289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089
VNIP Quarterly ReportOctober through December, 2009
Within this report we recap the work and planning that VNIP staff and faculty are involved in. While this includes the highlights of time spent in support of our mission and vision, it does not include the many individual requests for information and presentations that arrive via e-mail. Our content and focus continue to be a common concern within healthcare staff development.
Vermont Courses and/or Staff Development Consulting
- Preceptor Celebration on October 12 at Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center.
- Advanced preceptor session: Facing the Challenge: Difficult Communication was held at the Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice in Rutland, VT on November 2 and at Rutland Regional Medical Center in Rutland, VT on November 3.
- Advanced preceptor session: Civility in the Workplace was held at Copley Hospital in Morrisville, VT on November 4. Continued work on the Vermont Nursing Education Committee, which keeps Susan in direct connection with activities and issues related to Vermont Nursing Regulation.
- Consulting and support for the Vermont Health Care Association’s workgroup considering the development of Licensed Nurse Aide Credentialing.
- Presented a concurrent session at the UVM/FAHC Research Symposium in December.
Presentations for specific agencies and/or regional conferences outside Vermont:
- Anne Walker was a Presenter at the Professional Nursing Education and Development conference October 2 & 3 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
- On October 7, presented a 4-hour Pre-conference workshop (Core Curriculum for Preceptor Development) at the 2009 Health Care Education Conference (Moving Mountains in Health Care Education) in Asheville, North Carolina. Anne Walker also presented at this conference (Leadership Challenge, Managing Unsolvable Problems) on October 9.
- Mentorship – the NYSNA leadership course included a session on mentorship offered by Susan at their office in Latham, NY, October 29.
- On Nov 3rd presented a concurrent session at the STT research conference in Indianapolis.
- On November 5, presented a one-day introduction to VNIP at NYC College in Brooklyn. This is part of CUNY’s (NYC College of Technology) HRSA grant.
- Clinical Competence Development Courses:
°as contracted with New York State Nurse Association – October 21-27 in Westchester County
Upcoming presentations – within Vermont:
- The next basic preceptor workshop is scheduled for January 8 & 15, 2010 at Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center.
- CVH has expressed interest in hosting Preceptor Workshops. Specific dates will be released when conference rooms are confirmed.
Upcoming presentations – outside Vermont:
- Clinical Competence Program Development Courses: As contracted with New York State Nurse Association, the following is planned to complete our contract: March, 2010 in the Utica/Watertown NY area.
- NYC College of Technology (CUNY) – HRSA Grant with a budget of $60,000 for site license, up to 3 days of instruction, and some cyber-consulting for the full grant period.
Other news and work:
- Developed a work plan for VT Nursing Summit 2010. Distributed the call for abstracts and moving forward on the work plan with the assistance of Deb Limoges.
- Anne Walker, Jane Oliphant and Ellen Hagman have continued their services with our website and have now published six editions of the newsletter.
- VNIP support staff continues to implement budget management, establish program records, accept registrations, schedule resources for presentations and maintain the varied efforts of VNIP.
- Contract discussions:
- Army Nurse Corps - Have not heard back from them, possibly because we do not fit into their budget at this time.
- Centura – Have not heard back from the, but will be having further discussions with them in January.
- NYSNA is in process of submitting a new grant proposal which could continue the collaborative program offerings for another two years – hope to hear back from them by the end of the year.
- Grant proposal – submitted by NYC Health and Hospital Corporation
- Kaiser –submitted a contract proposal for Northern California and is waiting for their response. Kaiser Northern California presently has eighteen agencies with over 3000 beds.
- VNIP website – Discussions of the analysis of our website have been ongoing with the Board of Directors.
The Google Analytics report shows stable visitation. Ellen Hagman will check about having a specific e-mail address to be set up for visitation information; and to have our contact information on our website, to be listed on every webpage.
- Susan has worked with the New Hampshire Nurse Association in designing a survey tool for evaluation and comparing the process and resources that agencies use for orientations.
- Work on system structure and pricing for renewal of site licenses continues with implementation planned by the end of the year.
- The research team of Pat Fry, Richard Watters and Ellen Hagman has discussed publishing the articles of the research outcomes.
- Mary Val Palumbo, Rick Watters and Susan Boyer are all currently involved in writing for various publications.
- Convene Vermont research workgroup - A Research Committee needs to be developed to formalize planning for data collection, such as a minimum data set which could be available to other agencies. (To be revisited at a Board meeting within next three months. Presently the only data collection we are collecting is tracking retention and reasons for leaving.)
- Consider design for preceptor pin and naming of newsletter - Solicit authors for newsletter articles; Format quarterly report, calendar of event, updates/modifications of VNIP tools and planning of upcoming work for inclusion in newsletter
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Boyer, Executive Director, VNIP
VNIP - Supporting transition with a focus on competence, evidence, safety and collaboration1