Honors Physics
Mr. Ian Smith
ContentInstructional TimeTentative Concluding Date
Unit 1 Waves and Sound3 weeks2/15
Unit 2 Optics 2 weeks3/3
Unit 3 Electrostatics and Electric Circuits2.4 weeks3/22
Unit 4 Motion in One Dimension 3 weeks4/12
Unit 5 Newton’s Laws 3 weeks5/5
Unit 6 Motion in Two Dimensions2.5 weeks5/24
Unit 7Work & Energy2 weeks6/7
Final Exam1 day6/9
Grades: Your grade will be determined by weighted groups:
Primary Assessments (tests, Performance assessments, etc.)50%
Secondary Assessments (Quizzes)20%
Inquiry and Collaborative Activities (projects, labs, group work.)20%
Support/Practice/Participation (homework, class work)10%
Each group grade is determined by using total points in the group.
The final grade of the course is calculated by each term being worth 40% and the final exam being worth 10%. There will be three performance assessments during the semester each worth 3.33% of the total course grade.
You should keep track of your grades!
Class Requirements:
Students will be required to bring the following to class on a daily basis:
- Notebook (3-ring is best)
- Pencil & Pen (practice work should be done in pencil)
- Scientific Calculator (graphing is best but scientific will do fine)
- Lab notebook
- Designed for practice of new material, graded on effort (unless otherwise noted)
- Usually 1 pt. per problem or question
- Homework that must be handed in may be handed in one day late for a maximum of 50%
- Homework quizzes are given on occasion and are sometimes unannounced
- Any homework missed due to absence must be completed upon return - It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all missed assignments, and show them to me.
Before & After School Help: by appointment before school – or after school on Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Students are encouraged to request extra help when necessary or to complete assignments missed due to absence.
- At some point, you will need help! The student and parents are responsible for contacting me for help
Missed and Late Work:
- In the case of absence, it is the student’s responsibility to learn what work must be made up, and when it is due. Ask classmates for notes first, then the teacher.
- If any assessment is missed due to absence, the student must speak with the teacher upon return to class to schedule a make-up.
- Work that is turned in late will have points deducted based on lateness and assignment.
- Class participation is very important to each individual student’s learning, and to the progress of the class as a whole. You cannot be an active learner if you are not active! Duh!
Second Chance Learning:
- When students do not perform up to the level of understanding that they expected on an assessment they are encouraged and expected to come in and review it with other students or myself during a tutoring session.
- Students who are putting forth the proper in-class effort as well as after school effort may be allowed to completeONEform of second chance learning in a marking period
What is “Class Participation?”
Appropriate participation:
- Regular, prompt attendance:
- get to class on time
- bring excuse note or pass when absent or tardy
- no overuse of nurse (5 times or less a quarter)
- no excessive use of lavatory (frequency or duration of trips)
- Attentiveness:
- make eye contact with the teacher or student that is speaking about physics
- focus on appropriate task: notes on board, problems at desk, lab work
- Laugh at my jokes and be amazed by my intellect!
- Do not cause distractions
- Sleeping is not allowed. Sleep at night, not in class.
- Preparedness:
- bring a notebook, paper, pencils (and pens), and a calculator every day
- bring an active and excited mind to class
- have your materials on your desk when class starts
- be rested and fed
- Involvement In Class:
- try to answer as best you can if called on
- volunteer to answer questions 2-3 times a day (or more!)
- be aware of the discussion topic during “lecture”
- know the objective during lab
- work actively on problems during seat/group work
- Behavior:
- be respectful to all classmates and teacher
- be careful with equipment
- follow all CB South rules as noted in student handbook