Email ID: Phone No.040-27156282, 27152352, 33621222
Ref. No: DPS /NAC/16-17/Cir- 92 Date: 18-01-2017
Dear Parent,(Classes VI to X)
Greetings from DPS Nacharam!
Handwriting activates the brain more than keyboarding because it involves more complex motor and cognitive skills. Handwriting contributes to reading fluency because it activates visual perception of letters.
Handwriting is a predictor of success in other subjects, because good handwriting has a positive impact on grades.
It's a hot topic in the education world—the case for handwriting instruction in schools. Here's why...
Top 5 Reasons Why Handwriting Is Important
- It helps improve grades and test scores—Focusing on learning to write fluidly allows your letters and words to be legible. Studies demonstrate that legible papers receive higher grades than illegible ones .On the other hand, poor handwriting can impede school performance. A recent study indicated that difficulty with handwriting results in lower grades on written assignments, has a negative effect on the quantity and quality of students' writing, and influences how long students take to complete written assignments.
- It puts the focus on content—More fluid and automatic handwriting translates to more time for concentrating on contents rather than the mechanics of writing.
- It boosts confidence—Approximately two out of every five teachers indicated that poor handwriting adversely influenced self-concept. However, fluid and automatic handwriting leads to better communication and an easier time completing school work.
- It is a requirement for many jobs—A recent search reveals that positions in security systems, healthcare and engineering, childcare, writing, and utility work require legible handwriting in their job descriptions, underscoring the ongoing value of handwriting in the workplace and the importance of the skill for lifelong success.
- It is an everyday communication skill—If teachers can't read a child's writing, they can't properly grade their work. Handwriting is something that children need to do every day at home and in school. They take notes in class, complete homework assignments, make lists, annotate on page margins, take tests, label projects, leave messages, and so much more.
In this regard, a day long handwriting workshop is being held in the school premises for students of classes VI to X.
Please note the details:
Classes applicable: VI to X
Date: 28th January, 17
Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Venue: Main block dining room
Fee per child: Rs.250/-
School buses will not ply. Parents are required to drop and pick up your ward accordingly.
Mrs.Sunitha Rao
I______, parent of ______class ______am willing to send my ward for the handwriting workshop. I am willing to pay an amount of Rs.250 towards the workshop.
Parent’s Signature: ______Ph. No.______Date: ______