To Item 12
General Meeting on the 6thJune 2008 in Münich
European Standards
The plenary meeting of the TC 256/SC1 was held in Brussels on the 8thApril 2008 – see enclosed report.
The draft of standards of our interest are the following:
- Working Group 4
EN 14730-1-prA1, Railway applications - Track - Aluminothermic welding of rails
Part 1: Approval of welding processes
The amendment of this EN is now ready and validated during last WG4 meeting.
WG4 requests SC1 to register this amendment officially and to launch an UAPProcedure.
PrEN 14587-2, Railway applications - Track - Flash butt welding of rails - Part 2:
New R220, R260, R260Mn and R350HT grade rails by mobile welding machines
at sites other than at fixed plant
The CRM scheduled on last December has been cancelled.
A resolution by correspondence has been adopted to launch the Formal Vote.
The final document containing the WG4 decisions is now available and has been sent to
SC1.WG4 requests SC1 to make the necessary for launching the Formal Vote.
The Organisation Railsafe which includes National Institution of welding, has prepared a draft of “Minimum requirements for the education, training, examination, qualification and certification of railway track welding personnel”. This document is in parallel to the EN 14730-2 and up to now no actions have been taken by both parts in order to avoid any conflict. EFRTC together with EIMmust face this problem with the TC 256/SC1.
- Working Group 5
- prEN 14033-1 (WI 00256010) Railway applications – Track – Railbound construction and maintenance machines – Part 1: Technical requirements for running.UAP ended 30-01-2008. At the meeting on 2008-02-19/20 WG 5 prepared theUAP version for publication. WG 5 also started the revision of prEN 14033-1 atthis meeting. A second meeting took place on 2008-03-26 and WG 5 adoptedrevised version for CEN Enquiry.
UAP version and CEN Enquiry version will be published at sametime in beginning of summer 2008.
-prEN 14033-2 (WI 00256070) Railway applications – Track – Railboundconstruction and maintenance machines – Part 2: Technical requirements for working
Formal Vote ended 2007-07-10. Draft has been published by CEN in April 2008.
-prEN 14033-3 (WI 00256254) Railway applications – Track – Railboundconstruction and maintenance machines – Part 3: General safety requirements. European comment of CEN Enquiry had been discussed on 2007-11-26/27. CRMwas not necessary. Draft for Formal Vote was delivered by secretariat to SC1 on2007-12-03.
-EN 13977 (WI 00256071) Railway applications – Track – Safety requirementsfor portable machines and trolleys for construction and maintenance. EN 13977 is published.
-EN 13977:2005 /A1 (WI 00256226) Railway applications – Track – Safetyrequirements for portable machines and trolleys for construction and maintenanceEN 13977:2005 /A1 is published. This amendment contains amongothers normative Annex for noise according to Machinery Directive98/37/EC .
-EN 13977:2005 /prA2 (WI 00256251) Railway applications – Track –Safety requirements for portable machines and trolleys for construction andmaintenanceWI should be deleted because this amendment is already included inEN 13977:2005/A1 revision.
-EN 13977:2005/A1 revisionConcerning the requirements of new Machinery–Directive2006/42 /EC draft was prepared and adopted by WG 5 on2007-11-26/27. Draft for CEN Enquiry was sent by secretariat to SC1 on2007-12-07.
-prEN XXXXX-1 (WI 00256252) Railway applications – Track – Road-railmachines and their associated equipment - Part 1: Technical requirements for runningand working
-prEN XXXXX-2 (WI 00256253) Railway applications – Track – Road-railmachines and their associated equipment - Part 2: General safety requirementsCEN Enquiry will end on 2008-05-13.
-prEN XXXYY-1 Railway applications – Track – Non-self-propelled trailers -Part 1: Technical requirements for running and working
-prEN XXXYY-2 Railway applications – Track – Non-self-propelled trailers -Part 2: General safety requirements
-prEN XXXZZ-1 Railway applications – Track – Demountable machines -Part 1: Technical requirements for running and working
-prEN XXXZZ-2 Railway applications – Track – Demountable machines -Part 2: General safety requirements
Drafts for CEN Enquiry were sent by secretariat to SC1 on 2007-12-14.
- Working Group 15
The separation of the prEN 13803-1 and EN 13803-2 – Track alignment design parameters, in two parts is believed tobe confusing since none of the parts can be used separately. The national standardsin UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, etc. are not divided into two parts in asimilar manner.WG15 proposes that SC1 prepares for a decision for a work item of early revision ofEN 13803-2 and prepare it for a merger with prEN 13803-1 into one completestandard. This work item should be followed with the corresponding work item for prEN 13803-1 as soon as possible.
- Working Group 21
The kick-off meeting of WG 21, to initiate the revision of EN 13231-1 & –2, took place on
2007-06-19/20 in Tällberg (Sweden), the second meeting took place on 2007-09-12/13 in Brussels
(Belgium), the third meeting took place on 2007-11-05/06 in Brussels (Belgium), the fourth meetingtook place on 2008-01-23/24 in Rome (Italy), the fifth meeting took place on 2008-03-26/27 inLisbon and the next meetings will take place on 2008-06-18/19 in Munich (Germany) and on2008-10-06/07 in Prague (Czech Republic).
A questionnaire about current practices of Networks in track works acceptance has been circulated
and the final results have been made available and discussed by WG 21.
WG 21 discussed the revision of the scope of EN 13231-1 and decided to add some requirements
for additional working and acceptance parameters (e.g. ballast profile and ballast cleanliness).
WG 21 concluded that the requirements for formation construction or rehabilitation and for
drainage should not be included in the standard and that this should be clearly stated – this meansthat formation replacement trains will not be covered.
WG 21 discussed the acceptance deadlines, namely the reasonable time after application to
perform the final acceptance. Members were asked to check the situation/practice within their
countries so that a harmonized period may be specified to avoid this typical open issue between
the customers and the contractors.
WG 21 discussed the «mean-to-peak» and «peak-to-peak» as alternative methods for analysing
the longitudinal level and alignment, concluding that the only method to be considered is
WG 21 considered a report concerning the comparison of transfer function of asymmetric and
symmetric chord systems. WG 21 discussed chord measurements and concluded that they shall
be made by an asymmetrical chord with a ratio of 40 % to 60 %, noting that recording vehicles andmachines delivered prior to the issue of the revised standard may use a symmetrical chord as well.WG 21 discussed and agreed values for acceptance tolerances concerning relative track
geometry.WG 21 discussed the proposal from BANVERKET concerning the tolerances for absolute positionof the track. Since it has not been possible to conclude on the topic, WG 21 agreed to come backto this during the next meeting; nevertheless, an agreement as principle has been reached to makeit mandatory to use absolute positioning for new projects and to make it voluntary (to be decided bythe customer) for maintenance.
The kick-off meeting of the Sub-Group "Revision of EN 13231-3" took place on 2007-02-22 atStadthagen (Germany), the second meeting took place on 2007-06-28 in Lausanne (Switzerland)and the third meeting took place on 2007-11-20 in Frankfurt (Germany).
Some measurements on grinded rails took place to contribute for the revision of EN 13231-3; therevision of some clauses on existing Annex A "Procedures to verify reference instruments" is underdiscussion.
There are significant consensus’ problems concerning the acceptance of the measuring systems
since each European company believes their own system is the best. To try to solve this, a
meeting is planned between the Austrian, German and Swiss members of the Sub-Group so that apreliminary proposal could be agreed as a basis for further discussion.
Some positive news may be expected by June 2008.
Ballastless track
WG 21 discussed the topic "ballasless track" as requested by CEN/TC 256/SC 1. WG 21 proposesthat a new Study Group "Ballastless track" shall be created with the aim to prepare a
comprehensive programme of work for the possible development of product (requirements and
tests) and acceptance of work standards covering ballastless track systems.
The reason for this is that for the moment there is no European standards applicable treating thistype of track systems, so there is no sense to discuss about a standard for acceptance of work onballastless track if there aren't any product standards to refer to.
- Working Group 28
- EN 13848-1 (Characterisation of track geometry)
The UAP concerning the amendment of Part 1 is currently in progress, ending on the 30th of April2008.The amendment concerns:
a) The scope: in order to restrict the application of 13848-1 to recording vehicles as defined in EN 13848-2, excluding other kinds of measuring system of which specificities should be described inParts 3 and 4.
b) Modifications of the clauses dedicated to track gauge (§ 4.2) according to SG11 recommendations.
- EN 13848-2 (Measuring system – Track recording vehicles)The norm is published.
However, as Part 2 and Part 3 have the same structure; Part 2 should be adapted to keep consistentwith Part 3 for several items which have been modified during the review of comments of Part 3.These modifications affect some definitions and some sentences here and there in the text. It could betreated by an amendment; it is too early to do that because ratification of Part 3 has to be done before.
- prEN 13848-3 (Measuring system – track construction and maintenance machines)
The review of the comments by WG28 is now completed. The table of comments as well as a newdraft of Part 3 have been sent recently to SC1 secretariat.
A date for the CRM has to be planned according the dates scheduled for the next meetings of WG28; apossible date could be on the 3rd or 4th of July in Rome.
- prEN 13848-4 (Measuring system – manual and light weight devices)
Work on Part 4 has begun in July 2007. Considering that review of comments of Part 3 took more timethan expected, the delivery of Part 4 for Enquiry will be slightly delayed; this should be possible at thebeginning of 2009.
- EN 13848-5 (Geometric quality levels)
The EN 13848-5 has been published recently.
However there are 2 comments which have to be taken into consideration:
a) Precision of the title by adding the expression "in plain lines" in order to be consistent with thescope of the standard.At now, the only possibility to modify the title is to make an amendment by means of a UAPprocedure. A new WI is requested from SC1 in order to start the UAP procedure.
b) A-deviation requested by Switzerland.
Considering that the A–deviation was not asked at the Enquiry stage, and that nothing prevents anyNetwork to have stricter rules or limits than a European Norm, it is proposed to reject the Swissdemand of A-Deviation.
- Possible new work: Characterisation of track geometric quality
It has appeared recently that there is a need of a new standard on the characterisation of the geometricquality of the track; this characterisation would lead to a better description of the actual trackgeometric quality in European Network and it would be more particularly helpful for:
− track/vehicle interaction experts for vehicle acceptance process,
− vehicle manufacturers for building vehicles adapted to the actual track condition of given routes,
− Infrastructure Managers for planning their maintenance work.
- Working Group 34
The published EN 14969 – Qualification system for railway trackwork contractors, will be revised in 2008, considering that up to now most of the Infrastructure Managers have not applied this standard.
- Working Group 39
The actual work is carried out by 3 project groups
Taking into account the requirements specified in the scope of WG 39 and available documents the workplan is as follows:
1. The list of railway risks
Inventarisation of risks completed
2. Common principles for the protection of fixed and mobile work sites with trainscirculating on the adjacent track and working track
An hierarchy of measures is set up in correlation with the risks.
At the moment work is focused on special situations like work around stations and thepossibility of permanently installed systems.
Another aspect under discussion is the reaction of trackworkers on warning signals.
Points 1 and 2 is dealt with by project group A
3. Common solutions and technology to be applied and their use – to be developed by aproject group of WG39 and to include consideration of:
a. Methods of blocking tracks
b. Methods of separation from open tracks (fencing)
c. Warning systems – taking into account UIC 965R and possibly involving productionof a replacement for ERRI Specification ERRI A 158/RP3 “Individual warningsystems for personnel working on the track” of 1996 and existing UIC leaflet 730.
Point 3 is dealt with by project group B
A small group within group B is currently preparing a draft for separation (Fences)
The work on Track warning systems is based on a German draft on which a numberWG-members had worked already. The outline of the standard is ready. Still
discussion on the alarmsignals itself.
4. Qualification of the agents responsible for work site protection – to be developed by a
project group of WG39 to produce high-level competence requirements for those:
• Scheduling work
• Planning work and assessing risks for infrastructure and personnel
• Making safety arrangements on site
• Undertaking safety tasks on site
This may possibly also extend to the medical requirements for site safetypersonnel.
Group C has produced an investigation of core competence requirements for :
a. Track safety assistant (e.g. lookout/warden/protection assistant)
b. Track safety supervisor
c. Person in charge of on-track plant or machine
d. Track safety planner
It is to be expected that the work ofWG 39 will result in at least 3 standards. Apart form the project already in the internalwork program also standards on warning systems and separation will be produced.
Currently it is planned to have drafts for the standards available in the beginning of 2009.
The draft for the standard on separation might be available before that
New Work
After an enquiry made by the TC 256/SC1 concerning new works, the following decision have been taken:
Noise Barriers for Rail Infrastructure
The result for the call for experts and convenorship for a future working group to elaborate a standard, had out of 9 received replies , 8 agreement and 1 disagreement. The TC 256/SC1 with resolution 34/2008 decides to prepare a standard.
Qualification of drivers of track construction and maintenance machines
The result for the call for experts and convenorship for a future working group to elaborate a standard, had out of 7 received replies , 3 agreement, 3 disagreement and one abstention. The TC 256/SC1 takes a negative decision concerning the elaboration of a standard. We can note that the proposal presented by EFRTC has not received the support of most of their Members with their National Standard Organisation.
Published Standards
Up to now the published standards related to our activity are the following:
-ENV 13803-1:2002 Railway applications – Track alignment design parameters – Track gauges 1 435 mm and wider – Part 1: Plain line
-EN 13803-2:2006+ AC July 2007 Railway applications – Track alignment design parameters – Track gauges 1 435 mm and wider Part 2: Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design situations with abrupt changes of curvature
-EN 13848-1:2003 Railway applications – Track - Track geometry quality
Part 1: Characterisation of track geometry
-EN 13848-2:2006 Railway applications - Track – Track geometry quality
Part 2: Measuring systems - Track recording vehicles
-EN 13848-5:2008 Railway applications - Track – Track geometry quality
-Part 5: Geometric quality levels
-EN 13977:2005 + A1:2007 Railway applications – Track - Safety requirements for portable machines and trolleys for construction and maintenance
-EN 13231-1:2006 Railway applications – Track – Acceptance of works
Part 1: Works on ballasted track – Plain line
-EN 13231-2:2006 Railway applications – Track – Acceptance of works
Part 2: Works on ballasted track – Switches and crossings
-EN 13231-3:2006 Railway applications – Track – Acceptance of works
Part 3: Acceptance of rail grinding, milling and planning work in track
-EN 14730-1:2006 Railway applications – Track – Aluminothermic welding of rails
Part 1: Approval of welding processes
-EN 14730-2:2006 Railway applications – Track - Aluminothermic welding of rails
Part 2: Qualification of aluminothermic welders, approval of contractors and acceptance of welds
-EN 14969:2006 Railway applications – Track – Qualification system for railway trackworks
-EN 14033-2:2008 Railway applications – Track- Railbound construction and maintenance machines Part 2: Technical requirements for working.
The next plenary meeting of the TC256/SC1 will be held in Delft (The Netherlands) on the 9thOctober 2008at the invitation of NEN.
Rolando Naggar