Singing the Faith
Singing the faith has been at the heart of the Methodist story from its beginnings. Our common history and experience bear witness to the power of melody and poetry in worship.
This tailor-made collection begins the next chapter in our story. It echoes the distinctive voice of Methodist worship today through its rich diversity of worship styles. It calls us to renewal of prayer, praise and the offering of our lives in joyful response to God’s all-embracing love.
Singing the Faith is eminently suitable for personal, private devotion and collective, public worship:
· Successive Methodist hymn books have been a pivotal means by which we have explored and expressed our emphases of Christian beliefs as well as grown in our faith and understanding. Singing the Faith continues that tradition. This little manual of practical theology will be your constant companion as it comforts and challenges, inspires and encourages you on your pilgrimage of whole life, lifelong and world transforming discipleship.
· The collection is sensitive to our heritage but also to today’s fellowships through its careful arrangement of classic and contemporary worship styles. It will enable and enrich collective worship by instilling variety and vitality while underpinning everything with the breadth and depth of our theology. In so doing it carries forward our Methodist values into the worship expression of a new generation.
Singing the Faith is something tangible and enduring in our increasingly virtual and transient world. It has been built to last and designed as a gift to be given away to old and new members alike. It is the gift of a worship companion for the journey of Christian discipleship.
Singing the Faith
Singing the faith has been at the heart of the Methodist story from its beginnings. Our common history and experience bear witness to the power of melody and poetry in worship.
This tailor-made collection begins the next chapter in our story. It echoes the distinctive voice of Methodist worship today through its rich diversity of worship styles. It calls us to renewal of prayer, praise and the offering of our lives in joyful response to God’s all-embracing love.
Singing the Faith is eminently suitable for personal, private devotion and collective, public worship:
· Successive Methodist hymn books have been a pivotal means by which we have explored and expressed our emphases of Christian beliefs as well as grown in our faith and understanding. Singing the Faith continues that tradition. This little manual of practical theology will be your constant companion as it comforts and challenges, inspires and encourages you on your pilgrimage of whole life, lifelong and world transforming discipleship.
· The collection is sensitive to our heritage but also to today’s fellowships through its careful arrangement of classic and contemporary worship styles. It will enable and enrich collective worship by instilling variety and vitality while underpinning everything with the breadth and depth of our theology. In so doing it carries forward our Methodist values into the worship expression of a new generation.
Singing the Faith is something tangible and enduring in our increasingly virtual and transient world. It has been built to last and designed as a gift to be given away to old and new members alike. It is the gift of a worship companion for the journey of Christian discipleship.
Hardback ▪ 1904pp ▪ 216 x 143 x 55mm ▪ £30 ▪ 2011
Hardback ▪ 800pp ▪ 177 x 114 x 30mm ▪ £10 ▪ 2011
Words (large print)
Hardback ▪ 848pp ▪ 216 x 143 x 30mm ▪ £15 ▪ 2011
Words (electronic)
Downloadable software via a program key ▪ £30 (inc VAT) ▪ 2011
For projection or locally produced service sheets. Compatible with versions of Microsoft
Windows from 2000. Installation on a single PC only. No version for Macs. Where material
is not covered by a CCL, users are directed to the copyright holder or agent.
Words (ePub)
£10 (inc VAT) ▪ June 2013 ▪ Available from
Words (Kindle)
£10 (inc VAT) ▪ May 2013 • Available from
Words (Braille – complete collection and individual hymns/songs)
£10 (complete collection) / Free (individual hymns/songs)* ▪ July 2013
Available from the Torch Trust only. For enquiries and orders, please call 01858 438260
or email . * There is no charge from Torch Trust for accessing the electronic files of individual hymns/songs, but your local embosser may charge for production of service sheets etc.
Music (Presentation)
1904pp • 216 x 143 x 39mm ▪ £50 ▪ Autumn 2013
Flexible leatherette cover with gilded page edges, ribbon marker, plus head and tail bands.
Printed on fine, Bible paper. Note: Same page size as current music edition.
Piano Accompaniment
35 CDs ▪ July 2013 ▪ £132.00 (inc VAT) plus £6 postage and packing
The Methodist Church Hymns Ancient & Modern
Registered charity no. 1132208 Registered charity no. 270060
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this leaflet, all details are subject to change without prior notice.
Hardback ▪ 1904pp ▪ 216 x 143 x 55mm ▪ £30 ▪ 2011
Hardback ▪ 800pp ▪ 177 x 114 x 30mm ▪ £10 ▪ 2011
Words (large print)
Hardback ▪ 848pp ▪ 216 x 143 x 30mm ▪ £15 ▪ 2011
Words (electronic)
Downloadable software via a program key ▪ £30 (inc VAT) ▪ 2011
For projection or locally produced service sheets. Compatible with versions of Microsoft
Windows from 2000. Installation on a single PC only. No version for Macs. Where material
is not covered by a CCL, users are directed to the copyright holder or agent.
Words (ePub)
£10 (inc VAT) ▪ June 2013 ▪ Available from
Words (Kindle)
£10 (inc VAT) ▪ May 2013 • Available from
Words (Braille – complete collection and individual hymns/songs)
£10 (complete collection) / Free (individual hymns/songs)* ▪ July 2013
Available from the Torch Trust only. For enquiries and orders, please call 01858 438260
or email . * There is no charge from Torch Trust for accessing the electronic files of individual hymns/songs, but your local embosser may charge for production of service sheets etc.
Music (Presentation)
1904pp • 216 x 143 x 39mm ▪ £50 ▪ Autumn 2013
Flexible leatherette cover with gilded page edges, ribbon marker, plus head and tail bands.
Printed on fine, Bible paper. Note: Same page size as current music edition.
Piano Accompaniment
35 CDs ▪ July 2013 ▪ £132.00 (inc VAT) plus £6 postage and packing
The Methodist Church Hymns Ancient & Modern
Registered charity no. 1132208 Registered charity no. 270060
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this leaflet, all details are subject to change without prior notice.