgiveness Ps 103:12 ;

Imputation Righteousness Jer 23:6Rom 1:16-17 (2 Cori5:21) Ro4:22-24Ro3:21;Ro5:19;Isa 61:10;Ps 32:2

One Sacrifice - Hebrews 10:14

Grace Alone - Eph. 2:8-9

No Repentance - John 3:36;Ro 1:18

True Repentance - Psalm 25:11;1 Ps 38:3-10;Ps 51:17Tim1:15;godly sorrow 2Co 7:10

New Life - Eze 36:25-27Joh 3:32Co 7:10; restored God’s image Col3:10; Eph 4:24;2Pe 1:41Pe 1:23

Will stay away from sin - 1Jo 3:9 Partakers of divine nature 2Pe 1:4

Growing in Christ - Ps 27:4; Ps 42:1; Ps 63:1 Col 2:6; knowledge Ro 10:2 Hunger Ps 86:11;

Loves the word Ps 119:11 Fellowship with Christ 1Jo 1:7

Witnessing - Pr 11:30; boldness Ac 4:13

Excuses not to follow Christ - Lu 9:59-62

Prayer– Examine me Ps 26:2; Search me - Ps 139:23 Create me Ps 51:10

Some will not pray - Job 21:15

Old Testament Prophecies of Christ Jesus

Gospel Gen 3:15, Promised Offspring Gen 17:19 (Mt 1:2)

Descend from tribe of Judah Gen 49:10 (Mt 1:2-3)

Heir to the throne of David Isa 9:7 (Mt 1:1)

Birth Isa 9:6 Birthplace Mic 5:2 Born of a Virgin Isa 7:14

Sold for thirty pieces of silver Zech 11:12 (Mt 26:15)

False witnesses Ps 27:12 (Mt 26:60-61)

Struck and spit Isa 50:6 (Mk 14:65)

Mocked and Insulted Ps 22:6-8 (Mt 27:39-40)

Suffering Isa 53:4-5

Crucified with sinners Isa 53:12 Hands and feet pierced Ps 22:16

Given Gall and Vinegar Ps 69:21 (John 19:29)

Side pierced Zech 12:10 (John 19:34) Not a bone broken Ps 34:20 (John 19:33)

Soldiers cast out lots Ps 22:18 (Mk 15:24) Buried with the Rich Isa 53:9 (Mat 27:57-60)

Resurrection Ps 16:10 Ascension Ps 68:18


Loving Jesus - Joh 14:23 obligation to love God Mr 12:30

Rom. 12:1-2; Micah 6:8; I Sam. 15:22

Deuteronomy 27:10 Mark 4:24

Willingness to obey Isaiah 1:19 Fervent in spirit Romans 12:11

Obedience to earthly governments Ro 13:1-2

To Parents Le 19:3;Pr 23:22; Mt 15:4;Eph 6:1;

To Pastors/Teachers 1Co 4:15; 2Ki 2:12; 1Ti 5:17

To Employees Eph 6:5; 1Sa 24:11

Children - Prov 22: 6; Eph 6: 4; 2 Tim3: 15; Prov 23: 14; 1Sa 2:12; 1Co 11:1

The world will hate the true Christians -Joh 15:18-19

False teachings

Not teaching sound doctrine. 2Ti 4:1-5

Sabbath Day

Holy (Lev. 23:3) (Ps. 92:1-2; Isa. 58:13-14) Except for mercy (Matt. 12:11-12)

Ten Commandments cannot be broken Mt 5:18-19 Mt 22:37-40;(Matt. 24:20)

(Genesis 2:2-3) Blessing is to be in his presence Numbers 6:23-27

Mark 2:27; Lu 6:5;Haggai 2:9 Mark 2:28

Ceremonial law Numbers 28:10 of Sabbath destroyed Gal 4:9-11; Rom 14:5-6; Col 2:14-16 Veil of the temple torn Lu 23:45 Heb 9:10-12

Destruction of the temple 70 AD. True tabernacle Heb 8:1-2

Middle Wall of Ceremonialism is Broken. Eph 2:14-15 (Gal 3:28)

First Day of the week – Sunday (John 20:19,26; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2; Revelation 1:10).

The Day of Pentecost (50th) was Sunday –Acts 2:1-2Pentecost was celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Passover.

Sabbath Day to keep it holy - Ex 20:8;Ps 84:4; Heb 10:25; Heb 4:9-11

Profaning Nehemiah 13:15-18Worldly Pleasure Isa 58:13

New Covenant – Jer 31:31-34; Heb 8:8-13 10:16-17; 12:24 Rom 11:27; Mat 26:28

Love of Christ (Ephesians 3:18)

Love to other Christians (John 13:34)


1Sa 15:23; Mt 6:24; Eph 5:5; Col 3:5 idolatry in the heart Eze 14:3-5

Worship Images

Deut 4:10-13 (God has no form)Le 26:1;Isa 2:8;

Other gods 1 Cor 8:5-6 Gal 4:8 They are idols Psalms 96:5

One God, One Lord Isa 43:10-11

First and the Last Isaiah 44:6

Sacrifice of the wicked - Proverbs 21:27

Trusting in Money – worldly pleasure Job 21:9-13

Deceitful (Mat 13:22)

Makes a man prideful (Ezk. 28:5, Job 31:24-25)

Lay your treasures in heaven Matthew 6:19-20

Worldliness - Jas 4:4

Covetousness - Ec 5:10;Pr 30:15; Lu 12:15-21;1Jo 2:15; Ro 7:7; 1Th 2:5

Mk 8:35

Contentment 1Ti 6:6-11

Common Grace 1Co 10:131Sa 25:26-34

Murmuring (Numbers 14:27) Complaining Numbers 11:1


(Eze 33:31 )Isa 58:2-7 Tit 1:16; will not seek God Ps 10:4 No love for God John 5:42; Form of godliness 2Ti 3:5;

Submit God in fear only Ps 66:3 (submit Hebrew is kahash feigned obedience)

Devil is their father John 8:44; Hearts are far Mr 7:6-9

Following the unbelievers

Ps 1:1-2

DiscernmentJosh 9:1-14.

Murder - Ge 9:6; Nu 35:16-21; 2Sa 11:14-17; (1 Kings 21:1-14) (Mt 2:8) Ro 13:4;Re 21:8

Lawful war (Luke 3:14) (Mat. 8:10-13) (Acts 10:2, 33-34)

Atheism - Ps 14:1

Anger - Mt 5:21-22; 1Jo 3:15; Gal 5:21

Adultery – Exod 20:14;Jer 29:23; Mt 5:32;Joh 4:17Co 6:15;1Pe 2:11; 1Th 4:7

Flirting - Mt 5:28; 2Pe 2:14;

Filthy sexual jokes - 1Co 15:33; Col 3:8; Pr 15:26

Divorce - Mt 19:9

Better to Marry than to sin - 1Co 7:9

Married to an unbeliever - 1Co 7:12; 1Co 7:15;1 Pet 3:1-8

Sodomy- Ge 19:5; Le 20:13; Ro 1:26-27

Fornication - 1Co 6:18-20

Polygamy - Mt 19:5; 1Co 7:2

Against Abortion - Ge 38:27; Ec 11:5; Ps 127:3;Ps 139:5; Job 31:15; Isa 49:1

Jer 1:5; Ga 1:15

Forbearing one anotherCol 3:13

Unity among Christians Eph 4:3; Ps 85:10

Meekness - Col3:12; 2Ti 2:24

Humility - Luke 18:10-14

Marriage - Gen 2:18-24;Heb 13:4; Mr 10:7-8

Bad Tongue - Ps 52:2; Ps 140:3; Jas 3:8

Slandering and Backbiting - Le 19:16;Ps 35:11; Jer 18:18; Mt 11:18-19; Gen 39:17;

1Sa 18:22; Pr 26:22

Idle words - Mt 12:36

Satan- god of this age - Eph 2:2; prince and the power Eph 2:2