Date: Thursday 14th January 2016
Co-Chair: Velia Carruthers and Jane Forsyth
Treasurer: Diane Ross and Vivien Cheah
Secretary: Holly Smith
Holly Smith Velia Carruthers Diane Ross Katie Watson
Vivien Cheah Helen Garrett Gunn Jo Hames Elba Emms
Beverley Burke Jo Sargent Caroline Scott Sophia Shaikh
Miss Froud
Angela Ward Helen Ingham Evonne French Jane Forsyth
Pete Gunn Niki Glover Artemi Turvey Ilia Vinnicombe
Karen Wright Catherine Hart
Miss Froud reported on the Teacher's Requests. They were:
· x2 Notice Boards for Beech Class @ £110 approx for both
· x10 Clip Boards @ £13 Total
· Science Resources for the Curiosity Curriculum @ £200 Total
· New Play house for the Infant Playground. The old house and train were removed after a playground inspection. Preferred Cabin style playhouse @ £899 Total.
· x1 set of Classroom tables and chairs @ £1200 Total. These would be needed for either Willow or Chestnut class room to start with. The current tables don't have enough space for the children when working and are also different heights. There is a need for fully plastic chairs which are more suitable that the current metal and plastic chairs.
This is a total spend of £2,422.
The PTA voted on this – ‘Are the PTA in favour of paying £2,422 towards the above Teacher's requests?'
The Majority outcome was a YES.
Miss Froud also reported that there is a need to replace one of the White Boards in Cedar Class which is not functioning properly. It is possible that we may be able to get a discount on a new one if we trade this in. The new cost would be approx £1699. However, if the screen cannot be fixed and used again the price may well be higher. Velia Carruthers reported that she had spoken with Catherine Hart who had said she would be happy to look into raising funds for this. This needs to be scoped out more as it might be more worthwhile to replace all whiteboards with plasma style interactive screens instead in one go.
ACTION: Miss Froud to look into the cost of trading the white board in. Velia and Catherine to liaise with Miss Froud after this has been done on next steps.
Miss Froud also talked about her request at the Governors meeting for funds to refurbish the Children's toilets. The LDBS (Diocese) contribute to the maintenance of the school. Currently the quotes that the LDBS have had are very high. At the moment Miss Froud is waiting to hear if the LDBS will agree to pay for the work to be carried out. If they don't pay for this Miss Froud asked if it is something the PTA could raise money for. However there are a number of factors involved, including whether the LDBS would agree to this and whether their preferred contractors would have to be used.
ACTION: Miss Froud to update the PTA on next steps once she has heard back from the LDBS.
Beverley Burke said it would be great if the PTA newsletter and also the Weekly School Newsletter could contain an update on what the money raised has paid for.
ACTION: Miss Froud to include an update on this week's newsletters. Holly Smith to add to the next PTA newsletter.
Diane Ross reported that the Christmas Fayre made £2391 profit.
The School Disco (Infant and Junior) raised £345 profit.
Helen Garrett Gunn and Jo Hames reported that the Fayre had been successful with the Present Room being a particular highlight.
Helen said it would be good to have a report system whereby the PTA could keep a list of things that did and didn't work at particular events so that it would help the organisers in the future. It was suggested a spread sheet could be created about the Christmas Fayre and it could become part of a 'Manual of Events' which the PTA could use when planning other fundraising events.
ACTION: Helen to create Spreadsheet debrief on the Christmas Fayre. PTA members to pull together useful information about event organisation to help events in the future.
Jo reported that the eco bags designed for Christmas sold well, but that there is some stock left over. Jo asked Miss Froud if the School Office would help sell the remaining stock at £4 a bag. This would be pure profit.
ACTION: Jo to give School Office stock of Eco Bags for sale.
It was also suggested that we could have a Monken Hadley School Merchandise stall at other events such as the Summer Fayre
ACTION: PTA to add this to the list of stalls for Summer Fayre.
Beverley suggested that we started collecting items for fayres earlier if possible - such as teddies for the Tombola and sweets for the sweet jars etc.. This idea was agreed to in principle, however storage space is an issue and the garage is not 'rodent free' enough for items such as gifts and teddies to be stored in. It was agreed that people running those stalls would start to collect items earlier to ensure enough stock was there for the stalls at the fayre.
Bev also suggested that the Class Reps could collect £1/£2 from each person in the class and this could then go towards the cost of a hamper for a raffle for example. Some shops will then provide a better and more expensive hamper as part of their charitable donation to the school.
ACTION: Class Reps to look into this as a possibility for May Ball/Summer Fayre.
Velia asked Miss Froud who was uploading information on to the school's new website. Miss Froud is managing this at the moment.
It was suggested by Helen that items such as the PTA expenses form could be added to the PTA page so people could download and print as they wish.
ACTION: Holly to send Miss Froud the expenses form document to upload onto website.
Miss Froud will also upload the PTA minutes and also PTA newsletters as well. Images are limited at the moment but hopefully there will be more space to add them soon. Jo Sargent asked if we can have a link from the PTA area on the site to the PTA Facebook page.
ACTION: Jo to give Miss Froud the PTA Facebook page link to include on the School Website.
Miss Froud also updated us that the 'Teachers to Parents' text service may well be extended to provide e mails to parents as well. This would also enable parents to use Parent Pay whereby school dinners, school trips and other items can be paid for.
ACTION: Miss Froud to update the status of this at next PTA meeting.
Velia reported that the PTA needs an official letterhead so that it can be used on official documents. Vivian Cheah's brother is going to look at designing this for the PTA and create a formatted letter for us. Velia said that this will be set up as 'The Friends of Monken Hadley School' rather than 'The PTA' as that is the official name the charity is registered under.
ACTION: Viv to update on progress at next PTA meeting.
Helen reported on behalf of Angela Ward that this event will take place on Friday 18th March at St Martha's School Hall. The event was going to be at The Bull, but they were fully booked for that date. Miss Froud was able to ask St Martha's if we could use their hall which they agreed to.
Volunteers are needed to help on the bar, in the Greenroom, and to set up and clear up afterwards.
Sophia Shaikh is happy to run the bar.
ACTION: Class Reps to see if anyone else can help out on the night.
Helen asked if the school Hall could be used for rehearsals the week before. Miss Froud said that the hall would be available for this on either Wednesday 16th March or Friday 11th March.
ACTION: Angela/Helen to confirm date to Miss Froud.
Holly updated the PTA that this would be held on Saturday 14th May at Hadley Wood Golf Course. The food and venue has been booked and deposit paid. The band is still to be booked and Auction prizes are needed as well as Table sponsors. Holly and Catherine Hart are to meet soon to organise the auction lots.
ACTION: Class Reps to ask Classes if anyone would like to donate Auction prizes, or sponsor a table.
Helen reported that a date was needed so that the common could be booked for the School Summer Fayre. It was agreed that Sunday 10th July was a good date.
ACTION: Helen to confirm if the common can be booked for this date.
The organisation and Committee for the Summer Fayre can be picked up at the next meeting.
The next 2 meeting dates were agreed as:
Thursday 10th March at 7.30pm
Thursday 21st April at 7pm.
Miss Froud can attend the April meeting. This means the PTA needs a venue for the March meeting.
Velia asked if the PTA were happy to vote on paying Neil to open and close the hall for that occasion. Holly reminded the PTA that at the last meeting the vote was a majority 'No' and the PTA would not pay for meetings in the School Hall.
The PTA voted on this – ‘Are the PTA in favour of paying Neil for the next PTA meeting?'
The Majority outcome was a YES.
Monken Hadley's Got Talent - 18th March
May Ball - 14th May
Summer Fayre - 10th July (TBC)
ACTION: Class Reps to share these dates with their classes.
11. AOB
Jo asked if the PTA would be interested in doing a Fun Run for Parents and Children to raise money. It was discussed that there would be Health & Safety implications to this, but Velia would speak to Catherine who often takes part in running events.
ACTION: Velia to speak to Catherine.
It was discussed that Class Cake Sales should start up after February Half term so they can be a bit more spread out. Sofia Tufail had agreed to organise these. Sophia will speak to her.
ACTION: Sophia Shaikh to speak with Sofia and Sofia to confirm dates of Cakes Sales.
Thursday 10th March - 7.30pm in the School Hall. All Welcome.
ACTION: Class Reps to share this date with their classes.