Frederick Friends Meeting

Guidance on using the Meeting email list

The email list guidance is being updated in August 2015 in order to communicate a change in policy. The email list is to be used only for announcements relevant to Meeting.

In order to ensure that the email list serves the needs of our Meeting, please be mindful of the following guidelines:

·  The email list should be used for announcements such as:

o  Activities sponsored or endorsed by Frederick Friends Meeting or one of its committees.

o  Announcements made by Quaker organizations.

o  Joys or concerns regarding our members and attenders.

o  Events, groups, and activities that are consistent with our Quaker testimonies.

·  When replying, do not “Reply All” unless you have a clarification or addition to make to the original announcement.

·  Do not forward announcements without the approval of the person or group that sent you the announcement. Forward the content but not the names and email addresses on the original announcement.

·  Do not include other individuals or groups in the message you send to the Frederick Friends list. Doing so violates the privacy of those individuals who are not on our email list.

·  All messages should be respectful and courteous. Language should not be inflammatory or disrespectful.

·  Do not use the email list to promote particular political candidates or partisan political groups.

·  Do not attach large files (files greater than 1 megabyte).

We hope that these considerations encourage the appropriate use of the email list and allow it to be a source of Light for those who receive it, rather than a burden. In order to keep the email list a useful resource for all, the webmaster reserves the right to unsubscribe anyone who repeatedly sends messages deemed inappropriate for the purpose of this email list.

Members and regular attenders of Frederick Friends Meeting are invited to sign up for the Meeting’s email list. Please contact to subscribe to the email list.

FFM Email List Guidance

Updated August 2015