Woodstown High School Drama Club presents Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Performances begin on Thursday March 2nd at 2PM for our annual GRO (Generations Reaching Out) Show and continue on the following dates: Friday, March 3rd 7PM-Saturday, March 4th 7PM- Thursday, March 9th 7PM- Friday, March 10th 7PM, and a final matinee performance on Saturday, March 11th at 3PM. Tickets for the performances will be $12 for Adults and $10 for Seniors and Students (with a student ID). Tickets can be purchased in the main office beginning in January and February, and during lunch periods in the cafeteria in February. If you are purchasing tickets at the door, it is recommended that you come at least 15 minutes prior to curtain time. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is based off of the Biblical saga that tells the story of Joseph, a young man filled with dreams. Out of jealousy for their father’s favorite son, Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery leading Joseph through a series of adventures that lead him from rags to riches. As Joseph experiences success as the right-hand man to the Pharaoh of Egypt, Joseph ends up having to help his estranged brothers, the sons of Israel. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat features a wide variety of song and dance styles sure to get audiences excited and dancing in their seats. The show is being directed by Mrs. Shannon Sheridan, the Music Director is Mr. Kahlil Gunther, Mr. Jason S. Smith is the Set Designer and Producer, Ms. Marybeth Foyle is the Choreographer, Mr. Stephen Seserko is the Technical Director, Ms. Karen Muracco is the Costume Coordinator, and Mrs. Pamela Herman-Morris is the Props Mistress. A cast of approximately sixty students will be performing, supported by a large student crew, live orchestra, student directors, producers, and choreographers. Many of the leading and supporting roles in the cast are shared between two students in alternate performances. All performances will be held in the WHS Auditorium. Come out and support the WHS Drama Club and their 2017 Musical production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat beginning in March!