Commission Quarterly


Welcome from the Commissioners

Welcome to the November edition of the Commission Quarterly, this will be the last for 2014.

In this edition we’d like to introduce some of the reforms we will be consulting on before implementation – around safety and accessibility. There is also an update on the latest customer satisfaction results.

Many of the changes introduced in the past year are slowly filtering through to represent tangible changes for the public. We’re keeping a close eye on the effects they are having, particularly as we head into the busy festive season.

Douglas Shirrefs

Graeme Samuel

Merran Kelsall


The taxi and hire car reform is complex and constantly evolving. While every effort has been made to ensure the information in the Commission Quarterly is as up to date and as accurate as possible at the time of publication, the currency and accuracy of the information provided cannot be guaranteed. The information contained in the Commission Quarterly is a summary only and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal or other professional advice. Readers are advised to obtain independent legal or other professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.


The Taxi Services Commission successfully implemented thefoundation reforms by 30 June 2014.


The Knowledge test was introduced to raise the standards of taxi drivers and ensure that they know the local area they are driving in, have a good understanding of safety, customer service and other important skills such as dealing with people with a disability.

The Knowledge Test is continuing to be updated to reflect current or changing laws and policies. More people are passing one or more modules of the test as applicants realise that they must study and fully understand the requirements to be a proficient taxi driver.

The TSC is now developing a new module specifically for hire car drivers. This will be available towards the end of 2014 and is tailored to reflect the different requirements of hire car drivers.

A training handbook for prospective applicants is also under consideration to assist potential drivers have a better understanding of the types of study they should undertake before attempting to sit modules of the Knowledge. More details on this will be available shortly. Stay up to date with the latest by visiting or following us on twitter @taxicommission.


The TSC has recently developed a monitoring, compliance and enforcement policy. This will assist the TSC, industry stakeholders and other parties to understand the suite of tools available to ensure duties, obligations and responsibilities are met.

The TSC is committed to an active risk-based model focussing on those areas that pose the highest risk to the community and encouraging the industry to self-regulate where possible. This includes finding the right balance between providing support, education and compliance assistance to stakeholders and the need to deter unlawful behavior to the full extent of the law.


The TSC continues to consult with the industry and stakeholders on key changes as part of the reforms. In the next phase of reform implementation we will be seeking industry and public input into two key areas.

A project to upgrade taximeters with new features and capabilities has already begun and consultation around accessibility will be vital to the success of this project. The safety review will also rely on significant engagement to improve a range of issues around in-cab safety.

The technologies available through smartphones demonstrate the capacity for innovation in the delivery transport options. New services utilizing these technologies have appeared in Victoria and are contributing to more competition in the market, but they too need to comply with legislative requirements like the taxi industry.

Opening up the industry and encouraging competition will make the industry more accountable for the services it provides and customers will be able to choose services that meet their needs. We encourage this type of competition, but not at the expense of driver and passenger safety.


The TSC has recently increased the areas we measure satisfaction in as well as improving how we conduct the study.

From 1 July, the Customer Satisfaction Monitor (CSM) now also reports on taxi services and hire car services across the state. We now also conduct the survey online to complement our ongoing phone surveys. This is giving us a better picture of the industry and the ability to compare services. The first quarter of our expanded survey has shown:

  • Satisfaction with taxi services is higher in country areas than in metropolitan areas;
  • Satisfaction with hire cars is higher than with taxis; and
  • Satisfaction rates are higher across the board with phone respondents compared to online.

We look forward to the second quarter of our expanded survey to continue to monitor the new methodology and broader range of results.


1800 638 802

TTY/Voice users
1800 555 677

Speak and listen users
1800 555 727


Taxi Services Commission
Level 23, 80 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
GPO Box 1716, Melbourne VIC 3001 Phone: 1800 638 802 (toll-free)
August 2014
