Name: ______
Period: ______
Interwar Period and World War II Test
I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Answer the following questions by placing a CAPITAL letter of the correct answer on the line beside the question. Worth 2 Points
- _____ Mustafa Kemal Ataturk worked to make Turkey a modern nation by
- Forming an alliance with Greece
- Increasing Muslim influence on the government
- Making the government completely secular
- Allowing European powers to help
- _____ Which of the following is most closely associated with the Israeli-Arab Conflict?
- Balfour Declaration
- Kyoto Protocol
- Communist Manifesto
- Treaty of Versailles
- _____ The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act resulted in
- A strong Japanese economy
- Economic prosperity in Europe
- A drastic decrease in world trade
- An increase in American exports
- _____ Fascism is the belief that
- Democratic unity leads to national strength
- Nationalism is rooted in ethnic superiority
- The good of the nation is more important than individual rights
- A classless society run by workers develops a strong government
- _____ Which of the following contributed to the stock market crash of 1929
- Increasing reliance on credit
- drop in Japanese silk prices
- Equal distribution of wealth
- Tight government bank controls
- _____ The goal of Stalin’s Five Year Plans was to
- build labor camps
- increase factory ownership for the works
- quickly industrialize Russia
- remove all opposition to communism
- _____ Which of the following is the meaning of the terms means ‘Truth’ or ‘Soul’ Force, Gandhi’s term for his independence movements.
- Ahimsa
- Satyagraha
- Bapu
- Mahatma
- _____ The goal of the Nuremberg Laws was to
- Rebuild the German army and empire
- Remove Jews from mainstream German society
- Protect Jews and Jewish businesses from attack
- Officially appoint Hitler as chancellor of Germany
- _____ One way in which the conquest of Manchuria by the Japanese (1931) and the conquest of Ethiopia by Italy (1935) are similar is that these actions
- Marked the end of the aggressive expansion of these nations
- Demonstrate the weakness of the League of Nations
- Reestablished the balance of power in the world
- Led to the Long March
- _____ “People would prefer their own bad government rather than submit to the good government of a foreign power”
Which concept is characterized by this statement?
- Nationalism
- Communism
- Socialism
- Militarism
- _____ Which function of the United Nations is based on the concept of collective security?
- Providing health services
- Coordinating global peacekeeping
- Monitoring educational programs
- Assisting in agricultural research
- _____ Which of the following countries was NOT a member of NATO or the Warsaw Pact?
- Czechoslovakia
- Greece
- East Germany
- Yugoslavia
- _____ During World War II, what did Winston Churchill say was the turning point of the war?
- The Battle of El Alamein
- U.S. joining the allies
- Russia joining the Allies
- D-Day invasion
- _____ Who was the leader of the allied forces in Europe?
- Douglas MacArthur
- George Patton
- George C. Marshall
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- _____ This man was the leader of the U.S. Occupation of Japan after WWII
- Douglas MacArthur
- George Patton
- George C. Marshall
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- _____ The Nuremberg Trials are considered an important event in the 20th century because they
- brought an end to genocide forever
- condemned the use of nuclear weapons
- ruled on provisions for the postwaroccupation of Germany
- established principles of responsibility forhuman rights violations
- _____ The Marshall Plan was designed to do which of the following
- Strengthen the alliances from after the war
- Force the losing nations to help rebuild areas destroyed in the war
- Fund economic recovery in war-tornEuropean nations
- Promote the spread of militarism
- _____ Which of the following battles was the final battle leading up to the dropping of the atomic bomb in Japan?
- Manila
- Iwo Jima
- Midway
- Okinawa
- _____ Where did Gandhi begin to practice his non-violent protests?
- Great Britain
- Pakistan
- India
- South Africa
- _____ Which battle is considered the turning point in World War II in the Pacific Theater?
- Okinawa
- Midway
- Iwo Jima
- The Phillipines
- _____ Which of the following mandates was not controlled by Great Britain?
- Palestine
- Iraq
- Syria
- Transjordan
II. Fill in the Blank
Directions: Fill in the Blank in the sentence with the correct answer. The number of blanks corresponds to the number of words in the answer. Worth 2 Point each.
- ______, meaning ‘Great Soul’, was the moniker given to Mohandas Gandhi.
- Through the ______of farmland, the Soviet Union acquired 90% of all farmland in its borders under Joseph Stalin
- ‘Buying on the ______’ is the term used for buying stock with borrowed money.
- The Nazi Party elected ______their leader in 1921.
- Benito Mussolini and his ______marched on Rome in 1922
- Germany annexed Austria and ______before invading ______in 1939, starting World War II.
- The Shah was the ruler of ______during the Interwar Period
- Ibn Saud was the founder of ______, a country known today for it’s oil.
- The term ‘Nazi’ is short for ______, the political ideology of the party.
- The United States’ military tactic in the Pacific Theater was known as ______.
- World War II ended in the Pacific Theater with the use of the atomic bomb on the cities of ______and ______.
- After World War II, ______was divided into four sections and governed by the Allies, and ______was divided into two sections, East and West.
- While Hirohito was the Emperor of Japan, it was General ______who really controlled the country.
- The Battle of ______is considered the turning point in Germany’s invasion of the USSR.
- The Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6th, 1944 is referred to as ______.
- ______and ______both became dominant world economies after World War II.
- Winston Churchill said that an ‘______’ had fallen on Europe after World War II.
- ______was the president of the US at the beginning of the war, while ______was the president at the end.
- Major Japanese Leader of World War II were tried and hanged for their role in the ______, and the inhumane treatment of American prisoners of war.
- Neville Chamberlain is often blamed for Great Britain’s policy of ______leading up to World War II.
- ______was the leader of the Khmer Rogue in Cambodia, which was responsible for the genocide of many peoples.
- List the six Genocides we learned about in class (Worth 1 point each)
- List two reasons for Japanese imperialism in between the World Wars (Worth 2 points each)
- What does NATO stand for?
- Who are the 5 Permanent Members of the UN Security Council? (Worth 1 point each)
III. Map Activity
Directions: Complete the separate map activity, labeling the areas you are asked for. Worth 2 points each
IV. Short Essays
Directions: Complete the essay prompt on the board. Worth 10 points each